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1、2015-2016 上学期七年级英语第三单元测试卷一. 单项选择 (15 分)( )1. Whats this? Its _ eraser. _ eraser is mine.A. an; The B. a; The C. the; An D. an; A( )2. Is this baseball Johns? No, its not _. _ is in his bag.A. her; Hers B. his; His C. him; His D. hers; His( )3. Here is Janes telephone number. You can _ her.A. call B.

2、 see C. help D. spell( )4. This is _ pen. The pencil is _, too. A. my; my B. my; mine C. mine; my D. mine; mine( )5. _ do you spell it? B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L.A. Where B. What C. Who D. How( )6. I cant _ my pen in the pencil box. Its in your schoolbag. A. meet B. thank C. find D. ask( )7. Is the blue watch

3、 Jennys? Yes, its _. A. she B. his C. her D. hers( )8. My English isnt good. You can ask the teacher _ help.A. in B. for C. of D. at ( )9. Is this your dictionary? _. Its Lindas. A. Yes, it is B. No, it is C. No, it isnt D. Yes, it isnt( )10. Thank you for your help. _.A. Im fine, thanks B. Excuse m

4、e C. Nice to meet you D. Youre welcome( )11. Please call John _ 678-5678.A. to B. in C. of D. at( )12. This is _ ID card and _ card is Marys.A. an; the B. a; the C. the; an D. the; a( )13. _, Tom. Is this your pencil? Yes. Thank you.A. Goodbye B. Sorry C. Excuse me D. Thanks( )14. . Is that her note

5、book? _.A. Yes, she is B. No, that isnt C. Yes, this is D. No, it isnt( )15. It isnt _ pencil box. Its _ pencil box.A. me; he B. his; me C. my; his D. I; his二. 完形填空 (计 10分)AHi, Im Tom Green. Here is a photo of my 16 . Its blue. I like it very much, but I 17 it in the playground (操场) this morning. A

6、pencil box, 18 English book, a dictionary and a computer game 19 in it. My 20 is blue, too. I have three pencils, two erasers and a ruler 21 it. On the English book you can see my 22 Tom. The computer game is not 23 . Its my good friend Jacks. I must find 24 . If (如果) you find my school-bag, please

7、25 me. My phone number is 352-6698.( )16. A. school B. family C. friend D. schoolbag( )17. A. found B. lost C. see D. have( )18. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )19. A. am B. is C. are D. be( )20. A. pencil box B. English book C. dictionary D. computer game( )21. A. in B. at C. to D. for ( )22. A. last nam

8、e B. phone number C. family photo D. first name( )23. A. yours B. mine C. his D. hers( )24. A. this B. thatC. it D. they( )25. A. call B. help C. e-mail D. meet三. 阅读理解(计 40 分)AWhat are in their schoolbags?Name: Daisy MillerSchoolbag: PurpleThings: A black notebookTwo white notebooksA pencil box Her

9、sister Sallys cards Name: Sally MillerSchoolbag: BlueThings: An English bookA dictionary A red notebook Two pens and a pencilHer friend Janes computer game( )26. Daisys schoolbag is _. A. purple B. red C. blue D. black ( )27. You can see _ notebook(s) in Daisys schoolbag. A. one B. two C. three D. f

10、our ( )28. There isnt a _ in Sallys school-bag. A. watch B. dictionary C. notebook D. pencil ( )29. The computer game is _. A. Daisys B. Sallys C. Janes D. Bettys ( )30. Which of the following is TRUE (正确的)?A. Daisy and Sally are friends. B. Sallys notebook is white. C. Sally has three pens. D. Sall

11、ys cards are in Daisys schoolbag.BDanny 今天不小心把书包弄丢了。在学校,朋友们把自己的文具借给了他。Danny 是这样说的:The pencil is green. Its not mine. Its my friend Kevins. The eraser is not Kevins. Its Sallys. She has three erasers. The red pen is Millies. The ruler is Millies, too. The blue notebook is not Millies. Its Johns. What

12、s mine? The key is. Its not in my schoolbag. Its in my jacket. Thank you, Kevin, Sally, Millie and John.( )31. The pencil is _.A. Dannys B. Sallys C. Millies D. Kevins( )32. Sally has _ erasers.A. two B. three C. four D. five( )33. The color of Millies pen is _.A. green B. red C. black D. blue( )34.

13、 The _ is blue.A. pencil B. eraser C. notebook D. ruler( )35. The key is in Dannys _.A. schoolbag B. pencil box C. cup D. jacketCLost & FoundLost:My school ID card.Its number is 200-7712.My name is Mary Brown.Please call 695-6385.Found: Backpack.Is this your backpack?Its black and white.My name is T

14、ony Green.Phone #236-0731.来源:学,科,网Cindy,Your red notebook is in the lost and found case. Mike( ) 36. Marys school ID card number is _ _.A. 236-0731 B. 695-6385 C. 200-7712 D. 659-8635( )37. The backpack is _.A. green B. white C. red D. black and white( ) 38. Marys phone number is _.A. 695-6385 B. 20

15、07712 C. 236-0731 D. 659-6385( ) 39. Tonys last name is _.A. Brown B. Green C. Mike D. Cindy( ) 40. Cindys _ is in the lost and found case.A. school ID card B. backpack C. notebook D. baseball D读下面的寻物启事和招领启事, 回答下列问题。LostMy school ID card.My name is Mike.Pl ease call 266-8990.FoundNew watch.Is this y

16、our red watch?Please call Ann Reed at 653-7866.41.Is Mike a student?_42Whats Mikes telephone number?_ _43Is Ann the owner (主人) of the watch?_44What color is the watch?_ _45Whats Anns family name?_ _四. 短文填空 (共 10 小题,计 10 分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次。每空只填一个单词。)see, must, eraser, in, be, spell,

17、color, lost, pen, dictionaryI am a student in No. 3 Middle School. My name (46)_ John Smith. This is my school-bag. Its blue. I like the (47)_ very much.Whats this (48)_ English? Its an English (49)_. How do you (50)_ it? D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y. Is that an (51)_? No, it isnt. Its a key. Thats my pencil

18、 box. You can (52)_ a ruler, two pencils and three (53)_ in it. Where is my ID card? Well, I(54)_ it this morning. My name is on the card. I (55)_ find it. Can you help me?五. 词语 (10 分)A. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 56. Here is a set of _(key).57. These are _(Helen) photos. They are nice.58. Bob, is this r

19、uler _(your)?59. I have three _(pencil).60. You can call _(I) in the afternoon. B. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 61. Your _(戒指) is in your bag.62. Who is your English _(老师)? Ms. White.63. This cup is not Lilys. _(她的) is white.64. They are in the _(图书馆) now.65. This is not my _(电脑).六,句型转换(10 分)66It is my watch.(改为一

20、般疑问句)_this_watch?67N-O-T-E-B-O-O-K.(根据答语写出问句)_ _you spell it?68Is that your baseball?(作出否定回答)No, _ _.69It is my_pencil.(对画线部分提问)_is_?70This is his book.(改为同义句)This is .七. 补全对话 (计 5 分)根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情境的句子抄写在对话空白处,使对话恢复完整。Alan: Excuse me. I cant find my schoolbag.Clerk: 71. Alan: Its blue.Clerk: 72. A

21、lan: A set of keys, a notebook, a dictionary and my ID card.Clerk:73. Alan: My first name is Alan. My last name is Smith.Clerk: 74. Alan: Yes, it is. Thank you.Clerk: 75. Whats your name?What color is your schoolbag?Is this schoolbag yours?Youre welcome.What are in your schoolbag?八. 书面表达 (20 分)今天上午 Tom 捡到一个文具盒。请根据图片提示,帮 Tom 写一则招领启事。Tom 的电话是 928-6734。 Found:_Tom

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