急性冠状动脉综合征的 抗凝治疗 北京大学人民医院心内科 许俊堂 胡大一凝血与抗凝血栓形成的条件 血管壁或者内皮细胞损伤 激活内源或者外源凝血系统 血液流变学因素 血液淤积、流速变慢 血液成分的变化 高凝状态Diagram of thrombin moleculeRole of thrombin in haemostasis Coagulation system Cleave fibrinogen to form fibrin monomer Activate factor XIII(leading to cross- linked fibrin formation) Activate factor V and factor VIII(positive feedback loop)Role of thrombin in haemostasis Platelet Direct activation leading to expression of surface GP b/ a receptor Induce platelet aggregation Stimulate release o