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1、 外文翻译 原文 Analysis of B2B e-marketplaces: an operations perspective Material Source: Information Systems and E-Business Management , Vol.8, No.3,2010 Author: Siddhartha Bhattacharyya The development of the internet and the World Wide Web (www) in the 1990s as a tool for the global sharing of informat

2、ion has opened up new opportunities in marketing practices. “The rapid growth of internet users has made the internet an increasingly important and attractive platform for business transactions”(Liang et al., 2004, p. 538). According to the Internet World Stats (2007), by March 2008, the internet us

3、er population reached 1.40 billions world wide, an increase of 290 percent in the period from 2000 to 2008 (Figure 1). Many academics and practitioners have emphasized that the internet is a major platform for e-marketing to deal with marketing mixes, which include global accessibility (Laudon and L

4、audon, 2002), convenience in updating B2B e-marketplace, as one of the major trading platforms brought by the internet technology has made a significant contribution to the e-marketers. The larger organisations are taking advantages from the vast array of suppliers/buyers via the B2B e-marketplace (

5、Stockdale and Standing, 2004). However, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are also eager to compete in the electronic environment remain concerns as how their businesses can gain benefits from B2B e-marketplace. With significant online and offline publications from both academia and industry

6、 (Strauss and Frost, 2001; Chaffey, 2004; Sandeep and Singh, 2005; Brady et al., 2008), there is a growing awareness of the contribution of the e-marketing in the global environment. Nonetheless, there is limitation on how to explore the opportunities for SMEs in benefiting from the emergent e-marke

7、ting practices, derive from the B2B e-marketplace. This paper is intended to provide a clear understanding of the performance of e-marketplace in conducting e-marketing in the global business environment. The proposed framework is intended to be used as a guide for B2B firms especially SMEs who wish

8、 to adopt a proactive approach in the use of information and communication technology (ICT) for business efficiency and competitive advantage, and those who wish to explore the internet technologies for marketing activities. The paper has three main sections. First, the study outlines the motivation

9、 and objectives for the proposed e-marketing framework. Second, the relevant literature focuses on reviewing three recognised e-marketing frameworks and the performances of e-marketing in B2B e-marketplace, and finally, the key findings are presented and discussed. With the advent of the internet te

10、chnology, the traditional marketing frameworks are redesigned and supported by electronic technologies to create innovative marketing models (Chaffey, 2004; Logrosen, 2005). Chaffey (2004) suggests that e-marketing plan should be linked to other corporate plans in order to support the marketing acti

11、vities. Referring to Figure 2, the e-marketing plan in an organisation should integrate with other corporate or functional strategies to inform specific market plans for different products or geographical markets. This framework is also integrated with information system (IS)/information technology

12、(IT) and e-business strategy to fulfill the traditional marketing practices of creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers. In addition, e-marketing will include other technologies such as the internet to enable customer relationship management (CRM), supply chain management, and ente

13、rprise resources planning to help to define the organisations marketing objectives (Chaffey, 2004; Strauss and Frost, 2001). However, many organisations are still not fully aware of the benefits and opportunities provided by e-marketing. The main concern is the presence of financial constrains and t

14、echnological expertise especially for SMEs who have limited resources. Gilmore et al. (2007) identified several drivers to motivate SMEs in the adoption of e-marketing including; lower operating and marketing costs, enriched overall marketing communications mix, and gaining competitive disadvantages

15、 in peripheral areas. Furthermore, SMEs have been experiencing difficulties in implementing e-marketing due to the lack of specialist in e-marketing, resulting difficulties in responding to competitive threats. Gloor (2000) emphasizes that business and technology are fundamental factors to complete

16、the e-marketing vision, and the transformation to electronic businesses has to consider various aspects including the potential of e-marketing technology (Figure 3). The business vision need to be clearly defined, and the decision makers including functional managers should work together to complete

17、 the transformation plan. Based on the roadmap proposed by Gloor (2000), there is a need for high level ICT expertise, and the business experts play a crucial role to ensure the development of flexible, scalable and extensible marketing architecture to support current needs and future business requi

18、rements. The framework in Figure 3 indicates the interactive nature of the e-marketing process, which is never completed but rather is an on-going activity. Furthermore, marketers are now looking at the extended marketing strategy that comprises diagnostic assessment and future vision of the organis

19、ations that provide additional business efficiencies and business leverage to maintain their competitive positions. This attention needs to be directed towards the objectives of choosing the right e-marketing resources (including tools, people, techniques and technologies as indicated in Gloors fram

20、ework). The right e-marketing resources should be a vehicle for marketing firms to learn and enhance the knowledge Figureand understanding of the e-marketing strategies to complete the reinvention of organisations business models. Whilst the above authors have made a significant contribution to know

21、ledge in the area, a clear and comprehensive picture of e-marketing adoption would be instrumental in priding a road map for the same. Many practitioners and academics (Laudon and Laudon, 2002; Stockdale and Standing, 2004; Gilmore et al., 2007) have suggested that most organisations especially SMEs

22、 are uncertain about whether they have sufficient resources/expertises/experiences to use the internet and e-marketing as their marketing tool. The e-marketer needs to be aware of the current issues and trends including; the effectiveness of current marketing strategies/policies adoption (Michel et

23、al., 2003; Gebauer et al., 2007), main reasons of e-marketing adoption (Stockdale and Standing, 2004), the major components of e-marketing strategies (Gloor,2000) and its benefits and challenges (Sculley and Woods, 2001). Review of e-marketing performances in B2B e-marketplace The internet is the fo

24、undation for B2B commerce that provides the technology and platform to enable this business relationships work effectively. B2B transactions over public and private sectors uses the internet as a delivery vehicle for transactions including; financial transfer, on-line exchanges, auctions, delivery o

25、f products, and services (OReily and Finnegan, 2007). Many practitioners are predicting B2B commerce is expected to have a massive growth and majority of the organisations will have to give consideration to involve with B2B commerce. Referring to Figure 5, B2B consists of three main elements and the

26、 e-marketplace performs the main tasks such as sourcing, automated purchasing, processing to facilitate the sellers and buyers to do. Laudon and Laudon (2000) stated that B2B e-marketplace refers to the exchange of information, products, services, and payment via the internet between buyers and sell

27、ers. B2B e-marketplaces are typically defined as inter-organisational IS through which multiple buyers and sellers interact electronically to identify potential trading partners, select them and execute transactions (Rohm et al., 2004). Murtaza et al. (2004) argued that, B2B e-marketplace is able to

28、 remove some of the inefficiency of traditional business functionality and allows partners to streamline their marketing activities by sharing information instantaneously. In recent years, B2B e-marketplace have improved/enhanced the extent of e-marketing activities; providing to all marketers espec

29、ially to SMEs. Recent studies (Narayanasamy et al., 2008; Pavaloia, 2009) are indicative of the fact that SMEs have started to respond positively to the changes brought about by the internet technologies. While the main concerns of SMEs are related to the generic SMEs characteristics of limited time

30、/resources and expertise, B2B e-marketplace provide a favorable environment for SMEs to; lower operating and marketing cost, better opportunity to promote their products/services, and enrich their overall marketing communications mix. Most of the B2B e-marketplace studies utilise a business perspect

31、ive to explore; their development (Albrecht et al., 2005), role and classification (Bakos, 1998; Angeles, 2001; Kandampully, 2003), their operation (Murtaza et al., 2004), benefits and barriers (Stockdale and Standing, 2004), their key success factors (Yu, 2007), and so on. However, the current lite

32、ratures do not fully explore the issues relating to theperformances of B2B e-marketplace from an e-marketing perspective. In addition, much of the research is focused on particular research areas of interest often ignoring the links to others dimensions in particular e-marketing services. Hence, the

33、re are concerns that the despite the efforts to promote adoption of B2B e-marketplace from an e-marketing perspective, SMEs are not fully aware of the opportunities and benefits (Stockdale and Standing, 2004). The literature provides insights into the current level of internet-enabler marketing tech

34、nologies from B2B e-marketplace to the marketers. The online and offline publications from both academics and practitioners indicated that, e-marketing via B2B e-marketplace is a modern marketing practice for buying and selling goods/services, exchange information/ideas via the internet associated w

35、ith communication andpromotional purposes. The frameworks suggested by various authors including Chaffey (2004), Gloor (2000), Kierzkowski et al. (1996) makes a significant contribution to knowledge in the areas of e-marketing that has the potential to create competitive advantage and enhance custom

36、er value. However, it appears that there is limited exploitation of such frameworks by industry professional. In order to develop a better understanding of the topic under study, this paper will adapt a multidisciplinary approach by integrating; traditional SMEs marketing, e-marketing, IS/IT, and B2

37、B e-marketplace to develop an e-marketing framework that will offer a greater value for SMEs. 译文 B2B 电子市场的 B2B 电子商务的网络营销框架 资料来源 : 信息系统和电子商务管理, 8 卷, 3 期 , 2010 作者: 巴氏悉达 多 在互联网和万维网 ( WWW) 的作为一种工具在 20 世纪 90 年代的全球信息共享的发展开辟了新的机会在市场营销手法。 “ 互联网用户的迅速增长使得互联网成为商业交易日益重要和有吸引力的平台 “ (梁等。 2004 年,第 538)。据互联网世界统计( 2

38、007 年), 2008 年 3 月 ,互联网用户达到 1.40 亿人口的世界大,百分之一的 290 从 2000 年至 2008 年期间增 加(图 1)。许多学者和实践者强调,互联网是一个电子营销的主要平台,以处理与行销组合,其中包括在更新的全球可访问性(劳顿和劳顿, 2002),方便 B2B 电子商务市场,作为主要交易的互联网技术带来的平台之一,作出了重大贡献,电子营销。较大的组织正在从供应商 /采购商通过 B2B 电子商务市场(斯托克代尔和地位, 2004 年)繁多的优势。然而,中小型( SMEs)的中小型企业也渴望在电子环境中保持竞争力,如何能获得其业务从 B2B 电子市场利益的关切。

39、随着重要的在线和离线出版物的学术界和工业界(施特劳斯和冰霜, 2001 年 ;查费, 2004 年和 森迪普和辛格, 2005 年 ;布雷迪等人, 2008 年),有一个关于电子营销中的 贡献日益认识全球环境。然而,有关于如何应对突发性探索从电子营销手法, 从 B2B 电子商务市场中获得受益的机会,为中小企业的限制。本文的目的是提供一个对电子市场进行全球商业环境中的电子营销业绩清醒的认识。建议的框架旨在作为企业尤其是中小企业的 B2B 谁希望通过在信息和通信技术( ICT)的业务效率和竞争优势主动的 方式使用,用于指导和那些 要探索市场营销活动的互联网技术。 本文有三个主要部分。首先,研究概述

40、了拟议的电子营销框架的动力和目标。其次,回顾相关文献集中于三个公认的电子营销框架和 B2B 电子商务市场中的电子营销表演,最后,关键的调查结果与讨论。 随着互联网技术的出现,传统的营销框架重新设计和电子技术支持,以创造创新的营销模式(查费, 2004 年 ; 森迪普 , 2005)。查费( 2004) 认为 ,网络营销计划应与其他企业的计划,以支持市场营销活动。 在一个组织网络营销计划应与其他企业整合战略,以通知或功能不同产品或地区市场的特定市场的计划。这个框架也集成与信息系 统( IS) /信息技术( IT)和电子经营策 略,以实现创造,沟通,为客户提供价值和传统的 营销手法。 此外,电子营

41、销将包括其他技术,如互联网,使客户关系管 理( CRM),供应链管理,企业资源规划,以帮助确定该组织的营销目标(查费, 2004 年 ;斯特劳斯和弗罗斯特, 2001 年)。然而,许多组织还没有完全意识到的利益和机会的电子营销提供。主要关注的是金融的存在制约和技术专长的中小企业资源有限,特别是吉尔摩等。 ( 2007年)确定了几个司机,以鼓励在电子,包括市场营销通过中小型企业 ;降低运营和营销成本,丰富了整体营销传播组合,并获得在周边地区竞争劣势。此外,中小企业已经经历在实施网络营销由于在电子营销专家不 足的困难,导致在应对竞争威胁的困难。洛尔( 2000)强调,业务和技术是根本因素,完成网上

42、营销视野,以及对电子业务转型要考虑包括电子营销技术的潜力(图 3)的各个方面。商业眼光需要明确界定,包括功能决策者管理者应该共同努力,完成改造计划。由洛尔提出的路线图基础( 2000 年),有一个高水平的信息和通信技术专长的需要,和企业的专家发挥了至关重要的作用,以确保灵活,可扩展性和可扩展的市场建筑的发展,支持当前需要和未来的业务需求。 图 3 框架显示的电子营销过程中,这是从来没有完成,而是互动性是一项持续的活动。此外,营销人员 现正扩展的营销战略,包括诊断评估和组织提供更多的业务效率和商业利用,以维持其竞争地位未来的憧憬。这需要注意的是选择正确的对网络营销资源(包括工具,人员,技术和在洛

43、尔的框架显示技术)的目标指示。正确的网络营销资源,应该是一个营销公司车辆学习和提高电子营销策略的知识 图和 理解,完成组织的商业模式再造。 虽然上述作者们在该地区的一个重大贡献知识,电子营销通过明确和全面的了解 将在 priding为同一路线图的工具。许多从业者和学者(劳顿和劳顿, 2002;斯托克代尔和地位, 2004 年。吉尔摩等人, 2007 年)曾建议,大多 数企业尤其是中小企业不确定自己是否有足够的资源,专长 和 经验,利用互联网作为营销工具和电子营销。电子营销者需要是当前的问题和趋势,包括认识 ;在目前的营销战略 /政策采取的有效性( 米歇尔等人, 2003 年 ;吉巴尔 等, 2

44、007),电子营销领养(斯托克代尔主要原因和地位, 2004 年),电子营销战略(洛尔, 2000),其好处和挑战(斯卡利和伍兹, 2001 年)的主要组件。 回顾在 B2B 电子市场的网络营销表演 互联网是为 B2B 电子商务的基础,提供技术和平台,使这项工作有效的业务关系。在公共和私营部门的 B2B 交易用途,包括作为交易的运载工具互联网 ;财政转移支付,网上交流,拍卖,产品配送,服务( 奥锐利 和芬尼根, 2007)。许多从业者们预测的 B2B 电子商务预计将有一个巨大的增长和大多数组织将不得不考虑到涉及与 B2B 电子商务。 B2B 由 三个主要元素和电子市场执行诸如采购,采购的主要任

45、务自动化,加工,方便买卖双方做商业交易。 劳顿和劳顿( 2000)指出, B2B 电子商务市场是指信息交流,产品,服务,并通过互联网买家和卖家之间的支付。 B2B 电子 市集通常定义为组织间通过,多个买方和卖方电子 相互作用,以确定潜在的贸易伙 伴,选择它们,执行交易(罗门哈斯等 , 2004)。穆尔塔扎等。 ( 2004)认为, B2B 电子商务市场能够消除传统业务功能的低效率,并允许一些合作伙伴通过分享信息,以简化他们的营销活动的瞬间。 近年来, B2B 电子商务市场已改善 /提高了电子营销活动的程度,提供给所有营销人员,尤其是中小型企业。最近的研究( Narayanasamy 等, 20

46、08;。 Pavaloia,2009 年)是事实的指示,中小型企业已开始积极响应转变而带来的 互联网技术。虽然中小企业的主要问题是关系到通用的中小型企业有限的时间 /资源和专业知识的特点 , B2B 电子商务市场为中小企业提供一个良好的环境,更低的运营和营销成本,更好的机会来宣传自己的产品 /服务,以及丰富他们的整体营销传播组合。 在 B2B 电子商务市场的研究大多利用企业的角度去探索,他们的发展,作用和分类(阿尔布雷希等, 2005。)(巴科什, 1998 年洛杉矶, 2001 年 ; Kandampully, 2003),其操作(穆尔塔扎等 , 2004),福利和障碍(斯托克代尔和地位,

47、2004 年),其关键成功因素(郁, 2007 年),等等。然而,目前的文献并没有充分探讨有关问题的 B2B 电子市场 演变 从电子市场前景。此外 ,许多研究侧重于经常忽视,特别是对网络营销服务等方面的联系感兴趣的研究领域。因此,有人担心,尽管努力推动从网络营销角度的 B2B 电子市场采用, 中小企业没有完全意识到的机会和利 益(斯托克代尔和地位, 2004 年)。 文献提供了与互联网营销技术推动者从 B2B 电子商务市场现状与水平,营销人员的见解。来自学术界和实际工作者的在线和离线出版物指出,电子邮件通过 B2B电子商务市场营销是一种通过购买和销售与沟通 andpromotional用途的相关互联网 /服务,交流信息 /想法商品现代营销实践。所建议的框架,包括各作者查费( 2004 年),洛尔( 2000 年), Kierzkowski等。 ( 1996 年 )使知识在一个电子营销,有可能创造竞争优势,提升客户价值等方面作出重大贡献。然而,它似乎有限制按行业专业开发这种框架。为了形成对所研究的课题更深入的了解,本文将通过整合适应多学科的方法,营销传统中小企业,网络营销,是 IT 和 B2B 电子商务市场发展电子营销框架,将提供为中小企 业更大的价值。

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