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Unit14 Freedom fighters 随堂检测(必修2,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc

1、.选词填空set a good example to sb.;regardless of;from then on;be put in prison;;demand1After the war was over,Helen and his husband were both _.答案:put in prison2Parents should _ their children by being active and keeping fit,a nd not only in words.来源:学_科_网答案:set a good example to3She had a car a

2、ccident a year ago and suffe red from back pain _.答案:from then on4Please dont _ _ this serious matter _ a joke.答案:treat;as5The head teacher _ _ that we (should)clean the blackboard before every class.来源:学科网 ZXXK答案:deman ded6All our proposals were rejected _ _ their value.答案:regardless of.易错模块来源:Zxxk

3、.Com1She had just finished her homework_ her mother asked her to practise pl aying the piano yesterday.来源:学&科&网 Z&X&X&KAwhen BwhileCafter Dsince解析:选 A。 句意:昨天她刚做完作业,她妈妈就让她练钢琴 。when 在本句中作并列连词,意为“and at that time”。while 作并列连词,表示“对比转折 ”;after 为从属连词或介词,意为“在之后” ;since“自从时候,既然” 。2I used to love that film _

4、I was a child,but I dont feel it tha t way any more.来源:Zxxk.ComAonce BwhenCsince Dalthough解析:选 B。句意:当我是个小孩的时候我曾经很喜欢那部电影,但现 在我再也没有那种感觉了。once 一旦;when 当的时候;since 自从以来;既然;although 尽管。根据句意可知选 B。3He was about to tell me the secret_someone patted him on the shoulder.Aas BuntilCwhile Dwhen解析:选 D。根据句意“有人拍了拍他

5、的肩膀 ”发生在“他正要告诉我那个秘密”时,可知应用并列连词 when。4I had finished my homework and_watch the Olympics when the power was cut off.Awas going to Bwas about toCwas to Dwould来源:Zxxk.Com解析:选 B。be about to do. .when.表示“正要做这时” ,符合语境和语意。.语法专练本单元语法被动语态1(2012北京东城期末)The examination will begin at 1030.Those who come late _ to

6、 the examination room.Ahave not been admitted Bdont admitCwill not b e admitted Ddidnt admit解析:选 C。admit 和定语从句的先行词 those 是动宾关系,因此要用被动语态,由此可以排除 B、D 两项;另处,根据题干中第一句话的 时态可知,第二句话应该用一般将来时。故选 C 项。来源:学_科_网2Now the wo rlds att ention_the stocking markets,as they have great influence in the worlds economy.Ais

7、 fixing on Bhas fixed onCis being fixed on Dhad been fixed on解析 :选 C。考查动词的时态和语态。attention 和 fix on 之间是被动关系,故排除 A、B两项,再根据 Now,可知应用现在进行时的被动语态。3Linda ,the phone in your office cant be connected all the time,why?Oh,sorry ,Miss Miles.The service _ since last Wednesday.来源:Zxxk.ComAhas been stopped Bhas st

8、oppedCwas stopped Dhad stopped解析:选 A。考查时态和语态。句意: 琳达,你办公室的电话一直不通,为什么?噢,对不起,迈尔斯小姐,自从上周三以来,电话服务就被中止了。由句意可知电话中止开始于过去,并持续到现在,故用现在完成时态,service 与 stop 为被动关系,故答案为A 项。4(2013贵州遵义月考)Travelers _ that they should bring their ID cards with them.Ahave reminded Bare remind edCwere reminding Dhad been reminded来源:Z#xx#k.Com解析:选 B。考查动词的时态和语态。此处根据句意应为被动语态,因旅行者被提醒。 来源:学科网5I like these English songs and they _ _many times on the radio.Ataught Bhave taughtCare taught Dhave been taught解析:选 D。考查时态。many times 常与现在完成时连用,且主语 they 指的是 songs,与teach 为动宾关系,故应用现在完成时的被动语态。

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