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本文(【优化方案】2014届高考(新课标版)一轮复习:必修五 Unit 2 The United Kingdom课时达标检测(含答案解析).doc)为本站会员(温***)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

【优化方案】2014届高考(新课标版)一轮复习:必修五 Unit 2 The United Kingdom课时达标检测(含答案解析).doc

1、优质文档优质文档课时达标检测 Unit 2 The United Kingdom(时间:35 分钟).语法和词汇知识1(2013西安第一次质检) D|S100,but that is my last offer._AGoo d idea! BWhat did you say?COh,its up to you. DOK,its a deal.2(2013天津十二区县联考)I have to reschedule the appointment with you since there is a _ in my arrangement.Acontract BcontrastCconnection

2、 Dconflict3(2013山西四校联考)As the train ran faster and faster,the lights of the city were soon _.Aleft off Bleft aloneCleft behind Dleft out4(2012山东高考预测卷三)If you have to catch the first bus every day,choose this hotel.It is very _ for the stationits only a twominute walk.Aclose BcomfortableCconvenient D

3、near5There were _ number of people who would like to take _ place of the manager if he resigned.Aa;/ Bthe;/Cthe ;the Da;the6(2013西安模拟)The girl glanced over her shoulder and found herself _ by a young man in black.Awas followed BfollowedCfollowing Dhad been followed7(2013福建三明一中月考)The employees consid

4、er their boss unfair and unreasonable because he is not _ in dealing with company affairs.Aconsistent BcontroversialCconfident Dconventional8There are more than two million farmers,_ two thirds of the total population of the province.来源:Zxxk.ComAmade up of Bmaking upCconsisted of Dconsisting of9(201

5、3山东青岛一模)No one can walk the wire in the air without a bit of fear unless _ very young.Ahaving trained BtrainedCto be trained Dbeing trained10(2012杭州第二次质量检测)We can hardly believe that an intelligent person like Daniel _ be asking such a silly question.Ashould BmightCmust Dcould11(2013四川六校高三联考)Not _ w

6、ith the quality of your goods.I will certainly not advise others to buy them.Ato impress BimpressingChaving impressed Dimpressed12(2013福州模拟)It is greatly _ his credit that David saved the girl risking his life.Exactly.He should be awarded the title of Best Teenagers.来源:学科网 ZXXK优质文档优质文档Awith BtoCon D

7、for13Lily had a(n) _ idea of where Harry lived,but she didnt know the exact street.Acreative BroughCpositive Denjoyable14Mary,you must get the work _ today.Well be away on business tomorrow.OK.I will.Ato accomplish Baccomplishing来源: 学&科&网Z&X&X&KCaccomplished Dbeing accomplished15Why do you suggest w

8、e buy a new machine?Becau se the old one has been damaged _.Abeyond reach Bbeyond repair 来源: 学科网Cbeyond control Dbeyond description.完形填空(2013唐山高三第一次模拟考试)I have always been an independent person,but I have come to know that being independent does not mean refusing help.I may still be _1_ with asking

9、for help, but I try to accept.Furthermore,I will even _2_ help and when my offers are refused,I am _3_ willing to walk away.And all these changes came from a disaster on an island.Sometimes a persons independence is a _4_ of pride,daring ,stubbornness and luck.I used to be too _5_ since I was little

10、.I was once a traveler who never asked for _6_,choosing instead to struggle with maps and signs until I found my way.Then one day on the island of Koh Phangan,in Thailand,everything _7_.I was swimming in the ocean with Sean,my fiance (未婚夫) ,when he was _8_ by a box jellyfish (箱型水母 )He _9_ within thr

11、ee minutes,25 years old.Yet when onlookers and travelers asked if I wanted _10_,stubborn pride and force of habit _11_ me accepting.But two young Israeli women stayed._12_ my protest (反对) ,they were with me even when the police tried to cover up the _13_ of Seans death.It was listed as drunk drownin

12、g to avoid hurting the _14_ industry.The Israeli women _15_have walked away._16_,without even telling me,they _17_ their schedule rather than leave me behind._18_I didnt realize it at the time,I now believe I would not have _19_ the disaster without these great women.Actually,the person who needs he

13、lp the most is usually the last person to ask for it.I have learned _20_ is better than refusing because it not only helps you walk out of trouble,but also helps you know the real meaning of life.1.A.struggling BdealingCconfused Dsatisfied2A.offer BacceptCseek Ddesire3A.occasionally BfrequentlyCusua

14、lly Dseldom4A.range BsymbolCway Dmix5A.adventurous BbraveCindependent BequipmentCdirections Dsug gestions7A.happened BmessedCchanged Ddisappeared8A.attacked BcaughtCfollowed Dimpressed9A.sunk Bdied优质文档优质文档Cfailed BadviceCcomfort Devidence11A.kept BpreventedCde

15、nied Dsuggested12A.In spite of BIn case ofCIn terms of DAs a result of13A.proof BnewsCfact Dcause14A.medicine BentertainmentCfishing Dtourism15A.could BneedCshould Dmust16A.Therefore BOtherwiseCInstead DBesides17A.delayed BmadeCconsidered Dthrew18A.When BWhile CBecause DIf19A.survived BexperiencedCa

16、voided Dsuffe red20A.refusing BacceptingCgiving Dbegging.阅读理解(2013江西两所名校联考)A camera,a glove,a hand tool,even a toothbrush.they are all up there,above the clouds,going around and around the Earth.There are also thousands of pieces of metal and plastic.Some of them are only about the size of a fingern

17、ail.Many are much larger.Scientists consider all these objects to be space_junk,and they are a problem.Since people first launched rockets into space in the 1950s,we have been leaving behind all sorts of things.Much of the space junk is made up of little pieces of things that were once bigger object

18、s, until they struck each other and broke apart.Sometimes larger pieces survive the extreme heat through the atmosphere and hit the ground or the ocean at great speeds.But space junk falling on house tops is not the biggest worry.Scientists are concerned about the Kessler syndrome.It is named after

19、the American scientist who first thought of the idea in 1978.Imagine what happens when an empty rocket strikes another while orbiting the Earth.Two big things become many smaller things.They then hit other things.The pieces get smaller and smaller until they form a cloud of junk that blocks the path

20、 of future space vehicles.Marco Castronuovo,an Italian Space Agency researcher,suggested launching a satellite into space that would get very close to some of the larger pieces of space junk.The satellite would connect a small rocket to the useless object.When the rocket explodes, it pushes the junk

21、 into a lower and slower orbit,nearer the Earth.After a time,the junk burns up in the atmosphere.Scientists have been concerned about space junk for many years.Right now,the costs of the cleanup have been too great.Mr.Castronuovo says his system could be put in place for a much more reasonable amoun

22、t of money.1What does the underlined part “space junk” in Paragraph 1 refer to?AIt refers to small pieces of things that were once bigger objects.BIt refers to objects that survived the extreme heat through the atmosphere.CIt refers to clouds that are made up of small objects in space.DIt refers to

23、all kinds of objects that have been left behind in space.2Why do scientists consider the Kessler syndrome is a big problem?优质文档优质文档ASpace junk clouds are likely to block the path of spacecraft.BAn empty rocket might strike a spacecraft orbiting the Earth.来源: 学科网CSpace junk might fall onto the Earth,

24、causing damage.DSpace junk becomes bigger and bigger until hard to get rid of.3What is mainly talked about in the passage?ASmaller objects come together to form clouds of space junk.BHuman beings are responsible for space junk.CSpace junk is a big problem human beings have to find ways to solve.来源:学

25、科网DAn Italian researcher has found a good way to remove space junk.4What is the authors attitude towards Marco Castronuovos method of cleaning up space junk?ADoubtful. BObjective.CFavorable. DDisapproving.5What can be inferred from the passage?A. Cameras or gloves had been left behind in space after

26、 they were used.来源:学。科。网 Z。X 。X。KBSpace junk is made up of many big objects given up by humans.CThere isnt an effective system to clean space junk at the moment.DLarger pieces of objects are often broken into smaller ones and fall onto the Earth.Unit 2 The United Kingdom来源:Zxxk.Com来源:学科网 ZXXK课时达标检测

27、来源:学,科,网 Z,X,X,K.语法和词汇知识1 【解析】选 D。对方最后的报价是 100 美元,答话人表示同意,故选 D 项,its a deal 意为 “成交,一言为定” 。2 【解析】选 D。句意:我得重新安排跟你约会的时间,因为我的安排中有冲突。conflict 冲突,矛盾;contract 合同;contrast 对比;connection 联系。3 【解析】选 C。句意:随着火车速度的加快,城市的灯火很快就被抛在后面。leave behind 表示“把 抛在后面,超过” 。leave off“停止” ,leave a lone“不管,不打扰” ,leave out“遗漏,排除”

28、,均不符合句意。4 【解析】选 C。句意:如果你每天必须赶最早的公共汽车,就选这家宾馆。从这里去车站很方便步行只有两分钟。be convenient for sth.对来说是方便的/ 容易到达的;close 与 near 不能与 for 搭配;comfortable 舒适的。5 【解析】选 D。a number of 许多;take the place of 代替。6 【解析】选 B。考查非谓语动词。句意:女孩向身后瞥了一眼,发现自己被一名穿黑色衣服的年轻男子跟踪。根据语意可知,follow 和 herself 之间是动宾关系,因此用动词的过去分词形式作宾语补足语。答案选 B。7 【解析】选

29、A。句意:这些雇员认为他们的老板是不公平的并且做事不合理,因为他在处理公司事务时总是反复无常,相互矛盾。A. 不矛盾的,始终如一的;B.引起争论的,有争议的;C.自信的,有自信心的; D.依照惯例的,墨守成规的,传统的,习惯的。8 【解析】选 B。句意:有二百多万农民,占这个省份总人口数的三分之二。空格处表示“占据”之意,与 farmers 为逻辑上的主谓关系,因此用现在分词 making up。A、D两项意思为“由组成” ,不符合句意。9 【解析】选 B。句意:除非很小就受过训练,否则没有人可以在空中走钢丝一点也不害怕。train 和主语之间为动宾关系,而且是在过去接受训练,故用过去分词作状

30、语。10 【解析】选 A。考查情态动词 。句意:我们几乎难以相信像 Daniel 这样聪明的人优质文档优质文档竟然问如此愚蠢的问题。此处 should 表示“竟然” 。11 【解析】选 D。句意:对你们产品的质量印象不佳,我当然不会建议其他人购买。impress sb.with sth.表示“某物给某人留下深刻印象” ,I 与 impress 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词短语作状语。12 【解析】选 B。句意:“ 大卫冒着生命危险救了那个女孩,真值得称赞。 ”“确实如此。他应该被授予优秀少年的称号。 ”to ones credit“值得赞扬;为某人争光” ,是固定搭配。13 【解析】选

31、 B。由 she didnt know the exact street 可知,莉莉只是大概知道哈里住在哪儿,并不知道确切的位置,故选 B 项。creative 创造性的;positive 积极的;enjoyable高兴的。14 【解析】选 C。accomplish 与 work 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故选 C 项。accomplished 在此作宾补。15 【解析】选 B。句意:“ 你为什么建议我们买一台新机器呢?” “因为旧的那台已经损坏得无法修理了。 ”A 项意为 “无法到达” ;B 项意为“无法修理” ;C 项意为“无法控制” ;D 项意为“无法描述” 。结合语境可知应选 B 项。.

32、完形填空【解题导语】 独立并不意味着要拒绝帮助,接受帮助比拒绝帮助好, 这是作者通过自己的亲身经历领悟到的道理。1 【解析】选 A。struggle with 表示“与作斗争” ,根据上下文可知作者还在与是否要寻求帮助作斗争。2 【解析】选 A。根据下文的 “when my offers”可知,作者甚至会给别人提供帮助。3 【解析】选 D。当作者给别人提供帮助而被拒绝时,她很少会心甘情愿地走开。这与下文作者拒绝别人的帮助时,对方还是留下来陪她的经历有关。occasionally“偶尔” ;frequently“经常地 ”;usually“通常” ;seldom“很少” 。4 【解析】选 D。有

33、时一个人的独立是骄傲、勇敢、顽强和运气的结合。range“一系列” ;symbol “象征” ;way“方式” ;mix“混合,结合” 。5 【解析】选 C。根据文章第一句以及下文的内容可知,作者是一个非常独立的人。6 【解析】选 C。根据 6 空后面的 “choosing instead to strugg le with maps and signs until I found my way.”可知,作者曾经旅行时从不问路。money“金钱” ;equipment“装备” ;direction“方向” ;suggestion “建议” 。7 【解析】选 C。根据第一段的最后一句可知,此处表

34、示“一切都变了” ,故选 C。8 【解析】选 A。下文提到作者的未婚夫死了,此处应指他受到了箱型水母的攻击。attack“攻击” 。9 【解析】选 B。根据“25 years old”及 13 空后面的“Seans death”可知,此处指 Sean三分钟之内就死了,故选 B。10 【解析】选 A。由上文可知,作者正遭受着未婚夫突然去世的打击,再结合 11 空后面的“two young Israeli women stayed”可知,周围的人在问作者是否需要陪伴。company“陪伴” 。11 【解析】选 B。作者固执的骄傲和习惯的力量阻止她接受别人提供的帮助。prevent“阻止” 。12

35、【解析】选 A。尽管作者反对,她们还是留下来陪作者。in spite of“尽管” ;in case of“以防万一 ”;in terms of “就而言” ;as a result of“由于” 。13 【解析】选 D。根据下一句中的 “It was listed as drunk drowning.”可知,警方尽力地掩盖 Sean 死亡的原因。cause“原因” 。14 【解析】选 D。Sean 因受水母攻击而死亡,警方掩盖其死因是为了避免影响到当地的旅游业。15 【解析】选 A。could have done 表示“本来能做,而实际上未做” ,此处指那两位以色列女士本来能够走开的,但她们

36、还是留下来陪作者。16 【解析】选 C。她们反而宁可延误自己的日程安排,也不扔下作者不管。instead“反而,却 ”。优质文档优质文档17 【解析】选 A。参 见上题解析。18 【解析】选 B。while 表示“尽管” 。尽管作者当时没有意识到这一点,但现在她相信,如果没有这两位好心的女士,她不会从这场灾难中幸存。19 【解析】选 A。参见上题解析。 survive“幸存;存活 ”。20 【解析】选 B。根据下文的 “.because it not only.of life.”并结合全文可知,此处表示“接受帮助比拒绝帮助好” 。.阅读理 解【解题导语】 太空垃圾是人类在太空活动中丢弃在太空中

37、的物体,这些物体形成垃圾云之后将对人造卫星或飞船的飞行产生很大影响,科学家正在寻找清理太空垃圾的有效方法。1【解析】选 D。细节理解题。从第二段第一句判断,space junk 指人类在太空活动中遗留在太空的所有的物体,即“太空垃圾” 。2 【解析】选 A。细节理解题。第三段介绍了 Kessler 综合征,最后一句指出了其潜在的危险,即垃圾云有可能会阻碍未来太空飞行器的轨道。3 【解析】选 C。主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了太空垃圾及其危害,还介绍了科学家正在研究清理太空垃圾方法的情况,故 C 项最能概括全文的内容。4 【解析】选 B。推理判断题。作者在文中只是客观介绍 Castronuovo 提出的清理太空垃圾的方法,没有做任何评论,因此其态度是客观的。5 【解析】选 C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段判断,目前尚没有一种有效的清除太空垃圾的方法。

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