信息匹配题型 抽检必考题型 - 信息匹配 (一)左栏就是一些学生心中得烦恼:右栏就是解决问题得建议。请根据左栏得题号在右栏中找出与其相配得一项并将答案得字母编号写在题前得括号内。右栏中有一项就是多余得. ( )1、I am the enchwamer(坐冷板凳得人) y occe eam、Wn there is a game ,te ach nev asks me to pl、I ink Im a oo ye but I havet ad chace o show i 、w do I ge my ach to let me play? ( )2、What can I do if fd that m bst fied as be eling is(谎) ( )、My mom away ys me clothe I dont ike!B I usaly ont ell her I don lik them