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1、 网络检索作业00718061吴红毓然目录 00718061 吴红毓然目录课题:论弱势群体的人际关系的网络检索 .1课题分析 .1检索词和构建检索式 .1检索路径 .1图书/专著: .1期刊论文 .2学位论文 .9会议论文 .10其他检索方式: .11课程学习和检索体会 .12网络检索作业 00718061 吴红毓然- 1 -课题:论弱势群体的人际关系的网络检索课题分析涉及的学科领域:社会学,传播学,人际关系学需要检索的文献语种:中文,英文需要检索的文献出版年:各数据库的所有回溯年检索词和构建检索式相关检索词:中文:人际关系,弱势群体英文:interpersonal relation; vul

2、nerable groups基本检索式:中文:关键词: 弱势群体 或 人际关系 英文:key: vulnerable groups orKey: interpersonal relationships 注:检索式会根据数据库等不同的输入格式而做出相应的调整。这只是一般进行检索的格式。检索路径图书/专著:北大图书馆 OPAC: 初步检索:0检索调整:由于在初步检索中找不到精确匹配的关键词,所以我在不同领域找每个关键词,在不同的词条当中找到相同的内容,然后加以确定。“人际关系学”:72网络检索作业 00718061 吴红毓然2注:这一词条已包含“传播学 人际关系”和“社会学 人际关系”的检索结果“

3、弱势群体”:47最终结果:中国人:观念与行为中国人的人际关系、情感与信任 一个人际交往的观点一种紧缩圈层结构论弱势群体的声音与社会工作介入 张和清, 向荣, 高万红著失业弱势群体及其社会支持研究 钱再见著中国弱势群体 沈立人著转型时期的弱势群体问题 薛晓明著国家图书馆 OPAC:初步检索:0检索调整:采用检索式:主题:弱势群体92主题:人际关系798注:在这里找到的书目包括了所有北大图书馆查到的图书最终结果:只列举除开北大图书馆的其他的相关文献:社会转型与中国社会弱势群体 专著 / 李学林主编中国社会转型期信任问题研究 博士论文 / 孙伟正著 ;期刊论文全文数据库Proquest 全文 ARL

4、: 初步检索:检索式:( interpersonal relation) AND (social vulnerable groups)6 条记录检索结果分析:根据查看全文和文摘确定这篇文章是否需要网络检索作业 00718061 吴红毓然3最终结果:1.“Im Not the Only One!“ Group Therapy with Older Children and Adolescents Who Have Learning Disabilities2.Challenges to masculine transformation among urban low-income African

5、 American males3.Employee exposure to coworker substance use and negative consequences: The moderating effects of work group membership4.Dysfunctional attitudes,social skills deficits,and loneliness among college students:the process of social adjustment (interpersonal relations) EBSCO Host 的 ASP:初步

6、检索:SU:“interpersonal relation” and “vulnerable groups”找不到任何结果检索调整:AB:“interpersonal relation” and “vulnerable groups”KW: “interpersonal relation” and “vulnerable groups”都还是找不到任何结果再调整:KW:“interpersonal relation” or “vulnerable groups”共找到 77 项结果分别按相关度排序和按在数据库被引次数排序然后结合找到我需要的资料,令我感到奇怪的是为什么在列表中会有重复的论文呢?

7、最终结果:1.“Intrapersonal Processes and Post-Abortion Relationship Challenges: A Review and Consolidation of Relevant Literature.”2.“The relationship between pre-registration house officers and their consultants.”3. “New perspectives on vulnerability using emic and etic approaches.”索引数据库网络检索作业 00718061

8、吴红毓然4SSCI:初步检索:首先在 Select database(s) and timespan 中只选中 SSCI,以缩短检索的时间和范围,TS=(interpersonal relation* AND “vulnerable groups“):12 条记录检索结果分析:在列表右边有三种很好的检索分析的文本框,一个是排序,一个是 Analyze Results,还有一个是 Citation Records,运用这些可以确定最需要的文献最终结果:1.“An examination of individual differences in the relationship between i

9、nterpersonal stress and disease activity among women with rheumatoid arthritis” 2.“Im not the only one!- Group therapy with older children and adolescents who have learning disabilities Psychological and emotional development, intellectual capabilities, and body image in short normal children”3.“Psy

10、chological and emotional development, intellectual capabilities, and body image in short normal children”4.“The ethics of conducting a co-operative inquiry with vulnerable people” 5.“Cultural equivalence and cultural variance in longitudinal associations of young adolescent self-definition and inter

11、personal relatedness to psychological and school adjustment”A&HCI:初步检索:TS=(interpersonal relation* AND “vulnerable groups“):未找到记录检索调整:TS= (interpersonal relation* AND vulnerable)在 Search History 中找到了在 SSCI 中的检索结果,最终结果:1.“Managing trouble responsibility and relationships during conversational repair”

12、OCLC 的 ArticleFirst:网络检索作业 00718061 吴红毓然5CCC初步检索:我在图书馆的数据库列表中一直没找到 CCC,直到有一天我用百度查了一下 “ISI 的 CCC 是什么 ”,我才知道 CCC 是指 ISI Current Contents Connect(CCC),这个词条还是在清华大学图书馆的页面上显示的但是在我校的 ISI 的页面顶端的下拉框里却没有找到CCC,于是没有查询,不过在百度上搜到有个专门介绍 CCC 的 PPT :http:/ interpersonal w relation*) and (kw: vulnerable w group):没有和检索

13、相配的记录检索调整:页面提供了两个改进检索的建议:一是减少检索词,二是使用最佳的数据库(kw: relation and (kw: vulnerable w groups)):没有和检索相配的记录(kw: interpersonal w relations):536 条记录(kw: vulnerable w groups ):55 条记录(ti: vulnerable and ti: group.):44 条记录最终结果:1.“Damaging experiences in therapeutic groups: how vulnerable consumers become group ca

14、sualties.” 2.“Emerging Nursing Care of Vulnerable Populations - Conceptualizing Battered Women as a Vulnerable Population: A Case Study Report - Battered women are a vulnerable population in the United States. Using a case study report, resource availability and relative risk are identified and exam

15、ined as critical components that influence morbidity and mortality in battered women. The case study supports the conceptualization that battered women have few societal and environmental resources, which results in a high number of risk factors. Decreased health status, especially morbidity and pre

16、-mature mortality, are associated with gender, sociocultural, and economic factors which define battered women as a vulnerable population group”网络检索作业 00718061 吴红毓然6PaperFirst:初步检索:(kw: interpersonal and kw: relation) and (kw: vulnerable and kw: groups):没有和检索相配的记录检索调整:(ti= “interpersonal relation“)

17、and (ti= “vulnerable groups“):没有和检索相配的记录(ti: vulnerable and ti: group*):19检索分析:根据题目决定内容选择的最终结果:1.“Community participatory research with vulnerable populations: focus groups ”2.“ Researching sensitive issues with vulnerable groups: shame in adolescence as an exempler ”3.“Vulnerable and underserved gr

18、oups in globalization” 4.“Telecommunication Technology for the Elderly and other Vulnerable Groups in Slovenia”5.“Setting the Scene: The background to stress in the rural community, causes, effects and vulnerable groups” .6.“Women and Shelter-Related Services and Infrastructure: The Case of a Vulner

19、able Group”7.“Special Risk Groups - The Socially Vulnerable: Identification and Action”电子期刊:Elsevier:初步检索:选择“Journals”以缩小检索范围TITLE-ABSTR-KEY(“interpersonal relations“) and TITLE-ABSTR-KEY(vulnerable group):未找到结果网络检索作业 00718061 吴红毓然7检索调整:TITLE-ABSTR-KEY(relation) and TITLE-ABSTR-KEY(“vulnerable group

20、s“):8 篇论文检索分析:根据相关度查找,发现所有的论文跟生物科学和医学有较大关系,而跟这个课题的关系不大最终结果:0Springer Link:初步检索:su:(“interpersonal relation*“ AND vulnerable group ):未找到结果检索调整:su:(vulnerable group ):305 条记录在检索结果内找:su:(interpersonal relation) :96 条记录页面右边的框内还有“检索”、“起始字母”、“内容发行状态”、在数据库的时间、“内容类型”、“语种”、“学科”、“出版刊物”等等选项来进行检索的调整。检索分析:1.去除 S

21、earch For (Boolean) su:(interpersonal relation) 去除 语种 English 去除 内容类型 期刊文章 去除 学科 Personality and Social Psychology 18 条记录2. 去除 Search For (Boolean) su:(interpersonal relation) 去除 语种 English 去除 内容类型 期刊文章 去除 学科 Sociology14 条记录最终结果:1.“Distributive and procedural justice in interpersonal and intergroup

22、situations: Issues, solutions, and extensions”2.“Sexual Scripts: Origins, Influences and Changes”网络检索作业 00718061 吴红毓然83.“Difficulty and interpersonal attraction Gender Differences in Rates of Depressive Symptoms Among Low-Income, Urban, African American Youth: A Test of Two Mediational Hypotheses” 4

23、.“Young and Old Adults Concerns About Morality and Competence”John Wiley:初步检索:“interpersonal relation in Keywords and vulnerable group in Keywords in all subjects in product type Journals” :没有结果检索调整:“interpersonal relation in Article Titles and vulnerable group in Article Titles-in all subjects-in p

24、roduct type Journals“:没有结果“interpersonal relation in Full Text/Abstracts and vulnerable group in Full Text/Abstracts-in all subjects-in product type Journals“:71 条结果检索分析:按匹配率排序,取前 10最终结果:1.“Proneness to, perceptions of, and responses to teasing: the influence of both intrapersonal and interpersonal

25、factors”2.“Middle school victims of bullying: Who reports being bullied?”3.“An interactive-synergetic approach to the assessment of personality vulnerability to depression: Illustration using the adolescent version of the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire”4.“Enemies in the Gendered Societies of M

26、iddle Childhood: Prevalence, Stability, Associations With Social Status, and Aggression”5.“Sex differences in the personal costs and benefits of relational and physical aggression in high school”6.“The effects of extreme early stress in very old age”7.“Variation in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity among bullied and non-bullied children”

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