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【中学教材全解】(译林版必修1)Unit 1 School life背景知识拓展.doc

1、优质文档优质文档Unit 1 School lifeSchool Education in Great BritainThe sc hool year in British schools starts early in September and c ontinues to the following July. Classes are held from Mondays to Fridays from about 9 a.m. until 3 or 4 p.m. Students can join in after-school activities during lunch break

2、or af ter school .来源:学科网All children in Britain must by law receive education between the ages of 5 and 16 and more than 70% of 16-year-old students continue full time education .Other young people leave school at 16 to take up training for work.Around the end of compulsory education, at the age of

3、15-16, students ta ke General Certificated of Seconda ry Education. Students are tested by their schoolwork and exams.Over 85% of state secondary school students go to comprehens iv e schools. These take children of all abiliti es and provide education for most children aged from 11 to 16 or 18. Abo

4、ut 4% of students go to gra mmar schools. Grammar schools offer a mainly academic education for the 11 to 18-year-old age group. Other types of secondary schools provide a more general education up to the age of 16. All students in their last year of compulsory education have the chance to get work

5、experience.来源:学科网 ZXXKAbout 7% of children in the UK are privately educated. There is an increasing number of children who receive a private education in Lo ndon.Over 90% of children in Britain go to state schools. All schools,colleges and universities provide job education and guidance to help them

6、 prepare for the future.大不列颠的学校教育来源:学科网 ZXXK不列颠学校每学年从 9 月初到次年的 7 月。周一到周五有课,大约从早上 9 点到下午 3 点或者 4 点。学生在午餐时间或者放学之后能参加课外活动。来源:学科网 ZXXK不列颠 5 到 16 岁的所有孩子根据法律必须接受教育,并且 70%以上的 16 岁的孩子继续全日制学习,其他的在 16 岁离开学校的孩子开始为工作而参加培训。在义务教育末期,在 1516 岁,学生们取得普通中等教育证书。学生们通过作业和考试被测试。85%以上的国立中学生上综合性学校。这些综合性学校教给孩子们所有能力并提供从 11 到 16或者 18 岁的大多数学生教育。大约 4%的学生去文法学校。文法学校给 11 到 18 岁年龄的孩子提供一种重要的学术教育。其他类型的中学为 16 岁以下的孩子提供一种更通式的教育。所有的学生在义务教育的最后一年都会有机会得到工作经验。英国 7%的孩子接受私立教育。 在伦敦越来越多的孩子接受私立教育 。在不列颠 90%以上的孩子去公立学校。所有的学校,专科学校或者大学都会为学生提供工作教育和指导以帮助他们为未来做准备。

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