Meetmyfamily四年级英语教案五篇 在实际教学活动中,教案起着十分重要的作用。下面就是我整理的Meet my family四年级英语教案,希望大家喜欢。 Meet my family四年级英语教案1 Whats for dinner? Wait and see. What would you like? Id like some rice and soup. 作业布置: 1. Listen to the tape 2. Read the sentences 教学后记:四会词句基本上掌握。 教学内容:Unit 6 Meet my family (2) 教学目标和要求: 1、Lets learn new sentences 2、Try to listen and do 3、Say out the animals. 教学重点:the animals 教学难点:Say out the animals 教学用具:Tape/reco