LIVE AND LEARN 止血材料概述 Summary of hemostatic materials XXX目 录 CONTENTS 1 背景介绍 background 2 性能要求 Requirements 3 止血机理 mechanism 4 分类介绍 Classification 1 背景介绍 background战争 手术 工厂 交通 事故 50% of military deaths are caused by hemorrhages More than 85% of the deaths are due to excessive loss of blood Bleeding is a very common and intractable problem during surgery. Factory accident Uncontrollable bleeding Ref: J. Biomed.Mater. Res., Part A, 2014, 102, 41824194 传统止血方式: 灼烧。纱布、止血带、 绷带。 新型止血材料 无机矿物类(沸石、高 岭土) 氧