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1、Unit 1 Reading RtrategiesSection A Word Pretest 1-5 B C B B B 6-10 A A C C BReading Skill 2-5 CBCA 6-9 BBAAVocabulary Building 11.a.practicable/practical b. practice c. practices d. practicable/practical e. practiced 2. a.worthless b. worthy c. worthwhile d.worth e.worth3. a.vary b.variety c.variati

2、on d.various/varied e.Various4. a.absorbing b.absorbed c.absorb d.absorption e.absorbent21. a.effective b.efficient c.effective2. b.technique 3. a.middle b.medium c.mediumClozeGoing/about/trying expectations/predictions questions answersPredictions/expectations tell know/foretell end De

3、velop/present worthSection B1-4 TFTT 5-8 CBCC 9-11 TFF 12-17 CAACCASection C1-4 FFTF 5-8 FTTTUnit 2 EducationSection AWord Pretest 1-5 ABACC 6-11 ABABCCReading Skill 4-6 CBB1-6 FTFFTTVocabulary Building 11. mess 2. preference 3. aimlessly 4. remarkable/marked 5.decisive 6.shipment 7. fiery 8.physica

4、lly 9.action 10.housing21. a.aptitude b.attitude2. a.account b.counted c. counted3. a.talent b.intelligenceClozeOther just/only has some/many than refuse see/know/understand that without If ready/willing/educated/taught wrong/incorrect/erroneousSection B1-5 ACCCC 6-10 CCCAC11-14 BABASection C1-6 CCD

5、DACUnit 3 Body LanguageSection AWord Pretest 1-5 ABCCB 6-9 DCDCReading Skill 2-5 BABC 6-10 AACBCVocabulary Building 1admission admit admissible admissibly reliance rely reliable reliablydefinition define definite definitelyassumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assuminglybehavior behave behavi

6、oral behaviorallyvariety vary various/varied variously/variedlypart/partiality part partial partiallymanager manage managerial manageriallycorrelation correlate correlative correlativelyadaptation/adaption adapt adaptive adaptively21.a. inspired b. aspired c. inspired2.a. token b. badges c. token3.a

7、. contemporaries b.temporary c. contemporaryClozecommunicate ways/means/ones using/saying in of message meet/have/encounter/experience causes meaning to eyesSection B1-6 BABBAC 7-12 FFTTTF 13-15 CCBSection C1-4 BBDD 5-8 BCCA 1-6 FFTFFTUnit 4 AnimalsSection AWord Pretest1-5 CACAA 6-10 BBBCCReading Sk

8、ill 2-5 BBAC 6-10 BCCAAVocabulary Building 11. moist 2. betrayal 3. exclusively 4. inhumane5. amazed/amazing 6. endangered 7. marvels 8. deadly21.a. dessert b. deserted 2.a. favourite b. favourable c. favourable3.a. awarded b.reward c. awardedClozeparents idea at/by seen landmarks instance/example m

9、igrate guide/direct pole effect/influence It/This if/whether experimentsSection B1-3 CCB 4-6 FTF 7-10 BCAC 11-15 CBACCSection C1-5 FFTFF 6-10 FTTFTUnit 5 HistorySection AWord Pretest1-5 CAABC 6-9 ACCCReading Skill 2-6 CABCB1-6 FFTFTTVocabulary Building 1assumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/a

10、ssuminglyacknowledgement acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgedlyreflection reflect reflective reflectivelydomination dominate dominant dominantly category categorize categorical categoricallyimplication imply implicative implicativelyreassurance reassure reassuring reassuringlydefinition define defi

11、nite definitely21.a. Historical b. historic2.a. rejected b. resist3.a. test/analyze b. analyzedClozeexisted/appeared over head/brain body found language use/value/significance/importance single passed ahead survival/existence handling/overcomingSection B1-6 CABCBB 7-12TTTFTT 13-15 CACSection C1-4 BB

12、AA 5-8 ACBCUnit 6 LanguageSection AWord Pretest1-5 CACBA 6-10 BACAB 11-12 ABReading Skill 3-6 CAAC 7-10 ACCAVocabulary Building 1availability avail available availablyconquest conquer conquering/conquered conqueringlyluxury luxuriate luxurious luxuriouslyorigin originate original originallyoccurrenc

13、e occur occurrent 无副词形式system systematize systematical/systematic systematicallyphonology 无动词形式 phonological phonologicallydecision decide decided/decisive decidedly/decisivelyvariety vary various variouslysuperiority 无动词形式 superior superiorly21.a. peculiar b. particular c. particular2.a. assess b.

14、access c. access3.a. resources b. sources c. sourcesClozesex Men differs compliment/words complimentingcauses makes languages have outside understood have use circle/world/fieldSection B1-5 CBBBA 6-10 CBCCB 11-15 CBACC 16-17 BASection C1-5 BBCAB 6-10 BACCBUnit 7 SpaceSection AWord Pretest1-4 ABAB 5-

15、8 CBACReading Skill 1-4 BBBC 5-8 CBCBVocabulary Building 11. deduced 2. behaviour 3. adhere 4.replacement 5. option 6.delicacy 7. enormous 8. pursuit21.a. inquired b. required c. inquire d.required 2.a. compatible b. comparable c. compatible d. comparableClozesatellite some space asked/wondered life

16、 sort/kindorbiting/going/circling have living were believe own solar where likely living throughSection B1-5 FTFFT 6-10 TTTTF 11-12 FF13-18 BBCACCSection C1-5 BCBCC 6-8 AED 1-6 EBAFDCUnit 8 WomenSection AWord Pretest1-5 BCABC 6-10 BBCCAReading Skill 1-5 CBABC 6-10 BCCCCVocabulary Building 1occupatio

17、n occupy occupational occupationally segregation segregate segregated discrimination discriminate discriminating/discriminatory discriminatingly/discriminatorilyenforcement enforce enforceable enforceablyexclusion exclude exclusive exclusivelyperseverance persevere persevering perseveringlyconvictio

18、n convict convictive convictivelyamendment amend amendablesuperficiality superficialize superficial superficiallyspectator spectate spectatorial 21.a. job b. career c. jobs d. career 2.a. principal b. principles c. principal d. principle3.a. feminine b. female c. feminine Cloze acceptable domestic p

19、roperty wages husband divorce claims legal suit permitted make excluded lacked belonged determined Section B1-5 BACCC 6-10 CACCC 11-16 AABBAC 17-19 TTFSection C1-6 CCAACBUnit 9 Cities Section AWord Pretest1-5 BAABC 6-10ACBBA 11-12 BCReading Skill 1-5 CACCB 6-10 BBBBA 11-12 CB Vocabulary Building 11.

20、 typifies 2. dominant 3. familial 4. competitive 5. vibrate 6. descended 7. departure 8.boom 9. countless 10. symbolizes21.a. recreation b. recreates c. recreation 2.a. rhythm b. rhyme c. rhymes d. rhythmCloze Sea within of divides built/constructed/completed Celebrated inside/in attract together wh

21、en Section B1-5 FTFTT 6-10 CCBBC11-15 BAACC 16-17 ACSection C1-5 BAACA 6-10 BCCCCUnit10 Cross-Cultural CommunicationWord Pretest 1-5 CABCB 6-10 BBBAB Reading Skill1-5 CBCAC 6-10 CCABBVocabulary Building1consequence consequent/consequential consequently/consequentiallysophistication sophisticate soph

22、isticated sophisticatedlyreference refer referable referablyconversation converse conversational conversationallyspace space spatial/spacious spatially/spaciouslydetachment detach detachable/detached detachably/detachedlyintervention intervene interveningtype typify typical typically21.a.assure b.en

23、sure c.assured d.ensure2.arises b.raised c.rise d.raised e.arisen3.clue b.cues c.clue d.cueClozewell separating/isolating is own closeneed look order respect followprior sign/cue help was/were elseSection B1-5 BBCTT 6-10 FBCAC 11-15 ACTFFSection C1-5 TFFTF 6-8 FFFUnit 11 Information RetrievalSection

24、 A Word Pretest1-5 ACBCB 6-8 ABBReading Skill 1-5 BCBAC 6-10 CCCCCVocabulary Building1.information inform informative informativelyspecification specify specific specificallyaddition add additional/additive additionally/additivelyspecialty specialize special speciallynarration narrate narrative narr

25、ativelyextension extend extensive extensivelyorigin originate original originallyexplosion explode explosive explosively ambiguity ambiguous ambiguouslyestablishment establish established1.extension 2. ambiguity 3.original 4.specified 5. additional 6.unambiguously 7.explosion 8.information 9.special

26、ized 10.narrative 11.establishment2.1.a.transform b.transferred c.transferred d.transformed2.a.lonely b.alone c.lonely d.aloneClozelibrary amounted own burned/destroyed by counties send suggestion/proposal library Section B1-5 ACBCB 6-10 ACCAC 11-17 ABABBABSection C1-5 BCACC 6-10 CBCCCUnit 12 Enviro

27、nmentSection AWord Pretest1-5 CCBBC 6-12 AACCCBAReading Skill1-5 CABBC 6-8 CBBVocabulary Building 1.1.reaction 2.mass 3. polluting 4.planetary5.suspicious 6.alarming 7.emitted 8.emerged 2.1.a.warned b.threatened2.a.spread b.spread c.sprayed3.a.emergency b.emergenceClozesolve communities creative pre

28、ventiondisposal resources recycling wasteincrease place measures amountSection B1-5 FFTTB 6-10 CACFT11-15 FFABC 16-18 CBCSection C1-5 BCAAC 6-8 CBCUnit 13 MedicineSection AWord Pretest 1-5 ABAAC 6-10ABCBAReading Skill 1-6 CCBABB 1-5 FTFTTVocabulary Building1.symptom symptomize symptomatic symptomati

29、callylonging long longing longinglyaddition add additional/additive additionally/additively manifestation manifest manifest manifestlydepression depress depressed/depressing depressedly/depressing invariability invariable invariablyseparation separate separate separatelycondemnation condemn condemna

30、ble condemnablyimagination imagine imaginary imaginarilyaffection affect affecting affectingly2.1.a.remedies b.recipe c.remedy d.recipe2.a.alternate b.altered c.alternate d.alter3.a.acknowledged b.knowledge c.acknowledgedCloze step acknowledge prevent essentialphysician due physical psychosomaticdis

31、ease confidence symptoms thoroughemotional upsettingSection B1-5 CBCAB 6-10 CBBCB 11-15 ABCACSection C1-5 TFFFT 6-10 FTFFFUnit 14 EvolutionSection AWord pretest1-5 BCABA 6-8 CBAReading Skill1-4 CACC 1-4 TTFTVocabulary Building1.1.reluctant 2.evolution 3.attributed 4.catastrophic5.associate 6.indiffe

32、rent 7.emerged 8.stir2.1.a.evolved b.revolves c.evolved2.a.dismay b.dismal c.dismal d.dismay3.a.contribute b.attributed c.contributed d.attributedClozecharacteristic/trait/nature changed/had to longget/eat possessed/developed/had stretched/lengthened longerpassed After have theoryeffect/influence no

33、tion/idea changeSection B1-5 DABFT 6-10 FTFDA 11-17 DBACFTFSection C1-8 TFTFTFTFUnit 15 TransportationSection AWord Pretest1-5 BBADA 6-11 DBBDCCReading Skill 1-5: A A C C C 610: B B A B B Vocabulary Building1.prevention prevent preventive preventivelyfederation federate federal federallyinadequacy /

34、 inadequate inadequatelydeception deceive deceptive deceptivelyprosperity prosper prosperous prosperouslylife live live/living/alive /effect effect effective effectivelyevaluation evaluate evaluable/evaluative /resident reside residential residentiallyvision vision visional/visionary visionally/visi

35、onarily 1. evaluation 2. federal 3.prospertiy 4. residential5. effect 6. are living 7. deceptively 8. preventive/effective2. 1.a.simile b.,metaphor 2. a.ultimate b.unanimous c.ultimate d.unanimousClozetransportation distance/away ground Stemtrains electric station/stop name train threetrains stairs/

36、steps passengers/peopleSection B1-6 D C D C C C 7-12 C C A B C B Section C1- 8 C C A C C C C C Unit 16 TimeSection AWord pretest 1-8: C C B B B B B C Reading skill1-6: B A C C B C Vocabulary building 1.1. identification 2. arbitrary 3. practical 4. foundation5. logic 6. dictatorial 7.occurence 8. re

37、vise2. 1. a. presentation b. representation c. presentation d. representation2. a. base b. base c. basis d. basis Cloze clocks wall pendulum ground/floor wood makers names clocks/timepieces invented/created/made fake/false/imitated Section B1.A 2.A 3.C 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.T 9.T 10.T 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.

38、C 15.A 16.A Section C1-8: A B A D D D C A Unit 17 TelevisionSection AWord Pretest1-5 CCACA 6-10 BCCBCReading Skill 1-3 CCC 1-7 TFTFFFTVocabulary Building1.contradiction contradict contradictory contradictorilycenter center central centrallyseduction seduce seductive seductively necessity necessitate

39、 necessary necessarilyvisibility visualize visible visiblymobilization mobilize mobilizable mobilizablyfunction function functional functionallydominance dominate dominant dominantlyselection select selective selectivelyvocality vocalize vocal vocally1. visibility 2.necessities 3.seductive 4.mobiliz

40、e5.central 6.functioning 7.vocal 8.dominant9.contradictory 10.selected2.1.a.immersed b.emerged c.immersed d.emerged 2.a.dormant b.dominant c.Dormant d.dominantClozenumber happening house said graduates viewing TV schoolcases children reaches/draws imitatewatching practice face back Section B 1-1 CBB

41、CB 6-10 FFFTC 11-15 ACBBCSection C1-5 TTFTF 6-10 FFFTTUnit 18 PoetryQuestions on “If”1-5 AAABC Questions on “The Rose Family”1-3 ABBQuestion on “My Candle Burns at Both Its Ends”13 BBCQuestions on “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”1-3 CBB Questions on “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”1-5 ACCBC 6-7 BCQuestions on “Sonnet 29”1-5 ABBCBQuestions on “In School Days”1-4 ABBC

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