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1、新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 GRE 阅读1GRE 阅读讲义主讲: 陈虎平欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材文章模式 段落模式 与句型结构 阅读提炼的重点 题型分类 文章示范 GRE 文章的基本情况介绍 GRE 文章的难度阅读 单词难度句子长度结构复杂文章类型academic 题型standardized 选项难度GRE GMAT 中 20-25 高 high high 高 LSAT 中 25-30 极高 extremely high 高 GRE 文章的考试要求 中国大陆 VERBAL 2 个 section,每个 section 填空 7 道 类比 9 道 阅读 1 篇长文章 7 道题 1 篇

2、短文章 4 道题,反义 11 道 长文章 400-450 字 读 2.5-3min, 题 7 min = 1 min *7 题 短文章 200-220 字 读 1.5min, 题 4min = 1 min * 4 题 GRE 文章的来源:学术期刊、著作GRE 文章的类型: physical sciences, biological sciences, social sciences, humanities 无须背景、头脑空白、定位解题 GRE 文章结构的三个层次:文章、段落、句子 新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 GRE 阅读2GRE 文章的三种模式( 文章展开的方式 = KW 之间的关系;

3、 PASSAGE )开篇套路词 发展/KW 态度/AW TS problem, difficultypuzzle, question 有时 TW=Phen. / Prob. Phen. 1st explanation=kw1aw: -2nd interpretation=kw2 Prob.Solution 1 = kw 1 But aw- Other way/solution =kw 2 Authors expl. 前负后正(80%情况)前负后正 唯一解释 + TS: explain +现象; way +问题首段首(末)句CS: 少见 新老对比 has been, traditionally,

4、 until recently, long, once; however, recentlyfrequently, widely, many, most, usually, dominant, common however, now kw 老however+反驳=aw-kw 新 (评价) 老:否定或次要新:正评价TS: 反驳或新观点however /recent 句二段段首或一段后半部分CS: 少见 论点说明Thesis Develop-Ment评述 Review is, remain, prove + adj. can, may, should, must attitude words: +

5、, -; recent study (人名+ 书名/人物+研究/学派+运动) Thesis (TW)subthesis 1 = kw1subthesis 2 = kw2(Conclusion)论点说明态度不定 评述文章多混合评价TS = Thesis 首段某句,多为首末句 CS: 较短末段(=TS) 无 TS CS: 综合各段主题 各段首句现象解释 phen/prob 新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 GRE 阅读3kw a b aw- x ykw+ 例: Philopatry, the behavior returning to an individuals birthplace, has

6、 several advantages. One proposed mechanism by which animals can recognize unfamiliar relatives is phenotype matching, which involves learning the phenotype of familiar relatives, or of oneself, thereby forming a phenotypic template against which the phenotypes of unfamiliar individuals can be compa

7、red.A problem in investigating the behavior of settling close to kin is to exclude the possibility that they are philopatric because of benefits of settling in the natal area, rather than because of benefits of settling close to kin.A recent study shows that the settling pattern of barnacle geese Br

8、anta leucopsis females returning to their natal colony is nonrandom with respect to the nest sites of their parents and sisters. 新老观点 kw 老 a b aw- x y kw 新 uvw aw+(-) 例: Early feminist literary critics believed that the traditional concept of domesticity as manifested in the distinction between a ma

9、sculinized public sphere and a privatized feminine one has become misleading and oversimplified as a framework for understanding the construction of social space for women even in the nineteenth century. In contrast, a second wave of feminist work on domesticity envisions the idea of home as a speci

10、fic racial and class position for white, middle-class women, and therefore as an extension or even a supplement to the capitalist marketplace, not an alternative to it. However, these second-wave critiques of domesticity also depend upon spatial metaphors, to the extent that they present domesticity

11、 as a bounded position occupied by a specific race and class of women. Such contradictions in the representations of domesticity, I argue, only started to become obvious in the modernist period.此文结构: kw 老 kw 新 1 however aw- kw 新 2 新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 GRE 阅读4论点说明 TS (TW)kw1+/- abc kw2-/+ xyzkw3-/+ (CS)

12、 例: There are three approaches to culture: social anthropology, ethology, and psychology. (Traditionally, social anthropologists have understood culture as ) Ethologists have tended to emphasize the phenomenon of culture the behavior itself. (Psychologists, in contrast, have concentrated on the mech

13、anisms by which culture is learned.) 例(评述) In his new book Doctor Dolittles Delusion, Stephen Anderson pours cold water on the widespread belief that the communication systems of animals, from bees to bonobos, are essentially similar to human language, arguing convincingly communicative abilities of

14、 a wide range of creatures: the dance of honeybees, the warning cries of monkeys, and the remarkable cognitive abilities of chimpanzees. Bees famously indicate the direction, distance and quality of sources of pollen to their fellow workers by means of a waggle dance, which is often taken to show th

15、at they have a cognitive map of the local terrain. We are evolutionarily closer to other primates than to bees.To complement his critique of animal language, Anderson also outlines what is special about human language: in a word, syntax. 主题 结构 态度 必考内容TW, TS, CS: 文章较短首末段KW, AW: 段落/意群的首末句 最重要是 KW AW 各

16、段首句 + however /but /yet 句结构性句子: 首末句 转折句 态度句 段落结构 特指 234 段的主体论证内容,main body of the passage. 一般模式: 总分 新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 GRE 阅读5段落的结构与位置 Main idea, supporting details (contrast and comparison) concession(Conclusion) KW(ts) a b c (cs) 段落模式 (KW 展开的方式 = a b c 句子之间的关系; PARAGRAPH)首句线索词与句间关联词 把握重点(100-120 字

17、2-3 字) 考题并列Juxtaposition/ parallelism 首句名词复数=NPs / 首句论点= A (has properties, causes) 中间 for example, for instance; 或者 In addition, Moreover, also another, furthermore 并列所属的大主题并列找并列 (2-3 个并列,找并列词;4-5 个并列,位置内容)*时间并列:时间*负评价并列:否定词1. in order to首句2. 列举 并列内容之一因果Causation 机制Mechanism 首句 A effects/causes B.

18、中间并列因果 parallel causation(A1B1; A2B2) 首句或有 process 中间连续动词 serial causation AB(Ax y zB) 首句:因果找双方 首末句:机制找末句 1. 因果双方;尤其数量因果(正相关或负相关: A increases as B increases/ declines)2. 细节结果末句 对比Contrast O=S; SVO = np1-4 V np1-4. 把握:np1 V np1 S = np1-4 V O=np1-4 把握:np1 V np1 SVO = np1-4 that, which, V np1-4, whicha

19、nd which, v-ed, np1 of np2 that, which. 把握:np1 V np1 SVO if / because / when SVO 把握:主句 np1 V np1 Although/ While / Whereas SVO, SVO 把握:np1 V np1 vs. np1 V np1 7 行长句常考 (60 words)中间含有特殊语言的句子:常考句子 从语言形式而不是单词意思来判断哪些句子重要。标记 GRE 常考的特殊语言或适当记住位置1. 大写词 提炼首字母(initial letters) 段中人名 Hargrave and Geen: H.G; 物种名

20、cladocerans: c 便于定位 2. 句子蕴含对比 提炼一对反义词 比较与对比 like, similar(=); unlike(=/=), rather than, more than(), different from, contrast, whereas *数字比较 连续数字出现 *时间比较 过去与现在 (early, later, before, after, initially, originally)*极端语言 first most only (在选项中出现则常错) that/which/whov-ing/v-ed, (with) np that, that/which/w

21、hov-ing/v-ed, (with) np that, 新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 GRE 阅读7让步转折 although, though, while; despite, in spite of + NP 主句转折 did/does, has, may/might, may/might seem, there might be, there is some evidence But of course, certainly; undoubtedly, no doubt, no problem ButIt is true that, to be sure, Granted; th

22、is is not to deny But无上述提示词而突然出现的相反态度或内容为让步 But*否定肯定 not but/instead/rather *否定词 without, never, absent from, foreign to, far from, away from, not until, little unless, etc. 总结文章阅读的三个层次 (阅读提炼的重点 ) 文章:结构性句子:首末句 however yet but 句 态度句 段落:对比找反义;因果找双方,机制找末句;并列找并列 中间句:让步、对比比较、大写词与专业名词、特殊长句 提炼信息 vs. 认识生词、分

23、析语法、翻译句子、记住每个单词、拼凑中心大意 阅读训练四大原则 先读文章后看题目;题文;首句 中间;每篇文章反复三遍 题型与解法核心题 (长文章 1-2/7; 短文章 1/4 ) 问主题或态度或结构。定位到 TS, CS, KW, AW 解题 各段首句; but, however 句 1主题题与结 构题 主题题 The primary purpose of the passage is toWhich of the following statements best summarizes the main idea of the passage? Which of the following

24、titles would best describe the content of the passage? 解法: 有 TS,定位 TS,并特别注意 TS 中的 NP。无 TS,则 1) 找 CS;无 CS,2) 综合各段 ts,即综合各段首句(和首段的 however 句)注意:AW 态度错误;NP 错;片面 KW 错;行文顺序错误(前文 and 后文) 。结构题 The author of the passage is primarily concerned with discussing Which of the following is the most accurate descr

25、iption of the organization? 新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 GRE 阅读8Which of the following best describes the organization of the last paragraph of the passage? 解法:综合各段首句逻辑顺序 技巧:三大典型结构对应词汇 现象解释前负后正: phenomenon explanation(s) / theory(-ies) 新老观点相互对比: new / novel / alternative theory; correct / revise / challenge /

26、dispute an old theory / a long-held belief / a widely accepted thesis 总分结构展开论点: general view / thesis illustration / developed; evidence supports a theory. (*评述: review / evaluate / summarize and evaluate / assess a recent study / a scholarly research / a new book ) 2态度题 选项为态度词。定位到 AW:文章首末段、段落首末句、段中

27、转折句、下段首句 It can be inferred from the passage that the author considers the theory discussed in the second paragraph to be 混合评价的选项 1) but, though, without, while, despite,不能用 and 联结 2) qualified agreement, tempered by, guarded, restrained, partially, critically, mild, limited 混合评价的定位方向:各段首句不同态度的综合、含有

28、态度的让步转折、中间态度词(少见) 注意:态度相反、主要态度相反、态度正确但内容不符。3写法题 问 the author does which of the following? ,按逻辑写作模式解题;问哪种方法原文没有使用(EXCEPT) ,排除法解题。# 每道核心题必定位,切忌凭印象做题。选项设计存在陷阱(a+b+c vs. a+b+x) ;必须对照 TS 各个成分,特别 NP。信息题 发问对象涉及多句或全文内容,无法精确定位单独某个句子。 (1/7, 1/4)解法:从选项入手 a) 核心排除TS/CS 排除首末句排除(2-3 个与主题无关、与结论相反、与态度相反)b) NP 再定位KW?

29、 比较各段首句 KW,确定段落。典型错误:新否定 新比较 most, only (极端词汇) 4信息题The author would be likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding the pressure of grazers on phytoplankton numbers? 此处 pressure 本为某段主题,故全段定位The passage supplies information that would answer which of the following questions? 新东方在线

30、 网络课堂电子教材系列 GRE 阅读9题干全文定位 = 无法精确定位某句 从选项找线索 定点题 (4/7; 2-3/4) 题干往往出现 according to(直接事实), infer, imply, suggest(取非常见 60%)等词,考察某句内容,不牵涉上下文。定位之后直接将原句改写即为正确答案。答案为原句的语言变换(+)逻辑变换做题步骤:题干分析回文定位预想答案对照选项/在选项中找答案中心词。切忌先读选项。优先定位段落常考语言。定位后找出答案中心词,以中心词排除 3 个选项;剩余 2 个选项如有相似成分,比较其差异,再以差异定位。5 细节题= 直接事实题 (1-2/7, 1/4)

31、 针对某一细节内容发问。提炼题干名词,比较各段首句 KW,确定定位段落后再到段中寻找。答案为定位句的句法改写、或说逐字逐句改写,最常见为同义词改写。Most disruptions and interventions that occurred during the development of culture virtually have little effect on the landscapes of culture of a nation since the mindset of people will only “absorb and ingest” those proven, s

32、teady facts and ideas accumulated in the long run, with transitory and capricious ideologies sifted out. Which of the following statements about landscapes of culture can be inferred from the passage? (A) They are composed of the successive periods of cultural development. (B) They are influenced by

33、 large changes in the cultural vicissitudes. (C) They are slightly adapted each time as they are interpreted by people. (D) They are not readily modified by interferences and disturbances as the culture develops. (E) They are preserved in the libraries and museums that are immediately accessible to

34、the people. 文字对应的解法对于任何题目都是合适的,比如,主题题的答案也必须与主题句的文字形成一一对应: In fact, the fruits of studies to link neuronal structures to consciousness and perception seem to be still bitter. The passage is primarily concerned with discussing views of the (A) anatomy of the neuronal structures (B) ways in which neuro

35、nal transmitters function (C) significance of various neuronal areas in mental activity (D) mechanical foundations of sense perception (E) physiological correlates of some kinds of psychological experiences 6 列举题 (1/7, 1/4) 连续列举 原文连续并列 3-4 个内容,问哪个有(或没有) 提到 : mention/cite/refer to/state (EXCEPT) 论据列举

36、 原文存在并列证据,问作者提到哪个是缺陷(weakness)或原因(reasons),答案为并列新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 GRE 阅读10其中之一。Civil rights activists should consider conferring material benefits on the disadvantageous group, enhancing the media exposure of the conditions of minority, promoting the realization of “equal work equal pay” principle,

37、and urging government to open official positions to the minorities who are obviously qualified. The passage mentions each of the following as an appropriate kind of civil rights activists action EXCEPT(A) calling for governmental jobs to a certain group of people (B) encouraging equitable pay betwee

38、n minority and majority (C) facilitating the accessibility of minority conditions to the people (D) mandating the percentage goal of minority representation in a certain social organization (E) ensuring that disadvantageous groups obtain benefits 7. 取非题 (2/7, 1-2/4) 题干出现 would, might 或 differ from 等

39、词,常常 (60% )取非原文明确表述的内容,可归入细节题,定位某句得到答案 取非的定义:A: NOT ANOT A: NOT (NOT A) = A 加上或减去一个 NOT A B : NOT B NOT A; A B: NOT A NOT B. 7.1 态度取非 原文存在正负评价,多在段落末尾或下段首句(有时因 KW 后的证据压缩,AW 出现在段中) 。题干:if, would have been more convincing / would be more valid / would be improved / might be not useful 。would 与 AW 一起,暗示

40、发问对象其实是该态度的反面。态度的另一种考法。 解法:定位态度句、找出原因、取非原因或该态度本身 To be a reliable source of information, the archaeological material must have retained the signal unaffected by the geographical and geological changes in the area. It can be inferred that the signal found in the archaeological material would be less

41、useful to archaeologists if it (A) could not be deciphered by modern scientific means (B) reflected a change in the surface of earth rather than a stable climatic history (C) was written into the material as the material took shape (D) also reflected the changes in geological and geographical condit

42、ions (E) was not subject to geographical and geological changes The evidence of group selection does apparently exist in some species, but one must be cautious about attributing social reciprocity to group selection. For instance, the blood-sharing by regurgitation with relatives and even occasionally with non-relatives among vampire bats is critical for the survival of

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