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1、六年级英语 期末试卷 第 1 页 共 8 页2016 年小学毕业升学质量监测试题六年级英语试卷听力部分 笔试部分题号一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 一 二 三 四 五 六 七总分得分考生注意:1、本 科 考 试 时 间 为 70 分 钟 , 满 分 为 100 分 , 听 力 40 分 , 笔 试 60 分 。2、学生只准使用黑色或蓝色钢笔、圆珠笔答题;3、试卷共 8 页,听力部分八道大题,笔试部分七道大题。听力部分( 40 分)温馨提示:听前浏览题目,有助于听力理解。一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语,将其答案的字母标号填在题前括号内。 (5 分)( )1. A. teach B. tea

2、cher C. teaches( )2. A. slept B. watched C. hurt( )3. A. fish B. face C. food( )4. A. bigger B. thinner C. heavier( )5. A. beside the park B. behind the park C. in the park二、听句子,根据所听内容,选择正确的图片,将其答案的字母标号写在题前括号内。 (5 分)( )1. A B C ( )2. A B C ( )3. A B C ( )4. A ABC B C ( )5.A B C得分 评卷人得分 评卷人六年级英语 期末试卷

3、 第 2 页 共 8 页三、听录音,选出正确答语,将其答案的字母标号写在题前括号内。 (5 分)( )1. A. Im fine, thank you. B. Im fifteen. C. Im sorry.( )2. A. Shes my mother. B. Hes my father. C. He is strong.( )3. A. There is a zoo. B. Youre welcome. C. Yes, there is.( )4. A. I went skiing . B.I went by train. C.I went to Harbin.( )5. A. Hes w

4、riting a letter. B. Hes a driver. C. He likes noodles.四、听录音,选择你所听到的句子,将其答案的字母标号写 在题前括号内。 (5 分)( ) 1. A. My teachers office is on the first floor.B. My teachers office is on the second floor.( ) 2. A. Its cool and windy in Sydney. B. Its cool and windy in Beijing.( ) 3. A. I often visit my grandparen

5、ts on Sundays. B. I often read books on Sundays. ( ) 4. A. I play sports at 4:15 in the afternoon. B. I play sports at 4:50 in the afternoon.( ) 5. A. My sons favourite food is beef and rice. B. My sons favourite food is chicken and rice . 5、听录音,选出与录音内容相符的图片,将其答案的字母标号写在题前括号内。 (5 分)( ) 1. A B ( ) 2.

6、A B ( ) 3. A B ( ) 4. A B 得分 评卷人得分 评卷人得分 评卷人六年级英语 期末试卷 第 3 页 共 8 页( ) 5. A B 六、判断所听内容与题目是否相符,相符的打“T” ,不相符的打“F” 。 (5 分)( ) 1.My telephone is between the window.( ) 2.Helens room is nice. ( ) 3.Mum cant find her bag. ( ) 4.Its 12:45. ( ) 5.Tom has a sofa. Its beside the bed.七、听 对 话 和 问 题 , 根 据 所 听 内 容

7、 选 择 正 确 答 案 。 (5 分)( )1.Where is the football?A. Its under the sofa. B. Its under the bed. C. Its under the chair.( )2. What can Mike have this morning?A. Two cakes. B. Two apples. C. Two eggs.( )3. What colour is the womans sweater?A. Its blue. B. Its yellow. C. Its red.( )4. Is Tim in the classro

8、om now?A.Yes, he is. B. Hes fine. C. No, he isnt.( )5.How old is Toms sister?A. Shes nine. B. Shes seven. C. Shes eleven.八听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(5 分)( )1. Sarah is_ years old.A. 12 B. 13 C. 20( )2. Her favourite food is _.A. apples B. bananas C. oranges( )3. Her hobby is _.A. swimming B. dancing C. playi

9、ng the guitar( )4. Sarahs parents _ last weekend.A. went cycling B. went swimming C. made a snowman得分 评卷人得分 评卷人得分 评卷人线封密六年级英语 期末试卷 第 4 页 共 8 页( )5. He _ at home last weekend.A. washed the clothes B. did homework C. watched TV笔试部分( 60 分 )一、单选,将其答案的字母标号写在题前括号内。 (5 分)( )1. My birthday is _ May

10、 B. on C. at( )2. Im 135cm , My brother is 150cm.My brother is _ than I. A. taller B. tall C. shorter( ) 3. Wei Hua _ a bike yesterday B. buys C. bought( ) 4. My _bike is blue.A. brother B. brothers C. brothers( ) 5. Those are beautiful _.A.dress B. skirts C. shirt二、读对话,选择与句意相符的图片,并将答案的选项填写在题

11、前的括号内。 (每小题 1 分,计 5 分)( )1. -How was your weekend?-It was fine. Thanks.-What did you do,Mike?-I stayed at home and watered the flowers. Question: What did Mike do last weekend?A. B. C. ( )2. -I didnt like winter before. I thought it was too cold. And I couldnt fly kites.-How about now, Mike?.-Now I

12、love to ice-skate. So I like winter.Question: Why does Mike like winter now? A. B. C. ( )3. -What are you going to do today, Lily?-Im going to see a film.-Have a good time. -Thank you. 得分 评卷人得分 评卷人六年级英语 期末试卷 第 5 页 共 8 页Question: What is Lily going to do?A. B. C. ( )4. -Excuse me, Where is the cinema

13、?- Its next to the park.-How can I get there?-Go straight and turn right at the zoo. Its on your left.Question: How can I get to the cinema?A. B. C.( )5. -Hello, Sarah. How do you feel, today?-Im very happy, Because today is my birthday.-When is your birthday?-My birthday is September the ninth.Ques

14、tion: When is Sarahs birthday?A. B. C.三、选择句子补全对话,将答案序号写在横线上。 (5 分)(场景提示:Robin 和 Sarah 在讨论上周五的事情。 )Sarah:1_Robin:Hi, Sarah. You didnt go to school last Friday. 2_Sarah:I went to visit my grandpa. He didnt feel well.Robin:3_Sarah:He had a cold. Robin:Oh, Im sorry to hear that. 4_Sarah:I bought a cake

15、for my grandpa.Robin:5_Sarah:Yes, Im going to see my grandpa tomorrow.Robin:I hope he will be better soon. Sarah:Thank you.得分 评卷人A. Are you going to visit him tomorrow? B. What did you do last Friday?C. What was the matter with him? D. Hello,Robin. E. What did you buy for your grandpa?C. Thank you v

16、ery much. D. Is it far from here? E. What are you going to do there? 电影院动物园学校公园October9公园学校电影院动物园公园电影院动物园学校September9 September12六年级英语 期末试卷 第 6 页 共 8 页四、按要求完成下列各题。 (5 分)1. We ate much good food. (改为一般疑问句)you much good food?2. How do you go to school every day? (按实际情况回答)3-5 题连词成句,标点已给出。3. the stronge

17、r is elephant than mouse the . 4. last where you did summer go ?5. sister is a your book now reading?五、 (10 分)1、根据短文内容,选词填空,将其答案写在横线上,注意有多余选项。 (5 分)Yesterday was Sunday. It was a fun day. I _ my homework at home. Then I helped my parents _ the room. In the afternoon, I_ fishing with my friend. Then

18、we _ good food. In the evening, I _ TV with my parents. I felt very happy.2、根据短文意思,按一天活动顺序用阿拉伯数字 1.2.给下列图片排序,将序号填在图片下的括号内。 (5 分)得分 评卷人得分 评卷人watched, washed , did, clean, went, ate, read六年级英语 期末试卷 第 7 页 共 8 页( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 六、阅读短文(25 分)1、读短文,根据读文内容选择正确答案(每小题 2 分,计 10 分) 。My name is Ping. I come fro

19、m China. Im eleven. My school is not big, but its very beautiful. There are three people in my family. I often go to school in my fathers car. He is a doctor. I go home by bus after school. My mother works in a restaurant, but she is not a waitress. She is a manager. I have a pet. It looks like a sn

20、owball. It has a short tail, two long ears and red eyes. It can run fast. Its pretty and smart. I like it very much.( )1. How many people are there in the family?A. Three. B. Four C. Five( )2.What is Pings school look like?A. Big and beautiful. B. Small but beautiful. C. Small and not beautiful. ( )

21、3. Where does Pings father work?A. In a bank. B. In a hospital. C. In a restaurant( )4.What is Pings pet?A.A dog. B. A rabbit. C.A cat.( )5. What colour is Pings pet? A. Grey. B. Brown C. White.2、读短文,根据读文内容判断正误(T 表示正确,F 表示错误) (每小题 2 分,计 10 分) 。My name is Li Jun. I have a new pen pal. Her name is Amy

22、. She lives in England. Her father is an engineer. He works in a car company. He goes to work by car. He likes playing chess and reading newspapers. Her mother is a nurse. She goes to work by subway. She enjoys watching TV and listening to music. Amy is a student. She goes to school on foot. She lik

23、es writing emails.( )1. Li Juns pen pal lives in Australia.( )2. Amys father works in a car company.得分 评卷人六年级英语 期末试卷 第 8 页 共 8 页( )3. Amys fathers hobby is playing football.( )4. Amys mother is a doctor.( )5.Amys mother goes to work by car.3、读短文,根据短文内容完成句子(每小题 1 分,计 5 分) 。Dear Helen,Im on the farm i

24、n America now. Every day its sunny and warm.There are a lot of children on the farm. I work and play games with them.Now Im writing a letter in the house.Jack is learning to swim.Terry is lying(躺) in the sun. John is reading a newspaper and some children are playing football near the house. We are g

25、oing to milkcows tomorrow, so we have to get up earlier tomorrow morning.We enjoy (享受) the holiday very much.See you soon. Love,Janet 1._ is in America now. 2. Its _ and _ there every day.3. Janet _ _ a letter in the _.4.Some children are _ _near the house.5. They are going to_ _ tomorrow,so theysho

26、uld get up earlier.七、写作:用所给单词造句,然后将所造句子连成一篇小短文,注意短文的连贯性。 (5 分) 用单词造句。1. live _ 2. hobby _ 3.favourite _ 4. often _5. am going to _ 连成短文。My name is Tom. _得分 评卷人六年级英语 期末试卷 第 9 页 共 8 页_2016 年小学英语毕业质量监测试题 听力部分(每题读两遍)第 一 题 : 听 录 音 , 选 出 你 所 听 到 的 单 词 或 短 语 , 将 其 答 案 的 字 母 标 号 填 在 题 前括 号 内 。Number 1. teac

27、her Number 2. slept Number 3. face Number4. heavierNumber5.beside the park第 二 题 : 听句子,根据所听内容,选择正确的图片,将其答案的字母标号写在题前括号内。Number1. My uncle likes playing badminton.Number2. My mother is a police officer.Number3. She rode a horse last Sunday.Number4. My father is a teacher. He teaches us Chinese.Number5.

28、 The girl is thinner than the boy.第三题:听录音,选出正确的答语,将其答案的字母标号写在题前括号内。Number1. How are you, today ? Number2. Whos that man ? Number3. Excuse me, is there a zoo near here?Number4. How did you go to BeiJing? Number5. What does your father do?第四题:听录音,选择你所听到的句子,将其答案的字母标号写在题前括号内。Number 1. My teachers office

29、 is on the second floor.Number 2. Its cool and windy in Sydney.Number 3. I often visit my grandparents on Sundays. Number4. I play sports at 4:15 in the afternoon. Number5. My sons favourite food is beef and rice. 第 五 题 : 听 录 音 , 选 出 与 录 音 内 容 相 符 的 图 片 , 将 其 答 案 的 字 母 标 号 写 在 题 前 括号 内 。Number 1. :

30、Hello, Tom, whats she doing? M: She is reading a book.六年级英语 期末试卷 第 10 页 共 8 页Number 2. : Did you see a doctor?M: Yes, I did.Number 3. :What s the weather like today? M: Its sunny.Number 4. :What are you going to do tomorrow?M: Im going to take pictures in the park.Number 5. :Hi, John, you look sad.

31、What happened,?M: I had a cold.第六题:判断所听内容与题目是否相符,相符的打“T” ,不相符的打“F” 。 1. I have a new telephone. Its beside the window.(F)2. You have a nice room , Helen. (T)3. M: Mum , wheres my bag?W: Sorry , I dont know.(F)4. W: Whats the time?M: Its twelve forty-five. (T)5. Toms sofa is beside his bed.(T)第 七 题 :

32、 下面你将听到五组对话,请你根据听到的内容和问题选择正确答案。Number 1. W:Whats that under your bed? M: A football. Its my favourite.(B) Question: Where is the football? Number 2. : Can I have two eggs this morning. Mum? M: Ok. Here you are , Mike.(C)Question: What can Mike have this morning? Number 3. W: Whos that woman in the b

33、lue sweater? M: Sorry, I dont know. Maybe shes a new teacher here.(A) Question: What colour is the womans sweater? Number 4. W: Wheres Tim? I cant find him in the classroom. M: Hes in the teachers office now.(C)Question: Is Tim in the classroom now? Number 5. W: Is your sister nine, Tom? M: No, Im nine and shes seven.(B) Question: How old is Toms sister? 第 八 题 : 听 短 文 , 根 据 所 听 内 容 选 择 正 确 答 案 。My name is Sarah, Im 12 years old. My favourite food is bananas.

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