肖申克的救赎(剧本)1 INT - CABIN - NIGHT (1946) 内景-小屋-夜晚A dark, empty room. 一所黑黑的、空洞的房子The door bursts open. A MAN and WOMAN enter, drunk and giggling, horny as hell. No sooner is the door shut than theyre all over each other, ripping at clothes, pawing at flesh, mouths locked together. 门突然被撞开,一个男人和一个女人醉意地走了进来,吃吃地笑着,很是暧昧。不等门关上,他们就缠在了一块,互相撕扯着衣服,搓摸着对方的身体,两张嘴紧紧地贴在了一起。He gropes for a lamp, tries to turn it on, knocks it over instead. Hell with it. Hes got more urgent things to do, lik