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附件九 SGM员工安全培训规.doc

1、附件 8: SGM 环境管理培训规定Attachment 8: SGM EMS Training Stipulation1. SGM 员工环境培训:SGM Employee EMS Training1.1 入门培训:新员工必须接受环境入门教育,经培训考核合格,方能独立从事生产操作。公司级环境入门培训由人力资源部负责实施和跟踪;部门(车间)级环境入门教育可纳入部门全员培训中,由部门(车间)环境管理体系推进员实施和跟踪。Introduction Training: New hiring are required to attend EMS Orientation and pass the test

2、 prior to taking independent operation. HR is responsible for Corporate Level EMS Training and tracking; Department (Workshop) EMS engineer is responsible for Department (Workshop) Level EMS Training and tracking.1.2 全员培训:各部门(车间)每年需进行一次全员环境基础教育,培训内容至少包括:环保能源法律法规、与部门(车间)相关的体系文件、部门(操作岗位)环境因素、应急预案等。由部门

3、(车间)环境管理体系推进员实施和跟踪。Staff Training: All departments are in responsible for yearly staff training, which includes environmental and energy law, EMS documents, EA factor in working site and job position, , accident case study as well as emergency programming. Department (Workshop) EMS engineer is respo

4、nsible for Department (Workshop) training and tracking.1.3 调岗培训:员工跨部门(车间)调动时应进行调入部门(车间)的环境基础知识教育;员工在本部门(车间)内不同重要环境岗位间调动时,需根据及时进行新岗位的重要环境岗位教育。由部门(车间)环境管理体系推进员实施和跟踪。Position rotation training: When taking cross-functional position rotation, employees should attend related Department/Workshop EMS train

5、ing; when taking position rotation in the same department/workshop, employees should attend position EMS training based on different position EA change. Department (Workshop) EMS engineer is responsible for Department (Workshop) training and tracking.1.4 重要环境岗位培训:Significant environmental position t

6、raining1.4.1 重要环境岗位的确定:Significant environmental position confirm对重要环境因素直接或间接实施控制的岗位,如:废弃物运输、处置,化学品使用、 装卸、运输及管理,喷漆,调漆,烘房操作、维护,废水化验、处理,化学品仓库管理,消防,能源管理等。These position which can direct or indirect control the signature EA. Such as: waste traffic, treatment; chemical using, management; spray-paint; mix

7、 paint; dry room operation, maintained; waste water test, treatment; chemical storehouse; fire fighting.1.4.2 各部门的推进员确定本部门的重要环境岗位,经部门领导确认后交推进组,并对重要环境岗位的操作人员及直接管理人员实施培训。All departments confirm the signature EA position; submit the list to EMS CWT after the department director signed. And then complet

8、e relevant training.1.4.3 重要环境岗位环保技能要求和培训内容至少应包括:掌握岗位技能一般要求(如:上岗证、操作证);掌握本岗位的重要环境因素及可能产生的环境影响;掌握重要环境因素的控制方法;掌握紧急情况的应对措施。内部培训由部门(车间)环境管理体系推进员实施和跟踪。外部培训由培训机构实际开课情况决定。The skill and training contents of the signature EA position should include as follows: Master this position common requirement (such as

9、: operation certification);Master this position signature EA and the probably environmental aspects; Master the controlling measure for the signature EA; Master the measure for urgency situation. Department (Workshop) EMS engineer is responsible for interior training and tracking. Exterior training

10、according to the training company.1.5 环境管理体系内审员培训:环境管理体系推进员需参加环境管理体系内审员专业培训;考试合格后方能独立工作。培训内容包括:环境管理体系标准、环保法律法规、审核技巧及案例等。由设施分部环境管理体系推进组负责实施和跟踪,学习时间不得少于 16 学时。EMS engineers are supposed to take professional training and get certification before he/she takes the job. The training includes EMS ISO14001

11、Standards, environmental and energy law, audit skill, audit case and so on. EMS CWT is responsible for training and tracking. The training hours should not be less than 16 hours.2 在 SGM 工作的相关方人员的环境培训:EMS education for other relevant stuff of SGM2.1 实习生等非在册员工:参照员工环境培训执行,由部门(车间)环境管理体系推进员实施和跟踪。Interns

12、and non-registered employees: refer to SGM Employee Safety Training Stipulation. Department (Workshop) EMS engineer is responsible for Department (Workshop) Level EMS Training and tracking.2.2 外包服务供应商员工: 参照员工环境培训内容,外包服务供应商确定培训师,在经过 SGM 部门(车间)环境管理体系推进员相关培训后,负责本单位的员工培训。Outsource supplier: refer to SGM

13、 Employee Safety Training Stipulation. The supplier is responsible for its owner employees after being trainer by SGM management department.2.3 施工人员:施工单位总包负责人及安全管理人员,在接受 SGM 主管部门相关安全技术交底后,对本单位施工人员进行施工现场的环境相关知识培训。Builder: the construction owner and its safety manger are responsible for its employees training after accepting SGM technical standard.3 培训效果的验证:以上各类培训,需通过考试、提问、检查等方式来确认培训效果,并以记录方式进行跟踪和备案。Training effect validates:It can use exam, question, check and other measure to confirm the training effect, and keep relevant records.

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