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1、新外研版六年级上册(M1-M4)阶段练习题听力部分:1、选出你听见的单词,每个单词年三遍。 (10 分)( )1、A、something B、sometimes C、sound( )2、A、thousand 、B、sound C、some( )3、A、flag B、fly C、football( )4、A、strong B、stamp C、special( )5、A、meal B、million C、moon cake2、判断句子与你听见的是否一致。一致的填 A,不一致的填 B.读四(10 分)( )1、It s got more than twenty kilometers long .(

2、)2、Its got about twenty million people.( )3、There are a Chinatown in New York.( )4、Collecting stamp is my hobby.( )5、We fly the flag and we singing songs.三、五个句子排序。读四遍。 (10 分)( )On that day people say “thank you”for their food,family and friends.( )On that day people watch a big football game on TV.(

3、 )On that day people have a special meal.( )Thanksgiving is Simons favourite festival.( )Daming likes Thanksgiving too.四、把图片按你听到的顺序编号。(共计 10 分)( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )五、给你听到的句子选出答语。读四遍。 (10 分)( )1、A 、Yes, it is . B、Its in the east C、Its very beautiful.( )2、A 、Ive got lots of stamps. B、No, I dont . C、Yes,I

4、ve got .( )3、A、Yes, it is . B、Yes, there is . C、Yes ,this is.( )4、 A、Ive got lots of stamps .B、Flying kites is my hobby . C、No, I havent.( )5、A、Yes, I do . B、That sounds nice . C、We fly the flag.笔试部分一、单项选择(10 分)( )1、Have you got any stamps from China? _.A、 Yes , I do. B、Yes , I has. C、Yes ,I have.(

5、)2、New York is_ the east of America.A、in B、 on C、 at( )3、All of these stamps are _my letters.A、from B、 with C、 for( )4、I am _an email now .A、send B、sending C、sends( )5、We cant _ now .Its too late.A、 goes B、 going C、go( )6、_is my hobby.A、 Fly kites B、flying kite C、Flying kites( )7.There _a Chinese sh

6、op and two restaurants on the B.are C.has( )8.Have you got _Chinese stamps?A.some B.any C.aX k B 1 . c o m( )9._a big map of the US!A.What B.How C.How nice ( )10.She _got lots of picture B.has C.have二、选择配伍(10 分)( )1、Have you got any stamps from China? A.No,I dont.( )2、Whats yo

7、ur hobby? B、Yes, there are.( )3、Do you like collecting dolls? C、No, there isnt. ( )4、Are there stamps from Canada? D、Yes, I have .( )5、Is there an email for me? E、Collecting dolls is my hobby.( )6、How long is it? F、It has got eight million people.( )7、How big is it? G. Its more twenty thousand kilom

8、etres long.( )8、What are you doing ? H. Yes, I can .( )9、What toys have you got? I. Im sending an email.( )10、Can you see lots of animals there? J. Ive got some toy dogs.三、句图搭配( A ) ( B ) ( C )( D ) ( E )1、 ( )Riding bikes is her hobby.2、 ( )There is a famous man on the stamp.3、 ( )This is a dragon

9、kite.4、 ( )Bobs favourite festival is Thanksgiving.5、 ( )You can see dragon dances. 4、连词成句。101、 want,you,to ,Chinatown ,go,to,do,( ?)2、 New, there, Chinatown, in, a, York, is ( ?)3、 its,thousand , kilometres, about,more than ,twenty , long (.)4,hobby, is,my , collecting stamps, ( .)5 my Thanksgiving

10、 favourite is festival ( .)五、情景交际:根据情境从下面的选项中选择适当的句子完成对话,并将相应句子的序号写在题目中横线上。Daming: Look at this postcard . Its a picture of the Great Wall .Simon : Daming: Its more than twenty thousand kilometers long .Simon : Wow ! X|k | B| 1 . c| O |mDaming: Tell me something about New York . Simon : Its very big

11、 . Its got eight million people .Daming:That is big .Simon : Daming: Its got about twenty million people .Simon : Daming:Yes, I have . Simon :Yes , I do. They are very great !AHow big is it ? BHow long is it ? CHow big is Beijing ? DDo you like them ? EHave you got any postcards of Beijing ?六、根据短文内容

12、,完成下列各题,正确的写“T” ,错误的写“F”.10There is a new park near my house.Its a fine day today. My family and I are in the park now. On my left, there is a cafe (小餐馆).On my right, there is a big lake. There are many flowers and trees near the lake. Theres a small hill (小山)behind ( 在。 。 。后面)the lake. Near the lak

13、e, there is a sign(警示牌).It says “Dont swim in the lake!” There is a playground in the middle of the park. There are some small shops near the gate. The park is so beautiful. We like it very much.( )1、The park near my house is old and beautiful.( )2、There is a cafe in the park.( )3、People can swim in the lake.( )4、The shops in the park are not big.( )5、People like the park.

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