1、主机发展概况复习题 C D C C B; A B D A ;主机操作系统概况A C C D A ; B A C B B ; A A A B D ; A B D;TSO ISPFB D A B D ; D C A A D ; B; USSB A D C B ;C D C D D D; C A CCATALOGD C B C JES SDSFB B A A C ; D B B D JclD B B D B; C C A D B ; C BUtilityAProcedureB A VSAMC C A B C主机中间件B C C C A ; D D D C SMP/EA D MQD D主机数据库B C
2、 D 主机通信D C 其他D D B B B ;C DWhich of the following workloads is best suited to batch? A. Editing and compiling source programs B. Testing the usability of a full screen text program C. Analyzing 10 years of historical data stored on tape D. Support for on demand video in the overnight time period Wha
3、t is the typical hierarchy for attaching devices to a processor? A. Processor, Channel, Device B. Processor, Control Unit, Device C. Processor, Remote channel, Control Unit, Device D. Processor, Channel, Switch/Director, Control Unit, Device Which of the following processing units would most benefit
4、 WebSphere Application Server applications? A. SAP B. ICF C. zAAP D. zIIP Why are mainframe job responsibilities separated in large corporations? A. Access is granted by seniority B. People are more geographically dispersed C. Complexity of mainframe hardware and software D. Various skills are separ
5、ated by business unit Who is responsible for installing, customizing, and maintaining z/OS? A. System Operators B. System Programmers C. System Administrators D. Production Control Analysts A customer needs a centralized database repository to consolidate all concurrently used company data and provi
6、de data mining. Which of the following is a typical system application? A. Mainframe using DB2 on z/OS to manipulate the large amounts of data B. BladeCenter using Oracle on Windows to segment and attack the large amounts of data C. BladeCenter using DB2 on Linux, Unix, and Windows to handle the lar
7、ge amounts of data D. Mainframe using keyed sequence datasets to segment and attack the large amounts of data Which of the following describes todays mainframe? A. Isolated from other platformsB. A reliable and secure platform C. Executes a single thread workload only D. Takes up more space than a s
8、erver farm Which of the following is the most typical workload for a mainframe system? A. Provides a web firewall B. Provides desktop computing C. Controls engineering equipment D. Manages a wide range of corporate data A list of stored TSO commands to perform a particular function is called which o
9、f the following? A. CLIST B. Compiled code C. Executable code D. Stored procedure主机操作系统概况复习题 In UNIX, the thread is the smallest element that performs work. What is an equivalent in z/OS? A. Task B. Daemon C. TASKLIB D. Process What type of IPL reloads the PLPA? A. Jump start B. Warm start C. Cold s
10、tart D. Quick start What component of z/OS is responsible for tracking the contents of Page Datasets? A. Real Storage Manager B. Virtual Storage Manager C. Auxiliary Storage Manager D. Distributed Storage Manager What does the operating system use to determine what real storage frames it can steal?
11、A. Page Frame Table B. Virtual storage map C. Swap dataset allocation D. Unreferenced Interval Count A program limited to 31-bit real memory addressability is incapable of running above which of the following virtual storage map boundaries? A. Bar B. CSA C. Line D. Private Area Which of the followin
12、g are hardware components of the mainframe? A. IFL, CP, SP B. CP, IFL, ICF C. CP, z/OS, IFL D. IFL, ICF, z/OS Which of the following operating systems are supported on todays mainframe? A. VSE, z/VM, Linux B. Linux, i5/OS, AIX 5LC. z/VM, Windows NT, Linux D. z/OS, AIX 5L, Windows NT Which of the fol
13、lowing describes relative access speed for z9 major storage types? A. Tape is faster than DASD B. DASD is faster than cache C. Real memory is faster than DASD D. Optical storage is faster than cache What storage type is typically used to house recently referenced data or data that is expected to be
14、used? B A. Real memory B. Cache memory C. Disk storage D. Tape storage What is the function of a pre-processor? A. Convert HLL statements to assembler B. Convert non-language statements like SQL or CICS to HLL C. Check for violations of Language Environment restrictions D. Combine programs in differ
15、ent HLLs (e.g. COBOL, FORTRAN) into one common language Which of the following is least expensive for historical data storage? A. Tape B. DASD C. Real memory D. Virtual memory A program limited to 31-bit real memory addressability is incapable of running above which of the following virtual storage
16、map boundaries? A. Bar B. CSA C. Line D. Private Area Which of the following mainframe storage types is designed to read data serially? A. Tape B. Real memory C. Virtual Disk D. Virtual memory Which of the following connects two or more mainframe applications together? A. RACFB. HTTP Server C. Fibre
17、 channel D. I/O Controller Referencing files via DDNAME rather than dataset names is restricted to which of the following language(s)? A. PL/1 B. COBOL C. COBOL and PL/1 D. Assembler and any HLL The terms pages, frames and slots respectively refer to which of the following storage types? A. Virtual,
18、 real and auxiliary areas B. Real, virtual and auxiliary areas C. Virtual, auxiliary and real areas D. Auxiliary, virtual and real areas Which of the following describes the typical address space virtual storage map? A. PSA, common area, CSA, LPA, Real B. User private, PSA, CSA, LPA, ECSA, and ELPA
19、C. PSA, bit map, kernal, virtual memory, and extensions D. User private, common, user extended private, and shared The z/OS Language Environment provides which of the following? A. The only way to run FORTRAN programs in IMS B. A common compiler which will compile any HLL C. TSO commands used to com
20、pile programs online D. Common library services like math and data/time functionsTSO & ISPF 实验复习题 In TSO, when “*“ appears as the last text on a screen, what does this mean? A. TSO will switch from TSO to ISPF mode after the user presses any key. B. There is more data to display. The user must press
21、 ENTER to display the next screen. C. The current program has terminated. The user should press ENTER to go back to the prompt. D. The current program is using extensive CPU time. The user may press ENTER to cancel the program. Which of the following is the most common use of the PF3 key? A. Edit th
22、e panel definitions B. Cancel the function currently in use C. Customize the look and feel of a newly created panel D. End the panel currently in use and return to the next higher panel In the ISPF Edit panel, there are fields named PROJECT, GROUP, TYPE, and MEMBER. What information do these fields
23、specify? A. DSNAME B. DDNAME C. PARM field D. DD Statement Which of the following describes how ISPF accesses dataset names? A. It uses shared access and does not use dataset names. B. It generates the equivalent of a DD statement and opens the DDNAME. C. It uses a special open which opens a data se
24、t name rather than a DDNAME. D. It uses a predefined list of dataset names setup by the system administrator. If a user is running a program from ISPF which appears to be in an endless loop, how can the user stop the program and return to ISPF menus? A. Press the F12 (cancel) key B. Terminate the 32
25、70 emulator C. Type “cancel“ and press ENTER D. The key which the emulator maps to PA1 ISPF uses various function keys. Which of the following describes the mapping of these keys? A. Different in every ISPF menu B. Determined by operating system C. Fixed by ISPF and cannot be changed D. May be chang
26、ed using the ISPF SETTINGS functionHow can a new dataset be created using TSO native commands? A. Only by first starting ISPF B. By use of the TSO CREATE command C. By use of the TSO ALLOCATE command D. Only by submitting a job whose JCL creates a dataset PC keyboards do not have a “PA1“ key, 3270 e
27、mulators map some keys to “PA1“. What is the “PA1“ key used for in TSO and ISPF? A. Terminate the program currently running. B. Terminate ISPF to return to the TSO READY prompt. C. Pause a program so that data will not continue to scroll. D. Clear the screen to allow the next screen of data to displ
28、ay If a userid is ZTEST1, then what is entered in the Data Set List Utility (generally option 3.4) for “Dsname Level“ to list all data sets with the high level qualifier of the userid? A. ZTEST1 B. “ZTEST1“ C. *.ZTEST1* D. ZTEST1* Native ISPF panels are based on which of the following? A. GUI B. Web
29、 C. String D. Character At the TSO command prompt (READY prompt), the ALLOCATE command performs what function? A. Its only function is to create new data sets. B. It allocates a specific data set to a symbolic name used in a program. C. It makes sure there is enough space on the disk before running
30、a program. D. It pre-allocates space in the system spool for programs with large output files.USS复习题 Which of the following describes available functions or facilities of ISHELL? A. same as TSO B. same function as OMVS C. more function then OMVS D. less function then OMVS How are UNIX file systems m
31、ade available for application use on z/OS? A. Mount command B. Proclib member C. Activate command D. Vary online command What facility is used to access the UNIX shell on z/OS through TCP/IP? A. VTAM APPC B. ISPF ISHELL C. System logon D. rlogin or telnet The z/OS UNIX shell can be invoked by which
32、two commands? A. TSO and ISPF B. USS and SHELL C. OMVS and ISHELL D. UCALL and USERV Which of the following is the corresponding z/OS library that performs the equivalent functions as performed by UNIX /etc? A. JCLLIB B. PARMLIB C. PROCLIB D. NUCLEUS数据存储和组织方式复习题 Which of the following is most like a
33、 directory in UNIX? A. DDNAME B. DSNAME C. Catalog D. Dataset name qualifier Which of the following is a data set that stores individual related members? A. VSAM data set B. Indexed data set C. Sequential data set D. Partitioned data set Which of the following is critical information stored with the
34、 data set name in a VTOC? A. Data set inode B. Alias name of data set C. Disk address location of data set D. User catalog containing the data set name Within a fixed block sequential dataset a physical block stored on disk or tape contains which of the following? A. Control information B. The data
35、control block C. Smaller physical blocks D. Multiple logical records Which of these files is encoded using EBCDIC A. PC executable file B. PC COBOL source file C. Mainframe load module D. Mainframe COBOL source file How are volumes identified by the operating system? A. Via the catalog B. By the sys
36、tem operator C. Through normal processing D. By a volume serial number or label If a data set with text information is created using ISPF edit, the dataset is copied to magnetic tape, and the magnetic tape is then copied to a PC (e.g. Windows), what will a user see who displays the file on the PC?A.
37、 Clear text, but with punctuation corrupted B. The exact same text as seen in ISPF on the mainframe C. An odd mixture of unintelligible and unprintable characters D. The results of the encryption used in every mainframe data set In what order would the following records be sorted on a mainframe (ass
38、ume ascending sort)? Compute compute Advance 12 A. compute Advance Compute 12 B. 12 Advance Compute compute C. Advance Compute compute 12 D. 12 compute Advance Compute Which of the following z/OS data set organization is most like a UNIX directory? A. VSAM RRDS B. Sequential data set C. Partitioned
39、data set D. VSAM Indexed data setCatalog复习题 Where is a catalog alias name stored? A. VVDS B. VTOC C. User catalog D. Master catalog What master catalog entry relates to the name of a user catalog? A. HLQ B. VVDS C. ALIAS D. Alternate index What information is stored in a user catalog? A. Alias names
40、 with respective master catalog and data set names B. Data set names with respective volume serial and storage device type C. Data set names with respective volume serial and storage device address D. Data set names with respective storage device address and storage device type Which of the followin
41、g is most like a directory in UNIX? A. DDNAME B. DSNAME C. Catalog D. Dataset name qualifierJES & SDSF复习题 Which of the following is a function unique to JES3 compared with JES2? A. Interpretation of JCL B. Dependent job control C. SPOOLing of job output D. Queuing Jobs for execution How many uniquely named batch jobs can be run simultaneously which were all submitted by the