1、政府间项目建议书信息表Information Table for Project Proposal项目名称Title of Project项目起止时间Project Period项目领域Area of Project主要研发内容、目标、合作理由(300 字以内)Major R&D content, target and reasons for cooperation(300 words)合作单位之间是否已经签署合作协议Whether a coordination agreement between the consortiums has already been signed是 yes 否 n
2、o 合作协议中是否包含知识产权相应条款Whether IPR items are included in the agreement是 yes 否 no 单位名称Title of Organism通讯地址Adresse邮政编码Post Code姓名Name职称与职务Title and Function电话Tel:手机Mobile中方主要承担单位及项目负责人Chinese Research leader and his organism传真Fax电邮Email12其他中方参加单位Other Chinese participating organism 3单位名称Title of Organism通讯地址Adresse邮政编码Post Code姓名Name职称与职务Title and Function电话Tel:手机Mobile瑞方主要承担单位及项目负责人Swedish Research leader and his organism传真Fax电邮Email12其他瑞方参加单位Other Swedish participating organism 3