乔布斯演讲的秘诀范文仅供参考,自行编辑使用乔布斯演讲的秘诀1. Develop a messianic sense of purpose. Where is your passion for this subject coming from? Convey that.”对内容有很大的热忱”。告诉观众你对演讲主题的热情来自哪里。2. Create Twitter-like headlines. People dont want to read, they want to hear a story.“标题简洁”。人们不想阅读大段文字,他们想听你的故事。3. Draw a road map. Make your audience feels the presentation is organized, with a beginning, middle and end.“思路明确”。用“开头,中间部分,结尾”的结构让观众感觉到你演讲的清晰思路。4. “Introduce the antagonist.” Whats