高尔夫专业词汇汇总范文仅供参考,自行编辑使用高尔夫专业词汇汇总高尔夫专业词汇Angles - the lines created to the pockets between balls角度 在球袋和球之间形成的线路Break - a sequence of scoring shots - the number of points scored in one go一杆球 连续击球得分,即击打一杆后所得的总分Backspin - the effect of striking the cue ball below centre缩杆 击打主球球心以下的位置后所产生的结果Baulk Line - the line upon which the yellow, green and brown spots are positioned发球线 黄球、绿球和棕球置点之前的.那道线Break Off - the first shot of the match, played with the cue ball