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1、Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a l

2、etter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage. Many Brazilians cannot read. In 2000, a quarter of those aged 15 and

3、older were functionally illiterate(文盲) . Many _36_ do not want to. Only one literate adult in three reads books. The _37_ Brazilian reads 1.8 non-academic books a yearless than half the figure in Europe and the United States. In a recent survey of reading habits, Brazilians came 27th out of 30 count

4、ries. Argentines, their neighbours, _38_ 18th. The government and businesses are all struggling in different ways to change this. On March 13th the government _39_ a National Plan for Books and Reading. This seeks to boost reading, by founding libraries and financing publishers among other things. O

5、ne discouragement to reading is that books are _40_. Most other books have small print-runs, pushing up their price. But Brazilians indifference to books has deeper roots. Centuries of slavery meant the countrys leaders long _41_ education. Primary schooling became universal only in the 1990s. All t

6、his means that Brazils book market has the biggest growth _42_ in the western world. But reading is a difficult habit to form. Brazilians bought fewer books in 2004, 89 million, including textbooks _43_ by the government, than they did in 1991. Last year the director of Brazils national library _44_

7、. He complained that he had half the librarians he needed and termites(白蚁) had eaten much of the _45_. That ought to be a cause for national shame. (A) average (B) collection (C) distributed (D) exhibition (E) expensive (F) launched (G) named (H) neglected (I) normal (J) particularly (K) potential (

8、L) quit (M) ranked (N) simply (O) treasured 5 36. 收起解析 正确答案是 N , 您未作答 。回答错误 统计 全站统计:本题共被作答 4832 次 , 总正确率 4% , 最多的错误答案是 I 解析 空格前面是 many,承接上文,即 many Brizilians; want to 后面省略了动词 read,因此空格处需要填入副词形式。 simply 符合句意 “许多人只是不想读书 ”。 particularly 意为 “独特地,显著地 ”,与句意不符,故排除。 笔记 37. 收起解析 正确答案是 A , 您未作答 。回答错误 统计 全站统计:

9、本题共被作答 4831 次 , 总正确率 11% , 最多的错误答案是 I 解析 通过分析句子结构可知,空格处应填入形容词修饰名词 Brazilian. 通过下文的 1.8 non-academic books a year 可知,空格处形容词不可能达到总量,而应该是平均数。即 “平均每个巴西人 ”之意,由此确定 average 为答案。 笔记 38. 收起解析 正确答案是 M , 您未作答 。回答错误 统计 全站统计:本题共被作答 4831 次 , 总正确率 9% , 最多的错误答案是 A 解析 巴西在被调查的 30 个国家中排名第 27 位,而邻国阿根廷排名第 18 位,故空格处填入的动词

10、有 “排名 ”之意,故 ranked 为答案。 笔记 39. 收起解析 正确答案是 F , 您未 作答 。回答错误 统计 全站统计:本题共被作答 4833 次 , 总正确率 9% , 最多的错误答案是 C 解析 根据句子结构可知,空格处应填入动词过去式作谓语,且该动词可以与 plan 搭配构成动宾关系。下文中提到国家通过修建图书馆等措施推进民众读书,故 launched 符合句意,即 “发起计划 ”。 笔记 40. 收起解析 正确答案是 E , 您未作答 。回答错误 统计 全站统计:本题共被作答 4831 次 , 总正确率 13% , 最多的错误答案是 expensive 解析 根据句子机构可

11、知,空格处应填入形容词,构成系表结构。根据句中的 discouragement 一词可知,此处意在表达影响巴西人不爱读书的因素。根据下文中的 pushing up their price 可知,这里描述的应该是书的价格。故 expensive 符合句意。 笔记 41. 收起解析 正确答案是 H , 您未作答 。回答错误 统计 全站统计:本题共被作答 4831 次 , 总正确率 7% , 最多的错误答案是 I 解析 空格处应填入动词作从句的谓语,本段分析了巴西人不爱读书的深层原因,即长达几个世纪的奴隶制度造成该国领导人不重视教育,结合下文提到 “巴西基础教育在 20 世纪 90 年代才得到普及

12、”可知,巴西教育的滞后深受奴隶制的 影响,因此本空应选择 neglected,即巴西 “长期忽视教育 ”。 笔记 42. 收起解析 正确答案是 K , 您未作答 。回答错误 统计 全站统计:本题共被作答 4831 次 , 总正确率 7% , 最多的错误答案是 J 解析 通过分析句子机构可知,空格处应填入名词。因为巴西以前读书人数少,这在客观上存在增长潜力,故 potential 符合句意。 笔记 43. 收起解析 正确答案是 C , 您未作答 。回答错误 统计 全站统计:本题共被作答 4831 次 , 总正确率 6% , 最多的错误答案是 B 解析 空格处应填入动词过去分词,作 textboo

13、ks 的后置定语, distribute textbooks 意为 “分发教科书 ”。故答案为 C。 笔记 44. 收起解析 正确答案是 L , 您未作答 。回答错误 统计 全站统计:本题共被作答 4831 次 , 总正确率 7% , 最多的错误答案是 D 解析 空格处应填入动词构成主谓结构,结合下文的 complained, shame 等词可知,巴西国家图书馆馆长因对目前的状况不满而辞职,故 quit 符合句意。 笔记 45. 收起解析 正确答案是 B , 您未作答 。回答错误 统计 全站统计:本题共被作答 4831 次 , 总正确率 9% , 最多的错误答案是 O 解析 空格前面有冠词

14、the,故应填入名词。本句与图书馆有关, collection 此处可理解为 “藏书 ”,符合句意。 笔记 Section B Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may c

15、hoose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. The Touch-Screen Generation (A) On a chilly day last spring, a few dozen developers of childrens apps(应用程序) for phones and tablets(平板电脑) gathered at an old beach resort in Monterey, California, to show off their games. The gat

16、hering was organized by Warren Buckleitner, a longtime reviewer of interactive childrens media. Buckleitner spent the breaks testing whether his own remote-control helicopter could reach the halls second story, while various children who had come with their parents looked up in awe(敬畏) and delight.

17、But mostly they looked down, at the iPads and other tablets displayed around the hall like so many open boxes of candy. I walked around and talked with developers, and several quoted a famous saying of Maria Montessoris, “The hands are the instruments of mans intelligence.” (B) What, really, would M

18、aria Montessori have made of this scene? The 30 or so children here were not down at the shore poking(戳) their fingers in the sand or running them along stones or picking seashells. Instead they were all inside, alone or in groups of two or three, their faces a few inches from a screen, their hands

19、doing things Montessori surely did not imagine. (C) In 2011, the American Academy of Pediatrics updated its policy on very young children and media. In 1999, the group had discouraged television viewing for children younger than 2, citing research on brain development that showed this age groups cri

20、tical need for “direct interactions with parents and other significant care givers.” The updated report began by acknowledging that things had changed significantly since then. In 2006, 90% of parents said that their children younger than 2 consumed some form of electronic media. Nevertheless, the g

21、roup took largely the same approach it did in 1999, uniformly discouraging passive media use, on any type of screen, for these kids. (For older children, the academy noted, “high-quality programs” could have “educational benefits.”) The 2011 report mentioned “smart cell phone” and “new screen” techn

22、ologies, but did not address interactive apps. Nor did it bring up the possibility that has likely occurred to those 90% of American parents that some good might come from those little swiping(在电子产品上刷) fingers. (D) I had come to the developers conference partly because I hoped that this particular s

23、et of parents, enthusiastic as they were about interactive media, might help me out of this problem, that they might offer some guiding principle for American parents who are clearly never going to meet the academys ideals, and at some level do not want to. Perhaps this group would be able to expres

24、s clearly some benefits of the new technology that the more cautious doctors werent ready to address. (E) I fell into conversation with a woman who had helped develop Montessori Letter Sounds, an app that teaches preschoolers the Montessori methods of spelling. She was a former Montessori teacher an

25、d a mother of four. I myself have three children who are all fans of the touch screen. What games did her kids like to play, I asked, hoping for suggestions I could take home. “They dont play all that much.” Really? Why not? “Because I dont allow it. We have a rule of no screen time during the week,

26、 unless its clearly educational.” No screen time? None at all? That seems at the outer edge of restrictive, even by the standards of overcontrolling parents. “On the weekends, they can play. I give them a limit of half an hour and then stop. Enough.” (F) Her answer so surprised me that I decided to

27、ask some of the other developers who were also parents what their domestic ground rules for screen time were. One said only on airplanes and long car rides. Another said Wednesdays and weekends, for half an hour. The most permissive said half an hour a day, which was about my rule at home. At one po

28、int I sat with one of the biggest developers of e-book apps for kids, and his family. The small kid was starting to fuss in her high chair, so the mom stuck an iPad in front of her and played a short movie so everyone else could enjoy their lunch. When she saw me watching, she gave me the universal

29、tense look of mothers who feel they are being judged. “At home,” she assured me, “I only let her watch movies in Spanish.” (G) By their reactions, these parents made me understand the problem of our age: as technology becomes almost everywhere in our lives. American parents are becoming more, not le

30、ss, distrustful of what it might be doing to their children. Technological ability has not, for parents, translated into comfort and ease. On the one hand, parents want their children to swim expertly in the digital stream that they will have to navigate(航行) all their lives; on the other hand, they

31、fear that too much digital media, too early, will sink them. Parents end up treating tablets as precision surgical(外科的) instruments, devices that might perform miracles for their childs IQ and help him win some great robotics competitionbut only if they are used just so. Otherwise, their child could

32、 end up one of those sad, pale creatures who cant make eye contact and has a girlfriend who lives only in the virtual world. (H) Norman Rockwell, a 20th-century artist, never painted Boy Swiping Finger on Screen, and our own vision of a perfect childhood has never been adjusted to accommodate that n

33、ow-common scene. Add to that our modern fear that every parenting decision may have lasting consequencesthat every minute of enrichment lost or mindless entertainment indulged(放纵的) will add up to some permanent handicap(障碍) in the futureand you have deep guilt and confusion. To date, no body of rese

34、arch has proved that the iPad will make your preschooler smarter or teach her to speak Chinese, or alternatively that it will rust her nervous systemthe device has been out for only three years, not much more than the time it takes some academics to find funding and gather research subjects. So what

35、 is a parent to do? 6 46. The author attended the conference, hoping to find some guiding principles for parenting in the electronic age. 收起解析 正确答案是 D , 您未作答 。回答错误 统计 全站统计:本题共被作答 4823 次 , 总正确 率 10% , 最多的错误答案是 C 解析 题干表示 “作者参加了会议,希望能找到一些在电子时代为人父母的指导原则 ”。由 attended the conference和 guiding principles 定位

36、到文章 D 段第一句 I had come to . for American parents。 attended the conference 对应原文中的 come to the developers conference, find some guiding principles 对应原文中的 offer some guiding principle,故答案为 D。 笔记 47. American parents are becoming more doubtful about the benefits technology is said to bring to their child

37、ren. 收起解析 正确答案是 G , 您未作答 。回答错误 统计 全站统计:本题共被作答 4823 次 , 总正确率 8% , 最多的错误答案是 C 解析 题干表示 “美国家长对于科技据说能给他们的孩子带来的益处变得越来越怀疑 ”。由 more doubtful 和 their children.定位到文章 G 段第一、二句话 as technology becomes. their children。 more doubtful 对应原文中的 more, not less, distrustful,故答案为 G。 笔记 48. Some experts believe that human

38、 intelligence develops by the use of hands. 收起解析 正确答案是 A , 您未作答 。回答错误 统计 全站统计:本题共被作答 4823 次 , 总正确率 8% , 最多的错误答案是 B 解析 题干表 示 “有些专家认为,人的智力是通过使用双手发展而来的 ”。由 human intelligence 和hands 定位到文章 A段最后一句 The hands are the instruments of mans intelligence。human intelligence 是原文中的 mans intelligence 的同义转述,故答案为 A。

39、笔记 49. The author found a former Montessori teacher exercising strict control over her kids, screen time. 收起解析 正确答案是 E , 您未作答 。回答错误 统计 全站统计:本题共被作答 4823 次 , 总正确率 9% , 最多的错误答案是 B 解析 题干表示 “作者发现一位曾担任蒙台梭利教师的女士严格控制孩子接触屏幕的时间 ”。由former Montessori teacher, strict control 和 screen time 定位到文章 E段第二句 She was a f

40、ormer Montessori teacher and a mother of four 和对话 Because I dont allow it. my overcontrolling parents。 former Montessori teacher 与原文相同, strict control 是原文中restrictive 和 overcontrolling 的同义转述,故答案为 E。 笔记 50. Research shows interaction with people is key to babies brain development. 收起解析 正确答案是 C , 您未作答

41、 。回答错误 统计 全站统计:本题共被作答 4823 次 , 总正确率 7% , 最多的错误答案是 G 解析 题干表示 “研究表明,与人交流是孩子大脑发育的关键 ”。由 interaction with people和 babies brain development 定位到文章 C 段第二句 the group had . other significant care givers。interaction with people 对应原文中的 direct interactions with parents and other significant care givers.故答案为 C。 笔记

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