讲座安排 万丈高楼平地起,千里姻缘一线牵。 千丝万缕相萦系,多线如何写?中间段写作黄金法则 跟时间推移有关换曲线 跟时间推移无关换饼状The graph shows the number of full-time teachers (in millions) of regular schools in China from 1960 to 1990.千里姻缘一线牵 具体区间描写三要素 时间 趋势 变量 该对象的量/百分比在某个时间段处在某个趋势中,由多少变为多少。 1. 量/ 百分比: The number of full-time teachers went down from in to in . 2. 时间段: The years from to saw a rise in the number of teachers from to . 3. 趋势: The trend showed a decrease in the number of teachers from in to in . 4. There be : There was a growth in the numbe