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1、Paper One Part I Vocabulary and structure (20 points)Direction: There are twenty incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter in the Answer Sheet One wit

2、h a single line through the center.21 The editorialnow will appear in tomorrowS newspaperAwriting Bto write Cbeing written Dwrite2 Though he is_worker,he works very hardAa common Ban ordinary Ca usual Da general3 Im looking after Tom todayHe S been at my house 8:00 this morningAsince Bfor Cat Dtill4

3、 When he retired,his son_ the businessAtook over Btook off Ctook in Dtook up5 Please call againJim a bath Just nowAhad Bhaving Cis having D. has6 On no condition with himAwe cannot agree B would we agree Ccan we agree D. we can agree7 once environmental damage ,it takes many years for the system to

4、recoverAhas done Bit to do Cdoes D. is done8 we are doing has never been done before.AThat B. What CWhich DWhether9 They at least ten minutes agoAare leave Bmust have left Cwere left D1eave10 There is more land in Australia than the government knows .Awhat to do with Bto do with it Chow to do Dto do

5、 it11 While people may refer to television for Uptotheminute news,it is unlikely that television the newspaper completelyAreplace BWas replaced Creplaced Dwill replace12 Because the first pair of trousers did not fit properly,he asked for Aanother trousers Bothers trousers Cthe others ones Danother

6、pair13 In Britain today women 44 of the workforce,and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid workAbuild up Bmake up Cstand for Dsend up14 This is the place I want to go to.Amostly Bthe mostly Cmost Dmuch 15 The hours the children spend in their one-way relationship with television peopleu

7、ndoubtedly affect their relationship with reallife people.Athat Bwhen Cin which Don which16 Whether he can pass the examination is thought to be for his going abroadApersonal Bspecial Cconventional Dcrucial 17 I do wish you could these sheets of paper togetherAmend Brepair Cpaste Dpatch 18 In Britai

8、n,the Prince of Wales is to the throneAadvisor Bheir Cowner Dprotector 19 She is now in of happiness with her family membersAclosure Bpursuit Ccredibility Dphenomenon 20 The government has decided to reduce a(n) on all importsAexposure Btariff Cfee Dservice Part III Reading Comprehension (40 points)

9、Direction: There are twenty incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter in the Answer Sheet One with a single line through the center.Passage 1Ants are

10、great athletes in proportion to their sizeThey can lilt a weight four hundred timestheir own weightTheoretically a five-pound ant could easily lilt a tonThe most skillful farmers in the insect world are the small, heavily armored parasol antsThey work at night and it is nothing for them to strip a l

11、arge tree at a time,marching off with bitsOf leaf held over them like parasolsSurprisingly enough,these ants do not eat the vegetation they gotRather they use it as rawmaterial for their remarkable underground gardens,which they tend themselvesThe shreds of theleaves are literally chewed into a rich

12、 compost which is used to strengthen the garden where athread-like fungus is cultivatedThis species of fungus is their only source of foodIncluded in the extraordinary parasol ant society are tiny garden workers,and slightly biggerworkers who dig the interconnecting chambers of the hiveThe parasol q

13、ueen ant, more than onehundred times me size of the garden workers,is waited upon hand and foot by hundreds of her citizens21 An ant is very strong in proportion to its weightAnts call lift a weight .A300 times their own weightB600 times their own weightCfive-pound more than their own weightD400 tim

14、es their own weight22 In a short time,they call strip a tree of all its leaves in order to make a Ahome for the queen antBcompost for their gardensCspecies of fungusDkind of food23 When did the armored parasol ants work?AAt daytimeBAt night CIn the morningDAt noon24 WhatS the usage of fungus?ATo dec

15、orate the gardenBThe only source of the ants foodCTo protect the treeDThe place for them to live in25 The armored parasols are regarded as Agreat athletesBskillful farmersCqueen antsDchamber buildersPassage 2Psychology is the study of the mind and mental activitiesFor example,psychologists are inter

16、ested in why some things make you sad,but others make you happy. They want to know why some people are shy,but others are quite talkative They also want to know why people do the things that they doThey test intelligence.Psychologists deal with the minds and behavior of peopleYour mind consists of a

17、ll your feelings,thoughts ,and ideasIt is the results of the part of the brain called the cerebrumYour behavior is the way you act or conduct yourself. Examples of behavior include shouting,crying,laughing ,and sleepingSeveral people have been instrumental in the field of psychologyWilhelm Wudt set

18、up the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig,Germany, in1879Ivan Pavlov,a Russian,is noted for his experiments with dogs in which he studied their relaxes and reactionsAround 1900,Sigmund Freud stated his theory that people try to repress any memories or thoughts that they believed were not good

19、,Psychologists should not be confused with psychiatrists Psychiatrists deal only with mental illnessThey are medical doctors who treat people26: A good title for this selection is AStudying the MindBFeelings and Behavior of Human BeingsCPsychology and PsychiatryDFamous Psychologists27 “Some people a

20、re shy That meansAthey are modestBthey are quietCthey never say a wordDthey are ashamed28 We may conclude that psychologists Astudy physical diseases as wellBdeal with animals more often than with peopleCare not medical,doctors Dare interested in things that make you sad29 Pavlov worked with Apeople

21、BdogsCmental illnessDabnormal behavior30 The cerebrum controls Athe mindBthe bodyC the whole brainDthe field of psychologyPassage 3What do you do with your empty cans and bottles? There are two choices,throwing them away or recyclingThrowing away a metal beverage container wastes as much energy as f

22、illing a can with gasoline and pouring half out Besides wasting energy,throwing away bottles a11d cans causes pollution,increases the volume of solid wastes,and uses up natural resources. To control these problems,only nine states have adopted bottle lawsThe United States governrnent should require

23、every state to have a bottle law or constitute a national bottle lawTo understand how a bottle law can help,you must know how it works. When consumers buy canned or bottled beverages at the store,they pay depositsThis deposit can range from twenty to fifty cents per bottle or canIn order to get this

24、 deposit back, the bottles and cans must be returned to supermarkets after they are emptiedThe supermarkets then return the bottles and cans to their manufacturers for either reuse or recycling 。 Bottle laws are currently effective in Oregon,Vermont,Maine,Michigan,Iowa,Connecticut ,Delaware, Massach

25、usetts,and New YorkThese laws work largely because the general public supports themA recent poll(民意测验) of Americans revealed that 73 percent support bottle laws。This support undoubtedly results from peoples concern about pollution and our planet slimited resources31 mat is the bad thing if one throw

26、s away metal Calls after drinking?AWasting energy BGoing against the national law CPouring half of the gasoline outDCausing personal inconvenience32 Throwing away metal containers people will affect the environment by Apreserving natural resourcesBrecycling themCusing natural resourcesD。causing poll

27、ution33 What does the author suggest in order to solve the problems of cans and bottles?APutting the bottle laws into effectBPreventing people from pouring out beverageCMaking a national bottle lawDHaving the manufacturers recycle the containers34 Who would pay the deposits for the beverage containe

28、rs?AThe supermarketBThe manufacturer CThe consumerDThe government35 According to the author,a bottle law can work ifAthe consumers,supermarkets and manufacturers make joint effortsBthe manufacturers recycle the empty containersC the consumers pay deposits Dthe nine states support itPassage 4Reading

29、is not the only way to gain knowledge of the work in the pastThere is another largereservoir(知识库)which may 如 called experience,and the college student will find that everycraftsman has something he can teach and will generally teach gladly to any college student whodoes not look down upon themThe in

30、formation from them differs from that in textbooks andpapers chiefly in that its theoretical partme explanations of why things happen-is frequentlyquite fantasticBut the demonstration and report of what happens,and how it happens are correcteven if the reports ale in completely unscientific terms(术语

31、)Presently the college student willlearn,in this Case also,what to accept and what to rejectOne important thing for a collegestudent to remember is that if Aristotle could talk to the fishermanSo can heAnother source of knowledge is the vast store of traditional practices handed down fromfather to s

32、on,or mother to daughter, of old country customs,of folklore(风俗)All this is verydifficult for a college student to examine,for much knowledge and personal experience is neededhere to separate goodplants from wild grassThe college student should learn to realize andremember how much of real value sci

33、ence has found in this wide,confused wilderness and howoften scientific discoveries of what had existed in this area long age36 In the last paragraph the phrase“this wide,confused wilderness”refers to Apersonal experience Bwild weeds among good plantsCthe information from the parentsDthe vast store

34、of traditional practices 37 Which of the following statements is supported by the passage,AThe college students have trouble separating good plants from wild grassBCraftsman s experience is usually unscientificCThe contemptuous(傲慢的 )college students will receive nothing from craftsmenDTraditional pr

35、actices are as important as experience for the college student38 From this passage we can infer that Awell invite the craftsman to teach in the collegeBschools and books are not the only way to knowledgec Scientific discoveries are based on personal experienceDdiscoveries and rediscoveries are the m

36、ost important source of knowledge for a college student39 The author advises the college student to Abe contemptuous to the craftsmanBbe patient in helping the craftsman with scientlflc temsC1earn the craftsmans experience by judging it carefullyDgain the craftsmans experience without rejection40 Th

37、e main idea of this passage is about Awhat to learn from the parentsBhow to gain knowledgeCwhy to learn from craftsman Dhow to deal with experiencePaper TwoPart IV Cloze(10 points)Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You s

38、hould choose the ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding on the Answer Sheet One with a pencil.Electricity is such a part of our everyday life and so much taken for granted nowadays that we_41_think twice when we switch on the light or turn on the radio , At light roa

39、ds are brightly lit, enabling people and traffic to move freely ,In the home ,many labor-saving _42_are powered by electricity ,_43_when we turn off the lamp and fall asleep , electricity is working for us ,_44_our refrigerators , heating our water , or keeping our rooms air-conditioned we rarely _4

40、5_to consider why or how they run provided something goes wrongIn the summer of 1959,somrthing did go wrong with power-plant that provided New Your with electricity ,For great many hours life came almost to a standstill .Trains _46_to move and people sat _47_and frightened in the dark _48_an unseen

41、enemy had landed from marks ,When the lights come on again , _49_p person in the city can have turned on a switch _50_ reflecting , what a great servant electricity is!41 Ararely Busually Cscarcely Donly 42 Avessels Bequipments Cdevices Dtools 43 AExactly Bjust CImmediately DEven44 Afilling Brepairi

42、ng Cdriving Dburning 45 Abother Btrouble Cintend Darrange44 Areported Brejected Cmissed Drefused47 Aimpatient Bimpatiently Cuncomfortable Duncomfortably48 Aas Bif Cas if D1ike49 Anearly Balmost Chardly Dbarely50 Awithout Bwhen Cin Dbecause ofPart V Translation(15 points)Directions:in this part there

43、 is a passage in EnglishTranslate the five sentences underlinedinto Chinese and write your translation on the Answer Sheet TwoToday all our eyes were fixed on the exciting moment(1)On hearing the good news,our hearts leapt with joyIts the victory of the Olympic spiritWe couldnt help shouting, “Our d

44、ream has come true!”just at the moment,my friends rang me and we went to the square togetherThought it rained heavily,we still found many people there(2)They expressed their feelingin their own wayFireworks and balloons dotted the sky Thousands of pigeons soared freely inthe skySome people were even

45、 dancing and singingWe were all moved by the scene-the peopleS enthusiasm(3)Our people are greatThey played an important part in the projectAlmost everyone took part in itMy neighbour is an old man and a friend of the Chairman of the International Olympic Committee(4)Their friendship begins with a l

46、etter,in which he expressed their feelingsUp to now,they have kept in tough with each otherThough itS late into the night,neighbour insisted on writing another letter to his friendI didnt want to disturb him and went out.When I got home,it was been 12 oclockA new day is comingI sat at the table and wasdeep in thoughtAs a youth,1 was proud of my country(5)In Asia7 only three countries incl

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