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1、1新世纪研究生公共英语教材 听说(上)听 力 原 文Lesson 1 Music1. M: By the way, Jane, did you talk to the consultant 顾问 about our new health program?W: I contacted 联系 his office but his secretary said he would (be out for )试图得到 lunch until two.Q: What does the woman mean?B. she couldnt talk to the consultant before two 2

2、. W: We need to let everyone know about the charity triti n. 慈爱 concert, but we dont have much money for advertising.M: How about using the school radio station? They broadcast free public service 服务 announcements. 通告Q: What does the man suggest they do? c. Ask the school radio station for help 3. W

3、: I dont understand why this self-study 自学 book doesnt have answers to the questions. M: But it does. You can find them at the back of the book.Q: What does the man say about the self-study book?d. the book does include the answer 4. M: The new sales manager says he has never met you before.W: Weve

4、been introduced about three times. He seems a little forgetful.Q: What do we learn about the new sales manager?B. He probably has a poor memory 5. M: Have you had the brakesbreik n 制动器; 闸; 刹车. and tires checked? And do you have enough money?W: I have taken care of everything. And Im sure its going t

5、o be a wonderful 极好的, 精彩的, 绝妙的 trip.Q: Whats the woman going to do?D. spend some time travelling 6. M: Ive had my new stereo 立体声 for a whole week, but I havent yet figured out 想到 how to record music.W: Didnt an instruction manual mnjul 手册形式的,像手册的;教范性质的 come with it?Q: What does the woman imply?B the

6、 man should refer to the instruction manual7. W: I want to pay you for that long-distance call I made. But, I suppose you havent gotten your phone bill yet,M: Oh, but I have.Q: What does the man mean?A he has received his telephone bill.8. M: Professor Smith assigned us three more novels to read.W:

7、He must think you dont have any other classes.Q: What can be inferred about Professor Smith?B he assigns too much work9. M: Lets go watch the fireworks 烟花 tonight.W: I have tickets to the theater.Q: What plan does the man has that night?B hell go and watch the fireworks10. M: I am exhausted 筋疲力尽的. I

8、 stayed up 熬夜 the whole night studying for my history midterm exam.W: Why do you always wait till the last minute?Q: What can be inferred about the man?A he had bad study habits11. M: Ill be coming straight from work, so Ill have to pack 包装;捆扎 a change of clothes.W: Its only a barbecue b:bikju: (常用于

9、室外的)金属烤架. Jeans and T-shirts will be fine.Q: What does the woman imply?D Casual dress will be appropriate 12. W: Im going to the snack snk 小吃; 点心; 快餐bar for a cup of coffee. Would you like me to bring you back something?M: Not from the snack bar, but could you pick up a paper for me? Q: What does th

10、e man mean?C he wants her to get him a newspaper13. M: I dont understand how this budget was calculatedklkjuleit 计算, 估计, 核算.W: Let me have a look, OK?Q: What does the woman mean?C shell try to see what method was used 14. W: We need a fourth player for tennis this morning. Do you want to join us?2M:

11、 Ive got a class at nine, but Carol is free and she is really good.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?B ask Carol to play tennis 15. W: Have you saved enough to buy that new printer for your computer yet?M: You know, money seems to be burning a hole in my pocket lately. Maybe next month.Q: Wh

12、at does the man likely to do the following month?A he is likely to buy a new printer the following month.Passage II: American MusicOne of Americas most important exports 出口 is her modern music. American music is played all over the world. It is enjoyed by the people of all ages in all countries. Alt

13、hough the lyrics liriks 歌词 are English, people not speaking English can enjoy it too. The reasons for its popularity 普遍,流行; are its fast pace peis 步子;节奏 and rhythmic rmk 有韵律的, 有节奏的 beatbi:t节拍, 拍子.The music has many origins ridin起点; 来源 in the United States. Country music, coming from the rural 农村的,乡村

14、的 areas in the southern United States, is one source 来源, 出处. Country music features 以为物色 是特征 simple themes 题目,主题, and melodies 曲调, 歌曲 describing day-to-day situations 形势; 情况 and the feelings of country people. Many people appreciate 欣赏, 赏识, this music because of the emotions 情感,感情 expressed by count

15、ry music songs.A second origin of American popular music is the bluesblu:z布鲁斯歌曲; 蓝调歌曲. It depicts 描述 mostly sad feelings reflecting 表达; 反映 the difficult lives of American blacks. It is usually played and sung by black musicians, but it is popular with all Americans.(Rock music)摇滚音乐 is a newer form o

16、f music. This music style 风格, featuring .以为物色 是特征 fast and repetitious 重复的;反复的 rhythms 节奏, was influenced by the blues 布鲁斯歌曲; 蓝调歌曲and country music. It was first known as rock-and-roll in the 1950s. Since then there have been many forms of rock music: hard rock, soft rock, and others. Many performer

17、s of popular music are young musicians.American popular music is marketed 在市场上出售某物 to a demanding(顾客的) 需求、需要 audience 观众, 听众; 读者. Now popular songs are heard on the radio several times a day. Some songs have become popular all over the world. People hear these songs sung in their original 起初的; 原来的 E

18、nglish or sometimes translated into other languages. The words may differ but the enjoyment of the music is universal 普遍的.1. Which group of people enjoy American music?D All of the above2. Why is American music so popular in all countries?D Because it has a fast pace and rhythmic beat 3. What can be

19、 learned from the passage?C The blues is usually played by black musicians 4. What do you know from the passage?C Rock music was influenced by the blues and country music 5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?C The words of songs differ, and so does the enjoyment of American

20、 pop musicPassage III: Music in Different CulturesIn western culture music is regarded as good by birth在血统上,生来, and sounds that are welcome are said to be “music to the ears“. In some other cultures 文化- for example, Islamic 伊斯兰的,伊斯兰教的 culture - it is of little value, associated (使)发生联系, (使)联合; 结交, 结

21、伙 with sin sin罪恶, 罪孽 and evil 罪恶. In the West and in the high cultures of Asia, it is said that there are three types of music. First, classical 古典的, 经典的 music, composed 组成, 构成 and performed by trained professionals 具有某专业资格的人, 专业人士originally 最初 under the support of courts 宫廷, 宫室 3and religious 宗教的 e

22、stablishments 建立, 确立; second, folk music 民间音乐 , shared by the population at large and passed on 传递; 传授 orally 口头上地,口述地, and third, popular music, performed by professionals, spread (使) 传播, (使) 散布 through radio, television, records, film, and print, and consumed 消耗,耗尽 by the mass public.Music is a ma

23、jor component 成分, 组成部分, 部件, 元件 in religious 宗教的 services, theater 剧场,戏院, and entertainment 娱乐, 文娱节目, 表演会 of all sorts. The most universal use of music is as a part of religious rituals 仪式 . In some tribal trabl 部落的 societies, music appears to serve as a special form of communication with supernatura

24、l 超自然的;鬼、神或幻术所引起的 beings, and its prominent 显著的; 突出的use in modern Christian 基督教徒 and Jewish 犹太人的;犹太教徒的 services may be the leftover of just such an original 原始的 purpose. Another less obvious function of music is social adherence 遵守 ;遵循;坚持. For most social groups, music can serve as a powerful symbol

25、 象征, 标志. Members of most societies share keen 热衷的, 热心的, feelings as to what kind of music they “belong to“. Indeed, some minorities 少数 , 小部分 including, in the U. S.A., black Americans and Euro-American groups use music as a major symbol of group identity 身份. Music also symbolizes 象征;作为的象征 military 军

26、事的, 军用的;, patriotic ptritik爱国的, 有爱国心的 and funeral 葬礼, 丧礼 moods 心情, 情绪 and events. In a more general 普遍的, 全面的; sense, music may express the central 最重要的, 主要的, 首要social values of a society. In western culture, the interrelationship 相互关系 of conductor and orchestra :kistr管弦乐队 symbolizes the need for str

27、ong cooperation 合作 , 协作 among various kinds of specialists 专家 , 行家 in a modern industrial society.1. In what culture is music regarded as good by birth?C In Western culture2. Which of the following is performed by professionals?B Classical music and popular music 3. Which of the following is NOT tru

28、e according to the passage?C Music is a special form of communication with supernatural being in Asia4. According to the passage, what is the most universal use of music?D Religious ritual 宗教仪式5. Which of the following is NOT symbolized 象征 by music?D Friendship4Lesson 2 Holidays1. M: Do you still wa

29、nt to go to the graduate 研究生的school after you get out of college?W: Ive changed my mind about that. I want to start working before I go back to school.Q: What does the woman mean?B She s not going to graduated school immediately after graduation.2. M: Weve got a whole hour before the Browns come by

30、来串门, 来访 to pick us up 安排接取; 使搭乘; 搭救.W: Yeah. But wed better get moving 赶快;快些开始.Q: What does the woman suggest they do?A Hurry 3. M: Im thinking of getting a new printer.W: Id invest in 在上投资, 在投入( 时间、精力等) a laser leiz 激光 printer. The print quality is much better.Q: What does the woman mean?C The man

31、should buy a high- quality printer.4. W: Ive got a coupon ku:pn 配给券;(购物)票证;(购物)优惠券 for half-off 五折 dinner at that new restaurant down the street. I think Ill use it when my cousin kzn堂 表兄弟姊妹 comes for a visit this weekend.M: Where did you get it? I wouldnt mind( trying that place out too)试验.Q: What

32、does the man want to know?C Where the woman got coupon 5. W: Whats Laura doing here today? I thought she was supposed 料想; 猜想; 以为 to be out of 离开了 the office on Mondays.W: She decided shed rather have Fridays off instead.Q: What can be inferred about Laura?A She has changed her schedule 6. M: I need

33、to find a new roommate 室友,住在同室的人.W: So Johns going to California after all.Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?B the mans current roommate is moving 7. M: My math assignments 工作, 任务 due 到期的tomorrow morning and I havent even started it yet.W: Ill miss 想念 , 惦记 you at the party tonight.Q: Wha

34、t does the woman imply?D the man wont be able to go to the party8. W: Those packages 包, 包裹, 包在一起的东西 took forever 长久地;(与动词进行时连用)老是,没完没了地 to arrive.M: But they did arrive, didnt they?Q: What does the man say about the packages?B They eventually arrived 9. M: My parents are coming to see our apartment

35、一套房间, 一户 this weekend.W: Looks as if Id better lend you my vacuum vkjum口真空吸尘器 cleaner 净化器 then.Q: What does the woman imply?D The mans apartment is dirty 10. M: Sarah, did you have a chance to buy that new novel you wanted?W: No, but I had Doris get it for me.Q: What does Sarah say about the novel?D

36、 Doris purchased it for her11. M: Ive been waiting all week for this concert. The philharmonic fil:mnik交响乐团 is supposed to be excellent and with our student discoun diskaunt数目, 折扣 t the tickets will be really cheap.W: Uh - uh, Im afraid I left my student ID in my other purse 钱包.Q: What does the woma

37、n imply? 暗示, 暗指C She wont be able to get the student discount 12. M: The university bookstore opens at 9 in the morning.W: Oh, dear. I need a textbook 教科书, 课本 for my eight oclock class today.Q: What does the woman mean?A She wont be able to get the book before class13. M: The storm 暴风雨 雪 last night

38、damaged some of the neighbors roofs.5W: no wonder 不足为奇.Q: What is the woman reaction to the man says?C She isnt surprised14. M: Youve certainly 无疑地; 确定地;肯定地 been reading that one page for a long time now.W: Well, Im being tested on it tomorrow.Q: What does the woman imply 暗示?C she needs to read the

39、page carefully 15. W: Another thing we need to do is show the new students around town. You know, show them all the sights 视野;风景 of the area.M: I dont see why we need to do that ourselves. I understand the visitors center offers a wonderful bus tour 旅行, 观光Q: What does the man suggest they do?B Send

40、the new students on a bus tour of city PART BPassage I:People in the US get a two-week paid 有报酬的;领取报酬的 vacation from their job every year. Most British people have four or five weeks paid holiday a year. Americans often complain 抱怨, 诉苦; 投诉 that two weeks is not enough especially when they hear about

41、 the longer holidays that Europeans enjoy. In addition, there are eight days in each European country, which are public holidays (the British call Bank Holiday) and many of these fall on 落到 , 轮到 a Monday giving people a long weekend.What do people do in Britain and the US when they are on holidays?

42、In the US, outdoor vacations are popular, for example, at the Grand Canyon 峡谷 or Yellowstone or other national parks or forests. Young people may go walking or camping 宿营, 露营 in the mountains. Many people have small trailers 拖车, 挂车 in which to travel, or if they are in a car, they may stay at motels

43、 汽车旅馆 on the journey 旅行; 行程;. Disneyland and Disney world are also popular and people can go skiing in the Rocky 洛矶 Mountains of Colorado 科罗拉多州 , Wyoming 怀俄明州 and Montana 蒙大纳(美国州名). Some children go to summer camp for a holiday during the summer vacation from school, where they do special activities

44、, such as sports or crafts 技巧;技能;技艺. When Americans want a holiday for fun in the sun, they usually go to Florida, Hawaii, Mexico or the Caribbean. They may go to Europe for culture, for example, to see art, plays, and places of historic 历史上著名(或重要)的 interest.In Britain, many people like to go to the

45、 seaside for holidays. There are places near the sea, such as Backpool, Scarborough 斯卡波罗 and Bournemouth 伯恩茅斯, where there is plenty 充裕, 大量 , 富庶 to do even when it rains. People also like to go to the country, especially to walk, in places like Scotland, Wales and the Lake 湖泊 District. When the Brit

46、ish go abroad they usually want to go somewhere warm. Spain and the Spanish islands of Majorea and Ibiza 伊比沙岛 are popular as are other places in southern Europe. For skiing, people often go to the Alps 阿尔卑斯山.1. How long a paid vacation can Americans enjoy every year?A Two weeks2. How many days are t

47、here about public holidays for Europeans in a year? C Eight days 3. Where do Americans usually go for fun in the sun?D Florida4. Where do Americans usually spend their holidays for culture?C Europe5. British people usually go to Spain for holidays. What for?B For skiingPassage II:Every country in th

48、e world celebrates New Year but not everyone does it on the same day. The countries of North and South America and Europe welcome the New Year on January 1. This practice began with the Romans. Julius Caesar, a Roman ruler, changed the date of the 6New Year from the first day of March to the first d

49、ay of January. In the Middle East, New Year is on the day when spring begins. People in China celebrate it on the Spring Festival, which is the first day of their lunar lju:n 月的, 月球的;按阴历的 calendarklind 日历, 月历. The Spring Festival usually comes between January 21 and February 19. Rosh Hashana 犹太新年, which is the Jewish New Year, comes at the end of summer.In all of these cultures,

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