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本文(【优化方案】2014届高考(新课标版)一轮复习:必修二 Unit 5 Music课时达标检测(含答案解析).doc)为本站会员(温***)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

【优化方案】2014届高考(新课标版)一轮复习:必修二 Unit 5 Music课时达标检测(含答案解析).doc

1、优质文档优质文档课时达标检测 Unit 5 Music(时间:30 分钟).语法和词汇知识1(2012高考福建卷)What are you going to do this weekend?_.If time permits,I may go to Shanghai with my friends.ADont mention it BIt doesnt matterCForget it DIt depends2It is _ tradition for people in this country to pay in _ cash when buying things.Athe;/ Ba;/C

2、/;the Da;the3When I talked with my grandma on the phone,she sounded weak,but by the time we _ up,her voice had been full of life.Awere hanging Bhad hungChung Dwould hang4While advertisements are of great help,I dont think we should entirely_ them.Ainsist on Brely onCkeep on Dcatch on5Both students a

3、nd parents appreciate the great importance;schools have _ to eyesight protection.Areacted BattendedCattached Dadapted6_,the pay isnt attractive enough,though the job itself is quite interesting.AGenerally speaking BOn the contraryCIn particular DTo be honest7(2013北京重点高中尖子生综合素质展示) Have you got any id

4、ea for the summer vacation?Yes.Im going to a peaceful place,especially _ suitable for relaxation.Aone Bthe oneCthat Dthis8Compared with his sister,Jerry is even more _to,and more easily troubled by,emotional and relationship problems.Asceptical BaddictedCavailable Dsensitive来源:Z|xx|k.Com9Tom put his

5、 heart into the wildlife research,and finally,his efforts _ him a great success and fame.Asaved BearnedCmade Doffered10What kind of house would you like to buy?Id like to buy onemodern,comfortable,and _in a quiet neighborhood.Ain all Babove allCafter all Dat all11(2013昆明质检)Im afraid our personal rel

6、ationships _ over years may be lost after you move out.来源:学科网 ZXXKAbuilding up Bbuilt upChaving built up Dto be built up12It was not until then_ their marriage was _ because they had little in common.Adid I realize;breaking out优质文档优质文档Bthat I realized;breaking upCdid I realize;breaking upDthat I rea

7、lized ;breaking out13The police arrived,_ the situation became calmer.Aafter which Bbefore whichCin which Dfrom which14(2013北京市重点中学月考) No wonder you caught a cold.You _out last night without a coat.I know how silly I was.Ashouldnt have gone Bmustnt have goneCcouldnt have gone Dmightnt have gone15_pl

8、eases his supporters is his honesty and his willingness to take on difficult issues.AThat BAs来源: 学.科.网 Z.X.X.KCIt DWhat.阅读理解来源:学科网 ZXXKA(2012临沂二模) Fifteen years ago,I entered the Boston Globe,which was a temple to me then.It wasnt easy getting hired.But once you were there,I found,you were in.Globe

9、jobs were for lifeguaranteed until retirement.For 15 years I worked theremoving from an ordinary reporter to foreign journalist and finally to senior editor.I would have a lifetime of security if I struck with it.Instead,I had made a decision to leave.I entered my bosss office.Would he burst into an

10、ger? I wondered.He had a famous temper.“Matt,we have to have a talk, ” I began awkwardly.“I came to the Globe when I was twentyfour.Now Im forty.Theres a lot I want to do in life.Im resigning.”“To another paper?” he asked.I reached into my coat pocket, but didnt say anything.I handed him a letter th

11、at explained everything.It said that I was leaving to start a new media company.We were at a rare turning point in history.I wanted to meet th e challenge in the change.“Im glad for you, ” he said,quite out of my expectation.“I just came from a board of directors meeting and it was seventyfive perce

12、nt discouraging news.Some of that we can deal with.But much of it we cant, ” he went on.“I wish you all the luck in the world, ” he concluded.“And if it doesnt work out,remember,your star is always high here.”Then I went out of his office,walking through the newsroom for more goodbyes.Everybody was

13、saying congratulations.Everybodyeven though Id be ris king all on an unfamiliar venture:all the financial security I had carefully built up.Later, I had a final talk with Bill Taylor,chairman and publisher of the Boston Globe.He had turned the Globe into a billion dollar bussiness.“Im resigning,Bill

14、, ”I said.He listened while I gave him the story.He wasnt looking angry or disturbed either.After a pause,he said, “Golly,I wish I were in your shoes.”1From the passage we know that the Globe is a famous _.Anewspaper BmagazineCtemple Dchurch2If the writer stayed with the Globe _.Ahe would be able to

15、 realize his lifetime dreamsBhe would have to be an ordinary reporter againChe would never have to worry about his future lifeDhe would never be allowed to develop his ambitions3. The writer wanted to resign because _.Ahe had serious trouble with his bossBhe wanted to be engaged in new media industr

16、yChe got underpaid at his job for the GlobeDhe had found a better paid job in a publishing house优质文档优质文档4When the writer decided to resign,the Globe was faced with _.Aa trouble with its staff members 来源: 学*科*网Ba shortage of qualified reportersCa wonderful business situationDan unfavorable business s

17、ituation5By “I wish I were in your shoes.” (in the last paragraph),Bill Taylor meant that _.Ahe would do the same if possibleBhe would reject the writers requestCthe writer was to failDthe writer was stupidB(2013潍坊市适应性训练)A new study suggests that early exposure to germs (细菌) strengthens the immune (

18、免疫的 ) system.That means letting children get a little dirty might be good for their health later in life.The study involved laboratory mice.It found that adult mice raised in a germfree environment were more likely to develop allergies, asthma and other autoimmune disorders.There are more than eight

19、y disorders where cells that normally defend the body instead attack tissues and organs.Richard Blumberg,who led the study,is a professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston,Massachusetts.He says,in 1989,medical researchers who sought to explain these diseases,first discovered that the increasing us

20、e of antibacterial soaps and other products,especially early in life,could weaken immune systems.Now,Dr.Blumberg and his team have what is the first biological evidence to link early expos ure to germs to stronger adult immune systems.They say this exposure could prevent the development of some auto

21、immune diseases.In the adult gorm free mice,they found that inflammation (发炎) in the lungs and colon was caused by socalled killer T cells.These normally fight infection.But they became overactive and targeted healthy tissuean autoimmune condition seen in asthma and a disease called ulcerative colit

22、is.来源 :Z|xx|k.ComDr.Blumberg says the mice raised in a normal environment did not have the same react ion.He says their immune systems had been “educated” by early exposure to germs.Rates of autoimmune disorders are rising worldwide,but mostly in wealthier,industrialized countries.According to Dr.Bl

23、umberg,it might be high time that people were warned to be more careful with the early use of antibiotics (抗生素) and the prescription from their doctors.Rob Dunn is a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at North Carolina State University in Raleigh.H e says the new study does not mean peopl

24、e should stop washing.“Wash your hands,but dont do it with antibacterial soap.Let your kids play in a reasonable amount of dirt and get outside and get exposed to a diversity of things”, says Rob Dunn.来源: 学_科_网6Who first found immune systems might get harmed by overly using antibacterial products?AA

25、 professor of ecology and evolutionary biology.BA professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston.CMedical researchers who tried to explain autoimmune disorders.DMedical researchers who tried to treat autoimmune disorders.7To keep healthy in the future,children had better _.优质文档优质文档Aplay in a dirty en

26、vironment once in a whileBlive in a germfree environmentCuse plenty of antibacterial soapsDstay in under developed countries8Why are germfree mice easy to develop lung inflammation?ABecause their T cells fight bacteria effectively.BBecause their T cells attack the healthy tissues.来源: 学科网CBecause the

27、ir lungs become abnormally active.DBecause their lungs have weaker tissues.9It can be inferred from the text that _.Awashing hands is no longer a good habit for childrenBantibiotics will be forbidden in childrens hospitalsCexposure to dirt helps build childrens characterDthe abuse of antibiotics may

28、 be condemned10Where does this text most probably come from?AA teachers handbook.BA story book.CA science magazine.DA travel journal.Unit 5 Music课时达标检测 .语法和词汇知识1 【解析】选 D。考查交际用语。句意: 这个周末你打算做什么?看情况,如果时间允许,我可能会和朋友一起去上海。根据答语中的“I may go to Shanghai”可知,答话人只是有去上海的可能,也有可能不去,所以不太肯定,故选 D。2 【解析】选 B。根据前半部分句意 “用

29、现金付钱对这个国家的人来说是一个传统”可知,第一空是泛指“传统” ;第二空为固定短语 in cash(用现金) 。3 【解析】选 C。句意:当我与奶奶在电话中交谈时,她的声音听起来很虚弱,但到我们挂断电话时,她的声音已经充满了活力。 “by表示过去时间的词或句子”时,句子或主句常用过去完成时,故设空处需用一般过去时。4 【解析】选 B。考查动词短语。句意:尽管广告有很大的帮助,但是我认为我们不能完全依赖广告。insist on 坚持; rely on 依赖;keep on 坚持;catch on 理解。5 【解析】选 C。句意:学校对眼睛保护非常重视,对此学生和家长都非常赞赏。本句中,主句为:

30、Both students and parents appreciate the great importance;schools have _to eyesight protection 为定语从句,先行词为 importance。attach importance to 为固定短语,意为“重视” 。又如:People attach great importance to weather forecast.人们非常重视天气预报。6 【解析】选 D。句意:说实话,这点工资没有很大的吸引力,但工作本身还是非常有趣的。A:一般说来;B:相反;C:尤其。7 【解析】选 A。答语的意思是 “我将去一个

31、宁静的地方,尤其是一个适合放松的地方” 。one 代指 a place。8 【解析】选 D。句意:Jerry 和他的妹妹相比,对于情感和人际关系方面的问题更敏感,更容易被困扰。sceptical 怀疑的;addicted 沉迷的; available(指物)可用的或可得到的;(指人)可会见的,有空的;sensitive 敏感的,灵敏的,易受伤害的。 来源:Zxxk.Com9 【解析】选 B。句意:汤姆潜心于野生动物研究,他的努力最终为他赢得了巨大的成功和声望。earn sb.sth.“为某人赢得某物” 。save 和 offer 后均可接双宾语,但与句意不符。优质文档优质文档10 【解析】选

32、B。考查短语辨析。 above all 意为“最重要的是;尤其是” ,强调事情的重要性,符合句意。in all(alt ogether/in total)“总共” ;after all“毕竟” ;at all“根本;全然” 。11 【解析】选 B。考查非谓语动词用法。句意:恐怕我们经过数年建立起来的人际关系在你搬出之后就会消失了。build up 与前面的 relationships 为被动关系,排除 A、C 两个选项,B 项在句中为过去分词充当定语,表示被动和完成,符合语境;to be built up 表示将来。12 【解析】选 B。考查强调句和短语辨析。第一空考查强调句型中的 that,

33、这里不用倒装;第二空考查 break up“破裂” ,而 break out“突然爆发” ,不符合句意。故本题选B。13 【解析】选 A。考查定语从句。此处为 “介词关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句。which 代指 “警察到来”这件事,逗号后面的内容表示“警察来了以后局势变得较稳定” ,故用 after which。来源: 学科网 ZXXK14 【解析】选 A。考查虚拟语气。 A 项意为“本来不应该 ”;B 项为不当用法;C 项意为“本来不可能” ;D 项意为 “本来或许” 。句意: 难怪你感冒了。昨晚你不该不穿大衣出去。我知道我是多么愚蠢了。15 【解析】选 D。分析句子结构可知,系动词

34、is 前是一个主语从句,同时从句中缺少主语,故由 what 引导,表示“让他的支持者高兴的事情” 。.阅读理解【解题导语】 本文为一篇记叙文。文章 讲述了作者在一家 报社前途一片光明之际,却提出辞职,他害怕不好与老板沟通。然而,老板却对他的抉择表示理解与支持。1【解析】选 A。推理判断题。根据第二段第二句中的“moving from an ordinary reporter to foreign journalist and finally to senior editor”以及本段中的 “To another paper?”可知,Globe 是一家报社。故答案选 A。2 【解析】选 C。细节

35、理解题。根据第二段第三句 “I would have a lifetime of security if I struck with it.”可知,如果 “我”留在这家报社会很安全,不必为未来生活担忧。故答案选 C。3 【解析】选 B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的 “I handed him a letter that explained everything.It said that I was leaving to start a new media company.”可知, “我”之所以要离开这家报社,就是因为“我”想自己成立一家新的传媒公司。故答案选 B。4 【解析】选 D。推理判断题。

36、根据第二段倒数第三句老板 Bill Taylor 所说的话“I just came from a board of directors meeting and it was seventyfive percent discouraging news.Some of that we can deal with.But much of it we cant”,可知,老板从董事会那里得到的消息 75%都是坏消息,其中有一些能处理,但大部分没办法应对。所以,当时报社应该是处境艰难。故答案选 D。5 【解析】选 A。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段倒数第二句“He wasnt looking angry o

37、r disturbed either.”可知,老板当时的态度是很平和的,没有生气。故可排除B、C 、D 三项。 be in ones shoes 为常用的英语习语,意为“站在某人的立场想问题” ,即我们常说的“换位思考” 。老板这样说即表示他同意作者的观点和做法如果换作他,他也会作出同样的选择。故答案选 A。【解题导语】 这是一篇关于医学健康的科技小品文。文章 讲述了滥用抗生素对人类和动物的影响,以此来呼吁人 们要慎用抗生素。6【解析】选 C。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“medical researchers who sought to explain these diseases,firs

38、t discovered.”可知,答案选 C。7 【解析】选 A。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段最后一句“Let your kids play in a reasonable amount of dirt and get outside and get exposed to a diversity of things.”可知,答案选A。8 【解析】选 B。细节理解题。根据第五段 “But they became overactive and targeted healthy tissue.”可知,答案应选 B。9 【解析】选 D。推理判断题。从文章倒数第二段第二句可知,不能滥用抗生素且医生也要慎开抗生素。故答案选 D。优质文档优质文档10 【解析】选 C。推理判断题。这是一篇关于医学健康的文章,所以,应该是来自科学杂志。

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