第三课 Lesson 3 多少钱隔音符号 Dividing mark a 、o 、e 开头的音节连接在其他音节后面时,为 了使音节界限清楚,不致混淆,要用隔音符号“” 隔开。例如:Tiannmn (天安门)。 When a syllable beginning with “a”, “o”, “e” follows another syllable in such an ambiguous way that the division of the two syllables could be confused, it is essential to put a dividing mark “” in between, e.g. “Tiannmn (天安门)”.儿化 Retroflex final er 常常跟其他韵母结合在一起,使该韵母成为儿 化韵母。儿化韵母的写法是在原韵母之后加-r , 例如:wnr (玩儿)、hur (花儿)。 The final “er” is usually attached to another final to form a retroflex final