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1、E-Science条件下的数字图书馆建设 CSDL的实践与规划张晓林 孙坦中国科学院文献情报中心演讲提纲n 1. Introduction to CSDLCSDL简介n 2. Design Principles of CSDL Open InfrastructureCSDL开放体系的基本设计原则n 3. Basic Open Structure of CSDLCSDL开放体系的基本结构n 4. Developing an Open CSDLCSDL开放建设的进一步设想Date 22006北京 数字图书馆前沿问题高级研讨班1. Introduction to CSDLn 1.1 Program

2、basicsCSDL: Chinese Science Digital Library, CAS中国科学院国家科学数字图书馆中国科学院知识创新试点重大专项,投资 1.4亿元An open architecture to integrate, and to be integrated by, other systems开放架构以集成其他系统,也被其他系统所集成An open development program to involve various parties inside and outside CAS开放建设机制,联合其它图书馆、研究单位和公司Date 32006北京 数字图书馆前沿问

3、题高级研讨班1. Introduction to CSDLDate 42006北京 数字图书馆前沿问题高级研讨班1. Introduction to CSDLn 1.2 Application environmentn Key users: 分布在 20多个城市 80多个研究所80+ research institutes in more than 20 citiesn User needs: 国际化、多样化、分布的资源与服务Any information, anywhere, by anyonen User behaviors: 个性化、多样化的使用行为和环境Personalized and

4、 varying use behaviors and environmentn Open service commitment 面向社会的开放服务Resources and services are used by multiple user groups and interoperated by other systemsDate 52006北京 数字图书馆前沿问题高级研讨班n 1.3 User-oriented DL Development Philosophy建设基于用户的数字图书馆n 1st generation DL: 基于资源的数字图书馆Resource-based digital

5、 library: = digital collections?n 2nd generation DL: 基于集成服务的数字图书馆Integrated digital resources and related servicesn 3rd generation DL: 基于用户的数字图书馆Digital resources and services personally organized and embedded into user application environment 1. Introduction to CSDLDate 62006北京 数字图书馆前沿问题高级研讨班n 1.4

6、The Open Digital Library Concept开放数字图书馆理念n Distributed, heterogeneous, and changing resources/services, are the norm of digital world分布、异构、动态变化的资源与服务是数字图书馆的主流环境n Availability, interoperability, and sustainability, are the development requirements of a digital library可广泛使用性、可互操作性、可持续性是数字图书馆发展目标n Open

7、ness is both technical and service objectives for a robust DL开放性既是一个技术目标也是一个服务目标1. Introduction to CSDLDate 72006北京 数字图书馆前沿问题高级研讨班n 1. Introduction to CSDLCSDL简介n 2. Design Principles of CSDL Open InfrastructureCSDL开放体系的基本设计原则n 3. Basic Open Structure of CSDLCSDL开放体系的基本结构n 4. Developing an Open CSDL

8、CSDL开放建设的进一步设想演讲提纲Date 82006北京 数字图书馆前沿问题高级研讨班2. CSDL开放体系基本设计原则n 2.1 Open Modularity 开放模块化n Any system is just a module in the CSDL system任何资源或服务系统都只是整个体系中的一个模块n Any aggregation of modules is still a module任何模块集合也仍然是一个模块n CSDL itself is also just a moduleCSDL自己也仍然是一个模块n All modules are logically and

9、technically equal所有模块在逻辑上和技术上是对等的n All modules should be capable of being integrated into another module所有模块应该能够被集成到另一个模块n All systems should support mechanisms for open modularity capability所有模块应该支持开放模块技术 ,从而支持不同模块的多种组合Date 92006北京 数字图书馆前沿问题高级研讨班n 2.2 Open Integration 开放集成n Any system treats their

10、resources as logically third party modules independent of locations and system platforms一个系统将任何资源看成是独立于位置和平台的逻辑的第三方模块,n Any resource should be organized into the system through open-language-based standard mechanism系统通过基于开放语言的标准方式实现对这些资源的调用和和表现 , n The systems ability to organize resources is easily extensible to remote and heterogeneous ones系统组织资源的能力可以方便地扩展到分布和异构资源n Open integration can be applied to vertical and horizontal integration开放集成可以应用到横向或纵向集成2. CSDL开放体系基本设计原则Date 102006北京 数字图书馆前沿问题高级研讨班

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