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1、计算机科学与技术(全英联合班、创新班)Computer Science and Technology专业代码:080605 学 制: 4 年Speciality Code: 080605 Schooling Years: 4 years培养目标: 培养基础扎实、知识面宽、能适应二十一世纪计算机技术发展需要,德智体全面发展,并具有研究和创新能力的计算机科学高级人才。目标 1:(扎实的基础知识)培养学生熟练掌握英语,掌握扎实的计算机科学与技术专业基本原理、方法和手段等方面的基础知识,并通过计算机系统分析、建模和计算等方面的先进方法,为将所学基础知识应用到计算机科学与技术研发和工程实践中去做好准备。

2、目标 2:(解决问题能力)培养学生能够创造性地利用计算机科学和工程基本原理解决实践和工业需求遇到的问题。目标 3:(团队合作与领导能力)培养学生在团队中的沟通和合作能力,进而能够具备计算机科学和工程领域的领导能力。目标 4:(工程系统认知能力)培养具备计算机、网络、信息系统相关知识,能在计算机软硬件研究、开发与应用等领域(部门)从事计算机科学基础与技术研究、软硬件及相关技术开发、信息系统规划建设与运行等方面工作的专业(工程)技术人才。具有一定的工程意识和效益意识,具有系统级的认知能力和实践能力,掌握自底向上和自顶向下的问题分析方法, 并使之服务于社会、服务于世界。 目标 5:(专业的社会影响评

3、价能力)培养学生正确看待信息化对社会的影响、计算机系统设计和应用对人们日常生活、工商业的经济结构以及人类健康所产生的潜在影响。目标 6:(全球意识能力)培养学生能够在全球化的环境里保持清晰意识,有竞争力地、负责任地行使自己的职责。目标 7:(终身学习能力)计算机科学与技术专业毕业生能够胜任研究性工作,可到工业企业、计算机软、硬件产业和开发机构、金融、管理机构承担计算机研究和应用等工作,也可继续深造攻读硕士、博士,并具备终身学习的能力。 Educational Objectives:Objective 1: Solid Fundamental Knowledge Students should

4、have solid fundamental specialized knowledge, such as basic principles, methods and skills in computer science and technology; furthermore make good preparation for applying the fundamental knowledge to the research and industry by making use of advanced techniques, like system analysis, modeling an

5、d computing.Objective 2: Problem-solving Capability Students should creatively apply fundamental knowledge of computer science and engineering to solve the problems encountered in practice or in the industry.Objective 3:Teamwork/Leadership Students should have capabilities of cooperation and communi

6、cation in the team work, and possess the leadership ability in the area of computer science and engineering.Objective 4: Engineering System Cognitive Ability Student should have the knowledge of computers, networks and information systems, should be a professional who is able to study basic principl

7、es and technologies of computer science, study the development of hardware and software, and design information systems in the area of computer hardware and software research, development and application. Students should have the realistic senses of engineering and benefits, have the abilities of co

8、gnition and practice, master the bottom-up and top-down methods to analyze the problems, and contribute to the society and the world.Objective 5:Societal Impact Evaluation Capability Students should correctly recognize societal impact of the development of information technology, and realize potenti

9、al effect of the design and the application of computer systems for the daily life of people, the structure of business and economy, and the health of human beings. Objective 6:Global Awareness Capability Students should maintain clear thinking in the globalization environment, and carry out their d

10、uties responsibly and competitivelyObjective 7:Lifelong Learning Capability The graduates from the specialty of computer science and technology are capable of a variety of career experiences and have the capability of lifelong learning.专业特色:本专业注重学生的计算机科学与技术创新意识、研究能力和应用能力的培养,培养学生掌握扎实的计算机基础理论知识,掌握计算机软

11、硬件核心技术,了解计算机学科发展前沿知识和新兴技术,成为具有国际视野和良好的国际交流能力的研究型的计算机科学与技术高级专门人才。基础课和专业领域必修课采用全英语教学,与国际计算机科学技术接轨;开设多门专业领域课程使学生开拓视野、了解计算机学科的国内外研究动态,实行“本-硕- 博”连读,加强研究能力培养;开展“学生研究计划和第二课堂”,培养实践能力和创新能力。Specialty Characteristics:The specialty of computer science and technology in English focuses on training students to ha

12、ve the capabilities of creativity, application and research, master fundamental knowledge of computer science, master core technology of computer hardware and software, know about frontier knowledge and emerging technologies in the development of computer science in recent years, be a professional w

13、ho has international perspective, good communication and good research in the area of computer science and technology. The compulsory general basic courses and compulsory specialty- related courses are teaching in English, which is similar to the corresponding courses in the world. Teaching multiple

14、 specialty-related courses to broad perspective of students, and know about the related research works in the discipline of computer science in recent years. Training students by performing “Bachelor-Master-PhD” study mode to improve the capability of research. In addition, the student research plan

15、 and the second class will further increase the practical and innovative ability of students.培养要求:计算机科学与技术专业旨在培养基础扎实、知识面宽、能适应计算机技术发展需要,德智体全面发展,具有创新能力、研究能力或工程能力的计算机科学与技术高级专门人才。 要求学生达到以下要求: 具备求实创新意识和严谨的科学素养、良好的文化修养。 掌握工科公共基础知识。 具有扎实的数学基础。 系统掌握计算机科学与技术的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能。 熟练掌握英语,具备跨文化、国际化知识和良好的国际交流能力。 具备需求

16、分析和建模、系统设计和实现、系统评审与测试、软件项目管理的基本知识和能力;具备根据用户需求设计高效实用的计算机软硬件系统解决方案以及将该解决方案和用户环境整合的初步能力。 具有一定的创新意识,具备从事计算机科学与技术研究工作的基本能力,具有交流、竞争和团队工作的能力。 了解信息化对社会的影响,具备知识产权保护、信息安全等基本认识。Educational Requirement:The objective of computer science and technology is to foster the professionals who have a solid fundamentals

17、and a wide range of knowledge, satisfy the requirement of the development of computer software, have good physical mental and intelligent quality, and possess the research and engineering in the specialty of computer science and technology.Students should satisfy the following requirements: Have a s

18、ense of innovation, rigorous scientific quality and good cultural quality. Master general basic knowledge in the discipline of engineering. Have solid fundamental knowledge of mathematics. Be proficiency in English, have cross-cultural and international knowledge and good international communication

19、 skills. Master basic theories, basic knowledge and basic skills of computer science and technology. Have fundamental knowledge and ability of requirement analysis and modeling, system design and implementation, system evaluation and testing, and software project management, and have the ability to

20、design solutions of computer hardware and software system efficiently according to the requirement of the user, and integration of the solutions and user environment Have a certain sense of innovation, the ability to do research work on computer science and technology, and the capabilities of commun

21、ication, competition and team work. Have a better understanding of societal impact of information technology, and have other fundamental knowledge, such as intellectual property protection and information security.知识架构:(Knowledge Structure)A1 文学、历史、哲学、艺术的基本知识;A1 Fundamental knowledge of literature,

22、history, philosophy and art;A2 社会科学学科的研究方法入门知识;A2 Fundamental knowledge of social science research methods;A3 自然科学与工程技术的基础知识和前沿知识;A3 Fundamental and frontier knowledge of natural science and engineering;A4 数学和逻辑学的基础知识;A4 Fundamental knowledge of mathematics and logic; A5 计算机科学与技术专业领域内系统的核心知识;A5 Core

23、 knowledge of computer science and technology; A6 专业技术知识;A6 Knowledge of specialized technique; A7 管理知识;A7 Management knowledge;A8 跨文化、国际化知识;A8 Cross-cultural, international knowledge.能力要求:(Ability Requirements)B1 清晰思考和用语言文字准确表达的能力;B1The ability of clear thinking and accurate language expression;B2

24、发现、分析和解决问题的能力;B2 The ability of discovering, analyzing and solving problems;B3 批判性思考和独立工作的能力;B3 The ability of critical thinking and independent working;B4 与不同类型的人合作沟通的能力;B4 The ability of cooperating and communicating with different various people;B5 对文学艺术作品的初步审美能力;B5 Preliminary aesthetic ability

25、on the literary and artistic work;B6 至少一种外语的应用能力;B6 At least one foreign language proficiency;B7 终生学习的能力;B7 The capacity for lifelong learningB8 组织管理能力;B8 Organizational and management capacity;B9 具有创新意识和创新能力;B9A sense of innovation and creativity;B10 分析写作能力;B10 Analytical writing skills.素质要求:(Quali

26、ty Requirements)C1 志存高远、意志坚强以传承文明、探求真理、振兴中华、造福人类为己任,矢志不渝;C1 Ambitious, strong-willedwith the pursuit of civilization heritage, the truth, the rejuvenate of nation, as well as the benefit of human race;C2 刻苦务实、精勤进取脚踏实地,不慕虚名;勤奋努力,追求卓越;C2 Diligent, pragmatic, down to earth, hardworking, excellence stri

27、ving;C3 身心和谐、视野开阔具有良好的身体和心理素质;具有对多元文化的包容心态和宽阔的国际化视野;C3 Physical and mental harmony, open-mindedwith good physical and mental quality, as well as the tolerant mentality of multicultural and broad international perspective;C4 思维敏捷、乐于创新勤于思考,善于钻研,对于推陈出新怀有浓厚的兴趣,富有探索精神并渴望解决问题;C4 Quick thinking, innovative

28、 awarenessdiligent in thinking, good at research, with strong interest in innovation, full of curiosity and desire to solve problems;C5 崇高价值观念具有正确的法律意识、职业道德及很强的社会责任感,具有较强的主动性、责任感与合作性。C5Noble valueswith the correct legal awareness, professional ethics and a strong sense of social responsibility, as w

29、ell as strong initiative, responsible and cooperative awareness.授予学位:工学学士学位Degree Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering主干课程:高级语言程序设计、离散数学、数据结构、数字逻辑、计算机组成与体系结构、编译原理、操作系统、数据库、软件工程、算法设计与分析、计算机网络、计算方法、人工智能。Core Courses: Advanced Language Programmer, Discrete Mathematics, Data structure, Digital logical cir

30、cuit, Computer Organization and Architecture, Principle Compiler, Operation System, Database, Software Engineering, The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Computer Networks, Computational Method ,Artificial Intelligence. 特色课程: 全英语教学课程:高级语言程序设计、计算机概论,离散数学、数据结构,数据库,数字逻辑、计算机组成与体系结构、编译原理、操作系统、计

31、算机网络、软件工程、计算方法、算法设计与分析、计算机图形学,数据挖掘与数据仓库,模式识别导论,人工智能双语教学课程:嵌入式系统、数字信号处理、多媒体技术研究型课程:模式识别导论、人工智能讨论型课程:计算机科学技术的发展与展望、机器学习的过去、现在与将来、IT 前沿技术创新实践课程:数据库课程设计、数据结构课程设计、嵌入式课程设计创业教育课程:IT 商业模式与创业Characteristic Curriculum:Courses Teaching in English: Advanced language programming, The Foundation of computer, Disc

32、rete Mathematics, Data Structure, Database, Computer Organization and Architecture, Operating System, Computer Networks, Software Engineering, Computing Method, The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Computer Graphics, Data Warehouse and Data mining, Introduction to the Pattern Recognition,

33、 Artificial IntelligenceBilingual Courses: Embedded System、Digital Image Processing 、 Multimedia TechnologyResearch Courses: Introduction to the Pattern Recognition、Artificial IntelligenceSeminar: Freshmen seminars and thematic seminars、 IT Frontier TechnologyInnovation Practice Courses: Data Struct

34、ure Project、Database Project、Embedded System ProjectEntrepreneurship Education Courses: IT Business Models and Entrepreneurship一、 教学计划总体安排表(Teaching Plan Schedule)教 学 进 度 安 排 (周) 理论教学考 试入学教育军训课程设计大作业工程训练电子实习综合实验社会实践生产实习毕业实习其它实习中外合作项目毕业设计就业安排机动假期小计学年学期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

35、A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R1 C A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B D D D 13 2 1 3 19一2 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B 16 2 2 203 A A A A A A A A G G A A A A A A A A B B 16 2 2 20二4 F A A A A A A A H H A A A A A A A A B B 15 2 1 2 205 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A F F B B 16 2 2 20三6 A A

36、 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A F F B B 16 2 2 207 L L L L L L L L A A A A A A A A A A B B 10 2 8 20四8 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O P P Q Q 16 2 2 20合 计(周) 103 14 1 3 0 5 2 2 0 0 0 8 0 0 16 2 4 159二、各类课程学分登记表(Registration Form of Curriculum Credits)课程类别Course Category课程要求Requirement学分Credits学时Academ

37、ic Hour备注Remarks必修Compulsory 69.5 1052公共基础课General Basic Course 通识Elective 10.0 160必修Compulsory 47.0 832学科基础课Disciplinary Basic Courses 选修Elective 0.0 0必修Compulsory 6.0 104专业领域课Specialty- related Courses 选修Elective 9.5 152必修Compulsory 122.5 1988选修Elective 19.5 312理论教学Lectures合 计Total142.0 2300必修Comp

38、ulsory 40.0 40 周/Weeks集中实践教学环节(周)Practice Training (Weeks) 选修Elective 2.0 2 周/Weeks毕业生学分要求Graduation Credit Required 142.0+42.0=184.0注:通识课在合计中计入选修一项中。每学期建议修读学分表学期 第 1 学期 第 2 学期 第 3 学期 第 4 学期 第 5 学期 第 6 学期 第 7 学期 第 8 学期 合计学分 27.5 36.52 27.52 22.52 17.525 526.5 11 15 184三、专业教学计划表(Teaching Schedule)学 时

39、 数Total Curriculum Hours类 别Course Category课 程代 码Course No.课 程 名 称Course Title是否必修C/E总学时Class Hours上机Computer-aided Class Hours实验Lab Hours学分数Credits开课学期Semester知识架构Knowledge Structure能力要求Capacity Requirements素质要求Quality Requirements143093思想道德修养与法律基础Cultivation of Thought and Morals & Fundamental of L

40、aw(48)(36) 3.0 1 A1 C5143106毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论Thought of Mao ZeDong and Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics(96)48 6.0 2 A1 C5143091 中国近现代史纲要Skeleton of Chinese Modern History (32)24 2.0 3 A1 C5143090 马克思主义基本原理Fundamentals of Marxism Principle (48)36 3.0 4 A1 C5143094 形势与政策Analysis of

41、the Situation & Policy (128) 2.0 1-8 A1 C5144082 综合英语(一)Comprehensive English(1) 96 6.0 1 A8 B6 B7 C3144083 综合英语(二)Comprehensive English(2) 128 8.0 2 A8 B6 B7 C3152001 体育(一)Physical Education (1) 32 1.0 1 B7 C3152002 体育(二)Physical Education (2) 32 1.0 2 B7 C3152003 体育(三)Physical Education (3) 32 1.0

42、 3 B7 C3152004 体育(四)Physical Education (4) 32 1.0 4 B7 C3106001 军事理论Military Principle (16) 1.0 2 A5140195 数学分析(一) Mathematics Analysis(1) 80 5.0 1 A4 B2B7 C2C4140196 数学分析(二) Mathematics Analysis(2) 112 7.0 2 A4 B2B7 C2C4140197 线性代数与解析几何 Linear Algebra & Analytic Geometry 48 3.0 1 A4 B2B7 C2C4140106

43、概率论与数理统计 III Probability & Mathematical Statistics 364 4.0 3 A4 B2B7 C2C4141005 大学物理(一)General Physics (1) 64 4.0 2 A3 B2B7 C2C4141006 大学物理(二)General Physics (2) 64 4.0 3 A3 B2B7 C2C4141007 大学物理实验 (一)Physics Experiment (1) 32 32 1.0 2 A3 B2B7 C2C4141008 大学物理实验(二)Physics Experiment (2) 32 32 1.0 3 A3

44、 B2B7 C2C4145218高级语言程序设计(C+) ( 一)Advanced Language Programmer (C+) (1)64 16 3.5 1 A5A6 B2 C2C4公 共 基 础课GeneralBasicCourse145219高级语言程序设计(C+) (二)Advanced Language Programmer (C+) (2)必修课32 6 2.0 2 A5A6 B2 C2C4人文科学领域Humanities Field 96 6.0 A1社会科学领域Social Science Field通识课 64 4.0 A2合 计 1212 22 64 79.5三、专业教

45、学计划表(续)学 时 数Total Curriculum Hours类 别Course Category课 程代 码Course No.课 程 名 称Course Title是否必修C/E总学时Class Hours上机Computer-aided Class Hours实验Lab Hours学分数Credits开课学期Semester知识架构Knowledge Structure能力要求Capacity Requirements素质要求Quality Requirements145272计算机科学概论Foundations of Computer Science必 C 16 1.0 1A3A

46、6A8 C1C4145285 IT 前沿技术 IT Frontier Technology 必 C 16 1.0 1 A3A6A8 B9 C1145287IT 商业模式与创业 ITBusiness Models and Entrepreneurship必 C 16 1.0 3 A7 C1145259计算机科学技术的发展与展望Development and Prospect of the Computer Science and Technology必 C 16 1.0 1A3A6A8 B9 C1145267机器学习的过去、现在与将来The Past, Present and Future of

47、 Machine Learning必 C 16 1.0 2A3A6A8 B9 C1145261 离散数学 I Discrete Mathematics I 必 C 56 4 3.5 2 A4 B2B7 C2C4145262 离散数学 II Discrete Mathematics II 必 C 40 4 2.5 3 A4 B2B7 C2C4135002电路与电子技术 Electric Circuit and Electronics 必 C 64 4.0 3 A3 B2 C2C4135037电路与电子技术实验 Experiment of Electric Circuits and Electro

48、nics 必 C 32 32 1.0 4 A3 B2 C2C4145216 数字逻辑 Digital logical circuit 必 C 48 16 2.5 3 A6 B2 C2C4145196计算机组成与体系结构Computer Organization and Architecture 必 C 80 16 4.5 4 A5 B2B9 C2C4145055 数据结构Data Structure 必 C 64 16 3.5 3 A5 B2 C2C4145022 计算方法 Computational Method 必 C 48 8 3.0 6 A4A6 B2 C2C4145158 操作系统 Operating System 必 C 64 16 3.5 5 A5A6 B2 C2C4145100 编译原理 Principle Compiler 必 C 56 16 3.0 4 A5A6 B2 C2C4145033 计算机网络 Computer Networks 必 C 64 16 3.5 5 A5A6 B2 C2C4145148 数据库 Database 必 C 64 16 3.5 4 A5A6 B2 C2C4140070 软

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