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本文(【优化方案】2014届高考(新课标版)一轮复习:必修二 Unit 4 Wildlife protection课时达标检测(含答案解析).doc)为本站会员(温***)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

【优化方案】2014届高考(新课标版)一轮复习:必修二 Unit 4 Wildlife protection课时达标检测(含答案解析).doc

1、优质文档优质文档课时达标检测 Unit 4 Wildlife protection(时间:35 分钟).语法和词汇知识1(2012高考重庆卷)Look ,here comes your dream girl.Invite her to dance._What if she refuses me?来源:学|科| 网AI dont know. BWhy me?CWith pleasure. DSo what?2(2012陕西五校三模)What _ relief! It almost took us five years to pay back all the money we borrowed f

2、rom the bank.Now we are out of _debt.Aa;/ Ba;the Cthe ;a D/ ;/3(2011高考福建卷)Id prefer to _ my judgement until I find all the evidence.Ashow Bexpress 来源:Z&xx&k.ComCpass Dreserve4Recently some Japanese have been trying to make conflicts with China, _effects we are greatly concerned.Ato whose Babout whos

3、eCto which Dabout which5Over the past decades,sea ice_ in the Arctic as a result of global warming.Ahad decreased BdecreasedChas been decreasing Dis decreasing6(2012厦门期末考试)Much to the_of the worried parents,their son finally came back safe and sound.Arelief BregretCanger Ddisappointment7I am at _ lo

4、ss at the moment.Can you help me?Thats out of _ question.What can I do for you?Aa;/ Ba;the C/;a D/ ;the8Too much drinking will do _ to your health;you should take the doctors advice.Aharm Btrouble Cdamage Dhurt9(2013西安五校模拟)While we were listening to the speech attentively,a voice _ to announce the r

5、esult of the election.Abroke in Bbroke upCbroke off Dbroke down10If we dont take steps,the Tibetan antelopes and pandas will _ some day just as dinosaur,which is terrible.Adie out Bdie away Cdie down Ddie off11It seems that you have worked here for a long time.No.It was just a year ago _ I started w

6、orking here.Athat Bhow Cwhen Dbefore12With so many people _ anxiously to use the lift to go to work,we must get it repaired as quickly as possible.Ato wait Bwaited Cwait Dwaiting13(2013青岛模拟)Most children need encouragement in time of failure _ they 优质文档优质文档can cheer up again.Aso that Bin case Cbecau

7、se Dif14The headmaster has retired but no one knows who will _ him in the post.Afollow Bsucceed Cremove Dachieve15(2013兰州模拟)Theres no doubt that children are always longing _ the Christmas holidays.Ato Bon Cfor Dabout.完形填空来源:Zxxk.ComThe remarkable weather extremes of the past decade were not directl

8、y caused by global warming,President of the Austr alian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Professor Neville Nicholls said on Monday.Professor Nicholls,who is one of Australias most _1_ climate scientists,said such extremes_2_the heat wave in Victoria of Australia that_3_the Black Saturday bus

9、hfires,similar heat in Pakistan and Russia,and the devastating tornado(龙卷风) ripped through parts of the US.earlier this year are,in many_4_,unprecedented(空前的) in modern times._5_,he said that global warming should not be_6_for these events.“_7_these things happen,people askwas it c aused by global w

10、arming? ”The short answer is no, “Professor Nicholls told the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) conference in Melbourne on Monday .“They were all caused by wellknown and reasonably wellunderstood weather and climate events, even with some predictability.”_8_global warming does not

11、 cause the weird(怪异的,超自然的 ) weather,Professor Nicholls _9_its part in making some of the extreme weather more_10_.“Global warming doesnt produce these events,however,its_11_hard to avoid the conclusion_12_global warming has increased the frequency and the intensity of these he at waves, ”Prof.Nichol

12、ls,who is also a famous Monash University professorial fellow,said.“It is _13_harder to make the connection to_14_those floods in Queensland in early 2011 to global warming, ”来源 :Zxxk.Com“There was a particular and very unusual meteorological(气象的) sequence that_15_those floods and_16_is very difficu

13、lt to work out if climate change is worsening that situation_17_.”He_18_that the cause of the recent floods in Australia,instead is a recordbreaking version of La Nina.The 25th general assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)_19_on Wednesday in Melbourne.Almost 4,000 part

14、icipants from about 100 countries will discuss recent natural disasters and the_20_on human life and infrastructure at the eightday conference.1.A.famous BcommonCsharp BforCas Dto3A.kept BbroughtCaccompanied Dproduced来源:Z&xx&k.Com4A.cases BpositionsCconditions Dscenes5A.Therefore BHow

15、everCYet DBut 6A.accused Bcharged优质文档优质文档Cblamed Dcriticized 7A.Whenever BWhereverCHowever DWhichever8A.While BWhenCAs DWhere9A.appreciates BappointsCadapts Dacknowledges 10A.severer BordinaryCsevere Dgeneral11A.much BprettyClikely Dsuch 12A.which BwhatCthat D/13A.much BveryCso Dmore 14A.join BlinkC

16、combine Dfix15A.led to Blied inCresulted from Dconsisted in 16A.this BthatCit Dwhich all Babove allCat all Dall in all 18A.increased BaddedCsupplied Dargued来源:Zxxk.Com19A.opened BstartedCbegan Dclosed 20A.result BimpactCaffe ction Defficiency.阅读理解(2013烟台四校复习达标检测) Are you having difficulty fal

17、ling asleep? Try drinking a glass of warm milk.If that doesnt work,listen to some soft,beautiful music.Still no luck? Try thinking about sheep jumping over a fence.If you are still awake,take a sleeping pill.But people who take pills often become dependent on the drugs.So you lie awake knowing that

18、the new workday will soon arrive.If you have been in such condition for at least one month,yo u may have primary insomnia (失眠症)来源:学| 科| 网A new study has found that you might fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep longer if you try “cerebral hypothermia”It is not a complex medical process.It just m

19、eans cooling down your brain.Eric Nofzinger and Daniel Buysse from the University of Pittsburgh Medical School led the study.They examined twelve people who had sleeping problems.Twelve others had no sleeping problems.Each of them wore a soft plastic cap on their head at bedtime.The caps had tubes i

20、nside filled with water.The researchers moved the water through the tubes and then changed the temperature of the water.Other studies showed that people who had sleeping problems often had more chemical reactions in the front of their brain.The researchers thought cooling down the brain might help.O

21、n the first two nig hts of testing,the patients wore caps with no water.On th e next two nights, the caps were worn, but the water was not cooled.Then the researchers cooled the water a little for another two nights.On the final two nights of the study,the temperature of the water was made much cool

22、er.The researchers found that the water caps didnt help the patients until the temperature was about 14.Most of the patients fell asleep faster and slept better when the coolest water was moving around their head.优质文档优质文档Dr.Nofzinger and Dr.Buysse noted that this was only the beginning of the brain

23、temperature study.But they believed they had discovered something important that needed more research.1The first paragraph is written to _.Aexplain how serious insomnia isBbring forward the topic of the passageCtell us the causes of sleeping problemsDtell us the danger of having sleeping problems2Fr

24、om the passage we know that “cerebral hypothermia” is actually _.Aa complex medical processBa psychological treatmentCa simple physical treatmentDa difficult scientific theory3In the study,researchers helped people fall asleep faster through _.Aincreasing chemical reactions in the front of their bra

25、inBmaking them feel safe with a cap on their headCasking them to drink water to cool downDlowering the temperature of their brain4What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?AThe cause of the study.BThe function of the caps.CSome details of the study.DPeoples reactions to the study.5Dr.Nofzinger and Dr.Buysse

26、seemed to believe that _.Atheir research wouldnt help people greatly来源: 学_科_网 Z_X_X_KBmore studies would be needed for their researchCcooling down peoples brain might be harmfulDthe results of their study would be made use of soonUnit 4 Wildlife protection课时达标检测 .语法和词汇知识1 【解析】选 A。考查情景交际。结合 “What if

27、she refuses me?”可知选 A 项。B 项意为“为什么是我呢” ;C 项意为 “非常乐意” ,常用于别人请求帮忙时的回答;D 项意为“那又怎么样” ,均不符合句意。2 【解析】选 A。句意:真轻松!我们用了将近五年的时间还清了从银行借的所有的钱,现在我们没有债务了。relief 作“令人轻松的事”讲时为可数名词,常以单数形式出现,在本句中表示泛指,故第一空用不定冠词 a;out of debt(不欠债了) 为固定搭配。3 【解析】选 D。考查动词词义辨析。句意:我宁愿保留我的判断直到找到所有证据。reserve 保存,保留; show 出示; express 表达;pass 传递,

28、传达。根据句意可知,正确答案为 D 项。4 【解析】选 B。句意:近来一些日本人一直在试图 和中国 制造冲突和矛盾,我们密切关注着它的影响与后果。be concerned about/with sth.对感兴趣,对关注的。此题考查了 be concerned about/with sth.中介词的使用,还考查了定语从句的关系词的选用,根据句意定语从句中缺少 effects 的定语,表示“的影响” ,故选择 B。5 【解析】选 C。句意:在过去 几十年里,由于全球变暖,北极的海冰一直在减少。优质文档优质文档over/in the past/last decades 常与现在完成时连用。6 【解析

29、】选 A。考查名词辨析。 relief 安慰、宽慰。句意:让焦虑的父母大为宽慰的是,他们的儿子终于安然无恙地回来了。regret 遗憾,后悔;anger 愤怒;disappointment 失望。7 【解析】选 A。考查冠词用法。本题中所考查的两个短语均为固定短语,at a loss 茫然,不知所措;out of question 没问题,此短语也可为“毫无疑问”之意。8 【解析】选 A。句意:过量饮酒会对你的健康有害;你应该听从医生的建议。do harm to“对 有害” ,固定搭配。trouble 麻烦;damage 破坏;hurt 伤害。9 【解析】选 A。考查动词短语辨析。句意:当我们

30、专心聆听演讲时,一个声音插了进来,宣布了选举结果。此处 break in 表示“插嘴;打断 ”。后三项分别表示“破碎;解散”“折断” “垮掉;出故障” ,都与语意不符。10 【解析】选 A。句意:如果我们不采取措施,藏羚羊和熊猫总有一天会像恐龙一样灭绝,那将非常可怕。die out “灭绝” ,符合句意。11 【解析】选 A。分析句子结构可知,这是一个强调句,被强调的成分是 just a year ago。12 【解析】选 D。people 与 wait 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,同时根据后半句“我们得尽快修好”可知,人们正在等着用电梯,故用动词ing 形式。13 【解析】选 A。句意:失败时,

31、大多数孩子需要鼓励,这样他们才能再次振作起来。so that“以至于” ,引导目的状语从句;in case“以防万一” 。14 【解析】选 B。succeed 继承,接任,符合题意。follow 跟随;紧跟;remove 免职;罢免;achieve 取得。句意:校长已经退休了,但是没人知道谁将接任他的职位。来源:Zxxk.Com15 【解析】选 C。long 作动词时,后接不定式 to do 或 for 引导的介词短语,意思是“渴望;很想有” 。空后为名词,故选 for。.完形填空1 【解析】选 A。此处表示“ 尼科尔斯教授是澳大利亚最著名的气候科学家之一” ,famous 是“杰出的,著名的

32、” ,符合语境。common 是“普通的” ,sharp 是“敏捷的” ,strict 是 “严格的 ”。2 【解析】选 C。是“和一样的” ,表示列举。3 【解析】选 C。此处表示“ 伴随极端热浪而产生的森林大火” ,accompany 是“伴随而生;同时发生” ,符合语境。4 【解析】选 A。 “在很多情况下,这样的现象在现代是很空前的。 ”case 是“情况” ,符合语境。position 是“位置” ,condition 是“条件” ,scene 是“场景” 。5 【解析】选 B。 “然而,他说不应该把这些事件的发生都归咎于全球变暖上。 ”与上文形成转折,故用 howe

33、ver。6 【解析】选 C。be blamed for.是“为负 责;因为责备”之意。7 【解析】选 A。 “无论何时这些事情发生时,人们都是问是全球变暖造成的吗?”whenever 引导让步状语从句,表示“无论何时”之意。8 【解析】选 A。while 引导的是让步状语从句,表示 “尽管”之意,前后表示转折。9 【解析】选 D。 “尽管全球变暖不是造成这种怪异天气的原因,但是尼科尔斯教授承认” ,acknowledge 是“承认”之意,符合语境。appreciate 是“欣赏” ,appoint 是“委任” ,adapt 是“适应,改编” 。10 【解析】选 C。 “全球变暖在造成更加严重的

34、极端天气方面的作用” ,severe 是“严重的”之意,符合语境。ordinary 是“平常的” ,general 是“一般的” 。11 【解析】选 B。pretty 在此处用作副词,相当于 very much,表示“非常,很”之意。12 【解析】选 C。 that 引导的是同位语从句,作 conclusion 的同位语,解释conclusion 的内容,此时 that 不能够用 which 代替,不能够省略,没有任何实际意义。来源:学.科.网 Z.X.X.K13 【解析】选 A。much 修饰比较级 harder,表示“更” 。优质文档优质文档14 【解析】选 B。 “把 2011 年昆士兰

35、发生的洪灾和全球变暖联系起来” ,故用 link 表示“联系,连接”之意,多与介词 to 连用。join 是“加入,连接” ,强调用中介物将两个物体连接起来;c ombine 是“合并” ;fix 是“固定” 。15 【解析】选 A。 “特定的、非常不寻常的气象序列事件导致了这些洪灾的发生” ,lead to 是 “导致 ”,符合语境。lie in 是“在于” ,相当于 result from 和 consist in,后面接原因。16 【解析】选 C。it 是形式主语,代替后面的动词不定式 to work out.。17 【解析】选 C。at all 表示“根本,究竟”之意,多用于否定句、疑

36、问句或条件句中。18 【解析】选 B。 “他又补充说最近澳大利亚的洪水是打破了记录的拉尼娜现象造成的。 ”add 是“ 补充说”之意,与上文 he said 相呼应。increase 是“增加” ,supply 是“提供”,argue 是“辩论” 。19 【解析】选 A。 “第二十五届国际大地测量与地球物理联合会在墨尔本开幕。 ”故用open 表示“开幕 ”之意。start 是“启动,开始” ,begin 是 “开始” ,close 是“闭幕;关闭” 。20 【解析】选 B。 “讨论最近的自然灾害给人们生活造成的影响” ,impact 是“影响”之意,符合语境。result 是“结果” ,af

37、fection 是“喜爱” ,efficiency 是“效率” 。.阅读理解【解题导语】 最近的一项研究发现,降低大 脑的温度有助于失眠者睡一个好 觉。1【解析】选 B。推理判断题。第一段用问答的方式介绍了几个对付失眠的方法,接下来文章介绍一个有关治疗失眠的新的研究发现,可见第一段是为了引出主题。2 【解析】选 C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的 “It is not a complex medi cal process.”及后文对降温方法的描述可知,它是一种简单的物理疗法。3 【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据第三段中的 “Other studies showed that people who had sleeping problems often had more chemical reactions in the front of their brain.The researchers thought cooling down the brain might help.”可知,应选 D。4 【解析】选 C。段落大意题。第四段主要是讲这个试验操作的细节。5 【解析】选 B。推理判断题。根据最后一段的表述可知,这两位科学家认为该研究刚开始,今后还需要更多的研究。

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