Traditional Chinese wedding ceremonyIntroduced by 余琴and曹晶凤Six etiquettesHerearemanythingstodobeforetwofamilydecidedtomadeacouple,thatissixetiquettes.Six etiquettes 纳采: Acceptance of the betrothal gifts 问名 :Asking each others name 纳吉:Picking an auspicious date 纳征:Exchange of wedding gifts 请期: Sending out invitations 亲迎: Receiving the brideThe gifts from bride call 嫁妆, while the gifts from groom call 聘礼。点我Costume 凤冠霞帔一梳梳到尾二梳梳到白发齐眉三梳梳到儿孙满地四梳梳到四条银笋尽标齐 1st combing: from beginning till the end 2nd com