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1、 外文翻译 原文 Challenges of Hong Kong toy manufacturers operating plants in the Pearl River Delta Material Source: International Journal of Asian Management (2004) 3: 121133 Abstract For years, Hong Kong has been the worlds largest toy exporter. However, as the costs of rent and labor have increased dras

2、tically over the past years, Hong Kong toy manufacturers have moved their labor-intensive operations to other lower-wage areas. The Pearl River Delta (PRD) region of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) has been one of their favorite choices for outsourcing because of cheap and available labor. This

3、paper explores, using data culled from interviews with the senior management of five leading Hong Kong toy companies, how some Hong Kong toy manufacturers overcame various strategic management issues after having made the move to the PRD. The results are presented within five major areas of concern:

4、 rules and regulations, the less-developed infrastructure, R the other way is to go to a higher authority and ask the higherranking officials to control their subordinates. Recently, more young PRD officials have begun to work at senior-level and other important positions. They are well educated and

5、 concerned with the image of the country. The current level of corruption is down compared with that of 10 years ago. When compared with other countries, such as Indonesia and Vietnam, the situation in the PRD is ostensibly better. Some informants believe that theHong Kong toy manufacturers can do a

6、 proper job without being totally influenced by corruption. Most of the interviewed Hong Kong toy companies prefer to export all the toys manufactured in the PRD or to sell only a very small portion locally. In this way, they can avoid paying “under the table money” in order to get more localbusines

7、s. 4.2 Dealing with a less-developed Infrastructure In the early 1980s, although the PRD government was very supportive, the Hong Kong toy manufacturers were faced with problems due to the less developed infrastructure of the region. The ways in which the Hong Kong toy manufacturers managed this situation are briefly discussed below. 4.2.1 Inadequate supply of electricity The Hong Kong toy manufacturers resorted to changing a working day to a rest day when there was no electricity supply. Some of

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