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Unit 1 careers and skills课时作业(湖南专用):2.doc

1、优质文档优质文档课时作业(二) Word power & Grammar and usage.单词拼写1People consider _(狐狸) as clever but sly animals.2The tribesmen were armed with_(矛) and shields.3He is busy_(除草) in the garden.4The message travels along the_( 神经) to the brain.5He likes to watch a_( 魔术师) performing tricks.6But the_(铸铁制的) rail by th

2、e side should be European in style.7Your invention is clever,but not_(实用) 8Its known that the price_(包括) postage charges.9The reports conclusions were already_(熟悉的) enough to the government.10These are leather goods of high_(质量).单项填空1Thousands of works of art,_the most famous paintings,were missing

3、during the war.Aincluding BincludedCcontaining Dcontained2(2013岳阳高三检测 )Distinguished guests and friends,welcome to our school._ the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni(校友) from home and abroad.AAttend BTo attendCAttending DHaving attended3The father as well as his three chil

4、dren _ skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon.Ais going BgoCgoes Dare going4When we plan our vacation,mother often offers_suggestions.Acareful BpracticalCeffective Dpractise优质文档优质文档5I used to quarrel a lot with my parents,but now we_fine.Alook out Bstay upCcarry on Dget along6Jay is fami

5、liar _ music and he is familiar _young fans.Ato;with Bwith;toCwith ;with Dto;to7Its wrong _you to be late _class.Awith;with Bof;forCfor;to Dof;in8It was not a serious illness,and she soon_it.Agot over Bgot on withCgot around Dgot out of9(2013株洲高三质检 )Are all the titles of the articles _in the content

6、s?Yes, all_.Alisted;includedBlisting ;includesClisted;includingDbeing listed;being included10Without facts,we cant form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge_our thinking.Awhich to base onBwhich to be based onCon which to baseDwith which to base on11Keep on practicing.You will p

7、lay the piano _,if not better than,Lang Lang.Aso good Bso wellCso well as Das well as12There is a new problem_in the popularity of private cars that road 优质文档优质文档conditions need improving.Ainvolving BinvolvedCincluding Dincluded13Tom_in the library every night over the last three months.Aworks Bwork

8、edChas been working Dhad been working14It was never clear _the man hadnt reported the accident sooner.Athat BhowCwhen Dwhy15This company is more concerned with _than with _,so it will become more popular.Aquality;quantity Bquantities;qualityCamount;quantity Dnumber ;quantities.完形填空A(2012湖南长沙第一次模拟)On

9、e winter during college in New York,I took an 8:00 am. history class.The professor was very _1_in class.He just looked at his lecture notes and _2_looked up at us.I felt that I needed to get rid of my boredom,so I created a little _3_for myself.I tried to find something from his lecture to ask a que

10、stion about,forcing me to_4_rather than letting my eyes close.The first time I raised my hand,he was surprised,but obviously pleased to have a question to answer._5_,his answers were always interesting.I continued to do this every day in the course and found myself actually _6_the material.The profe

11、ssor became a bit more _7_and some other students also joined me in asking questions.My little game had _8_me from being bored,_9_it was expected to do.I learned a lot about world history in the discussions with him.The professor obviously knew his material,but had a hard time _10_it on to his under

12、graduates in an interesting way.One the last day of class we gathered our books and headed for the door for the last time.The shy professor stepped directly in front of me as I reached the door.“Thank you for making this class so interesting.”He said.I was so surprised.To me,it had been a pleasant w

13、ay to pass the time;I had no idea that my 优质文档优质文档asking questions had an effect on him and the others at all.That moment has stayed with me for 30 years.Each of us can have a(n)_11_not just on our own experiences,but on those of others,and Ill never forget the professor who taught me a lesson about

14、 the power of acts of kindness,intended _12_not.1A.peaceful BaccustomedCnervous Dabsent2A.frequently BsuddenlyCnearly BprizeCtoy Dadvantage4A.stare BconcentrateCcomment Dpresent5A.Therefore BOtherwiseCIn fact DOn the contrary6A.improving BwritingCmisunderstanding Denjoying7A.relaxed B

15、gracefulCserious Dclever8A.separated BsavedCawoken Davoided9A.which BsinceCas Dwhat10A.carrying BpassingCbringing Dputting11A.idea BeffectCeffort Dpower12A.and BsoCor DbutBParents are busy people.If they are working,they are usually not at home 13 优质文档优质文档their children return from school.Sometimes

16、it is necessary for a parent to write 14 afterschool note for their children.They sometimes put the note on the kitchen table,the refrigerator , 15 another place where their children are sure to find it.A note is often a 16 way to “talk”with a child than using the telephone.For one thing,parents hav

17、e time to think about 17 they want to say before they write. 18 another, the note lists all the information in one place.It is easy to read again and again.People often forget all the details that 19 hear in a telephone call.Finally,cell phones can be turned 20 or telephone calls not answered.For th

18、ese reasons, afterschool notes are very popular with parents.阅读理解The words “college” and “university”represent educational institutions,but there is a difference.At the same time the difference between a college and a university also changes according to the area it is preferred to be in.The meaning

19、 of college and university is different in the USA from what it means in Canada and UK.The word “college”is taken from the Latin word “collegium.”The meaning of the word is a group of people staying together for a common purpose,but with their own choice.Hence,you will often come across college stud

20、ents referred to as fellows.However,the word “college” as we use today is used to show an educational institution.There are different undergraduate and graduate courses offered in colleges.The traditional meaning of college was an institution,which was a part of a university.The university was divid

21、ed into colleges for administration purposes.Like the word “college”, the word “university” is also taken from the Latin words “universitas magistrorum et scholarium”The meaning of the word “university” has not undergone a sea of changes and it continues to mean almost the same.In other words,univer

22、sities are seats of advanced education,which offer opportunities both for learning as well as for research.优质文档优质文档The difference between college and university lies in the variety of courses offered.Often colleges are restricted to one kind of field.They offer education either in science,arts ,comm

23、erce , law,business ,etc.However ,there are either different departments or colleges under a university.The universities have advanced degrees like Masters and PhD programs.Normally colleges have a limited number of students and the focus of this institution is on teaching.On the other hand,the focu

24、s of universities is teaching as well as research.However,research is where often a lot of focus is laid on.Though colleges offer courses,the degrees are presented by the university to which the college is accredited(被认可) to.In other words,the university can be looked upon as the parent body and the

25、 colleges have to follow the rules laid down by the universities.1The text is mainly talks about _.Ahow the college came into beingBthe difference between a college and a universityCwhat functions a university really hasDthe similarity of a college and a university2From the text we know “college”_Ah

26、as the same meaning whether it is in America or EuropeBis used to refer to an educational institutionCis where students take coursesDmeans a place where research is being done3The Underlined word “undergone” in the text means _.Acaused BsufferedCexperienced Dused4In a college,_.Ayou can find differe

27、nt departmentsByou can study in only one fieldCyou can achieve the doctors degreeDyou can start your business5From the last two paragraphs we can infer that_.优质文档优质文档Aa college can has many branchesBa university can have many collegesCa college can focus on researchingDa university takes the duty of

28、 teaching优质文档优质文档课时作业( 二).1.foxes 2.spears 3.weeding 4.nerve 5.magician6castiron 7.practical 8.includes 9.familiar 10.quality.1.A 句意:成千上万的艺术作品,包括一些最著名的油画,在战争中都失踪了。 “一些最著名的油画 ”是“成千上万的艺术作品”的一部分,且符合including sth.结构,故选 A。2C 第二句为倒装句,原句 为:Our alumni from home and abroad are attending the ceremony of the 5

29、0th Anniversary this morning.句意:尊敬的来宾们、朋友们, 欢迎大家来到我们 学校。今天上午出席我校 50 周年庆典的是来自海内外的校友。故选 C。3C as well as 用来连接两个并列的主语时,句中谓语动词在人称和数上必须与第一个主语(The father)一致,根据 时间状语 every Sunday afternoon 可知用一般现在时。4B 句意:当我们作假期计划时, 妈妈经常提出一些 实用的建议。practical“实用的,实际的” 。careful“仔细的” ;effective“有影响的” ;practise“练习 ,实行” ,皆不合句意。5D

30、根据情景 I used to quarrel a lot with my parents 和转折连词 but 的提示可以判断出“现在我和父母的关系相处的很好” ,所以选择 get along 意为“(与人 )相处 ”。look out“当心,注意” ;stay up“不睡 觉,熬夜” ;carry on“继续,进行,开展,经营 ”。6B be familiar with sth.对某事熟悉,通晓某事;be familiar to sb 为某人所熟悉。句意:周杰伦通晓音 乐,他 为青年歌迷们所熟悉。7B 句型 it isadj.of do sth. 。be late for 迟到。8

31、A 句意:她得的不是很严重的病,很快就痊愈了。get over“康复” ;get on with“相处,进展” ;get around“传播,流传” ;get out of sth.“逃避” 。9A list 意为“把登录,登 记在上” ,用作及物动词,故应使用被动语态。 include 意为“包含” ,included 常置于名词或代词之后。including 活用为介词,常置于名词或代词之前。10C base A on B/A is based on B 把 A 建立在 B 的基础上;which 引导定优质文档优质文档语从句修饰 factual knowledge,并在从句中作 on 的宾

32、语。11D as well as 像某人/某物一样好。12B be involved in 卷入,陷入,与有密切 联系。句意:与私家 车普及有密切联系的新问题是路况需要改善。13C 根据时间状语 every night over the last three months 确定用现在完成进行时。14D 这里的 It 是形式主语,真正的主语是“_ the man hadnt reported the accident sooner”根据句意“为什么这个人没有及早报告这次事故还不清楚” ,故选 D。15A 考查词义辨析。句意: 这家公司在比起注重数量来更加注重质量,因此它会更受到人们的欢迎。 qu

33、ality 质量;quantity 数量。.1.C 考查形容词的用法及语境理解。根据后文教授只看讲义很少看学生可知他很紧张。2D 考查副词的用法。参看解析 1。3A 考查名词词义及语境理解。我自己 创造了一个游戏,设法从他的讲义中发现一些问题。4B 考查动词词义及语境理解。强迫自己集中精力而不是闭上眼睛。5A 考查副词的用法。他非常愿意回答 问题,所以他的回答很有趣。6D 考查动词词义及语境理解。我每天都这么做,我发现自己喜欢上了历史。7A 考查形容词的用法。和上文的 nervous 进行对比用 relaxed。8B 考查动词词义及语境理解。我的小游戏把我从枯燥中解救出来。9C 考查非限制性定

34、语从句的关系词。此 处 as 意为:正如。正如我所期望的那样。10B 考查动词词义及语境理解。他很难以有趣的方式把他的知识传授给他的学生。此处 pass.on.意为:把传授给 。11B 考查名词词义及语境理解。考 查短语:have an effect on 意为:对有影响,在本段第 3 句也可找到提示。12C 考查连词的用法。我将永远忘不了教授给我上得善意行动力量的一优质文档优质文档课,不管有意的还是无意的。13when/after 15.or 16.better 17.what 18.For19they【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。college 和 unive

35、rsity 都可以称为“大学”但两者是不同的。前者表示专业化的学院,只注重授课,而后者是覆盖全面的大学,侧重研究,并且有权授予学位。1B 主旨大意题。全文 论述了 college 和 university 在范畴上的不同,故选 B 项 。2C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的 There are different undergraduate and graduate courses offered in colleges.可知答案为 C 项 。误解分析:根据第一段可知,在不同国家 college 含义不同,排除 A;由第二段可知现在 college 是教育机构,故排除 B 项;根据倒数第二段的 the focus of universities is teaching as well as research 可排除 D 项。3C 词义猜测题。根据该词后面的句子 it continues to mean almost the same 可知,university 依然保持同样的意义,即:没有发生大的变化,undergo表示“经历” 。4B 细节理解题。根据第四段的第二句可知,college 仅限一个专业,故选B。5B 细节理解题。根据最后一段的最后一句可知, college 是 university 的附属,故 university 会有很多的 college。

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