1、学校代码:10270 学号:102200062硕士学位论文 论 文 题 目 华 察 研 究 学 院 人文与传播学院 专 业 中国古典文献学 研 究 方 向 文学文献与文化 研 究 生 姓 名 王 洪 指 导 教 师 査清华教授 完 成 日 期 2012年10月 摘要 上海师范大学硕士学位论文摘要华察(14971574) ,自嘉靖元年中举后逐步登上政治舞台,仕宦历经二十四年,交游广泛,影响甚大。王慎中赞其诗“洒然自立于尘埃情累之表,意象之超越,音韵之凄清,不受垢氛而独契溟滓” ,王世贞评曰“如磐石疏林,清溪短棹,虽在秋冬之际不废枫橘” ,王士禛评为“独标雅则,不与世俗浮沉也” 。对华察交游、诗文
2、展开全面而系统的研究,尤其是整理多次刻印的岩居稿 ,本文当属首次。全文由七部分组成: 第一章华察生平考述,其生平可以嘉靖二十四年(1545)辞官归隐为界分为读书为官和归隐里居两个时期。1497 年1545 年,这 48 年间华察从邑诸生到庶吉士,从翰林修撰到主掌南院,三次主持乡、会试,三次乞休,大起大落,“济川”之情较为强烈;1545 年1574 年,这 30 年华察主要过着淡泊的隐居生活,侍奉双亲,教子读书,闲游吟诗,纂修宗谱,参加碧山吟社,所著岩居稿使他扬名天下。第二章华察交游考,考述其文学交往,主要包括与家族成员、地方、全国乃至域外文人的交往活动。华察与族中文士华麟祥、华云、华夏等时常谈
3、书论文,亦亲亦友。华察、华云、华启直等在朝为官,不附权贵,秉正不阿,颇有清节;又笃行孝友,广施仁义。此当缘自其祖辈奠定的重孝好义、返朴求真、爱好艺文等优良传统。 “锡山四友”中华察与施渐影响较大,二人均参加碧山吟社。本文结合华察、华云、顾可久、秦瀚、王问等人仕宦经历,指出禅与碧山吟社的密切关联。他们鄙弃虚名浮利,坚守独立人格,集中体现了无锡乃至江南地域“不争”和“秉义”的人文风习。在与“唐宋派”王慎中、唐顺之以及“后七子”王世贞等人的交往中,侧重审视华察对嘉靖文坛的影响。第三章总结华察诗歌思想内容。华察诗歌思想较为复杂,儒、道、释兼有,且融会贯通。即使在为官时期也屡生退意,三次乞休;隐居期间,
4、筑城缮学、减租助役,积极造福乡里。第一节“求真任性的自适” ,侧重于道家的“遗世独立”与“自然任性” ,但亦有儒家的“求真务实” ;第二节“以空为有的自在” ,侧重于释家的“空静澄明”与“静观苦修” ,但亦有道家的“闲游自在” 、儒家的济民之行;第三节“以退为进的自得” ,侧重于儒家的“明哲保身”与“心忧苍生” ,但亦有道家的“顺时而为”与释家的“清静无为” 。第4章探讨华察诗文的艺术特色及其成因。华察早年诗风秾丽,中年以后偏于冲淡清逸。本文结合华察诗中“鸣琴” 、 “白云” 、 “水竹”等常用意象赏析其所创设的幽静空明、淡雅冲寂的意境乃至当时深广的社会背景,意象的典型上海师范大学硕士学位论文
5、 摘要I性与象征性是其一大特色;华察诗受禅学、心学影响,诗风因而冲淡清逸;最后考察前代文人“逸”风的源流演变,联系同邑倪瓒“淡逸”画风对华察的诗歌影响,将华察“清逸”诗风置于明代文人从“雄逸”到“野逸”乃至“狂逸”的发展演变之中,以彰显其开汤显祖、徐渭、袁氏兄弟独树性灵之先。另据华氏传芳续集等梳理华察散文,总结艺术特色,其表现手法婉曲层叠,语言精纯典雅,尤其是擅写家庭琐事,多有至情至性的细节描述。第五章主要依据皇华集探析华察“诗赋外交”。首先结合华察“诗仙”形象考察朝鲜尚仙文化,分析神话传说、风流道精神与竹林高会思潮对它的影响。朝鲜人所崇尚的神仙并不总是存在于信仰或想象世界,往往包含着道德理想
6、与人生追求;其次总结华察使朝之行宣德扬恩、观风问俗以及访古探奇的文化使命。他与朝鲜大臣诗赋唱和,写下皇华集,描绘出朝鲜尚农乐水、尚仙乐歌、尚儒重孝的“文教之邦”形象。附录一为华察年谱。“谱前”详叙谱主家世,附有自制世系简表;谱中主要记述华察生平事迹,并对华察部分诗篇进行系年,以探究华察文学思想的发展脉络,同时兼顾“锡山四友”中施渐、姚咨、王懋明等人生平事迹。附录二点校岩居稿 。主要依据上海图书馆所藏清王士禛批点明嘉靖四十三年王其勤刻本,同时参照清光绪元年梁溪刻本与抄本、玉砲堂民国三十年抄本等三种版本加以点校,并指出陈田明诗纪事所选华察诗歌的错误以及脱文。关键词:华察;岩居稿 ;家族文化;无锡文
7、化摘要 上海师范大学硕士学位论文IIAbstract Huacha(14971574),had been on the political stage for twenty-four years(15221545) and had an important impact on the poetry history of the Ming Dynasty.The paper carried out research on biographies, acquaintanceship, and poems and articles systematically and deeply. It is t
8、he first attempt in the field of Chinese literature. The paper has seven chapters in all. The first chapter carried out research on his biographies. It is divided into official and hermit in the boundary of 1545.From 1497 to 1545 years, from the student to the Ph.D, from writing history books to hos
9、ting national exam, the change is very big.Huacha requested to retire from the court three times. Feelings very strongly for the nation, Huacha did not change the sympathize with the painful feelings.From 1545 to 1574,Huacha lived a simple life, serving his parents, educating his children, taking pa
10、rt in the poem club of Bishan.Yan Ju Gao(岩居稿 )gained his great reputation. The Japanese invaded Zhejiang of Eastern on July Jiajing twenty-eight years ( 1549) , the harm was very big, Huacha donated for repairing the building walls.He also initiated to measure the field and made contribution more fo
11、r the poor people.The second chapter mainly introduced Huachas contacts with literati, in order to revealing the influence of Huacha in family, local, national and foreign.In his family,Huazhongheng,Huashuyang all had published works. Huacha often talked about literature with Hualinxiang,Huayun and
12、they built a good friendship.The influence of family culture can not be ignored. Hua family and Wen family contacted closely, giving great influences on literature and art of regions south of the Yangtze River. “ Four friend of Xishan(锡山四友)“ had great effect on Wuxi. Huacha and Shijian all took part
13、 in the poem club of Bishan. The paper focused on the process of reconstruction on the poem club of Bishan for the second time.On the basis of the experiences of Huacha,Huayun, Gukejiu, 上海师范大学硕士学位论文 摘要IIIQinhan, Wangwen and so on, the paper pointed out that Buddhism is the soul of the Bishan poem cl
14、ub. It was not only the feelings of tolerance of Wuxi regional culture , but also the dissatisfaction and resistance to the chaos of the society.In order to know his activities and historical status well, the author detailedly study the literature intercourse between Huacha and Wangshenzhong, Tangsh
15、unzhi, Wangshizhen,based on the first-hand documentation. The third chapter discusses his thought mainly from three aspects. The thought of Huachas poetry is relatively complex. Confucianism coexisted with Taoism and Buddhism. Even in his first year as a judge, he also had the idea of asking for ret
16、irement; When he lived in seclusion , He build the wall against Japanese and encouraging local students learning. The first section of Pursuing the sincere and comfortable focused on the natural idea of Taoist , but also had the realistic idea of Confucian;The second section of Inclusive comfortable
17、 focused on Buddhism from “chooses“ and “austerity“;The third section of Carefree Contented focused on the Confucian doctrine of “protection“ and “thinking for the people “. The forth chapter mainly summarized the artistic features of Huachas poetry. His early poetic style was gorgeous, later style
18、was aloof and elegant. The author appreciated the artistic conception of quietly elegant and the social background of Huacha ,combining with the common image of “ Ku chin “, “ white clouds“, “bamboo“. The typical and symbolic of imagery is one of the great characteristic; Huacha commonly used the st
19、ructure mode to write poetry , from “feeling“ to “memory“, from “thinking“ to “understand“.The author also analyzed the cause of formating the poetic style;Finally the author summarized the former evolution process of literati “escape“ . The style of Nizan “escape“ impacted Huacha.In Ming dynasty th
20、e style of “escape“ had the evolution process from “escaped“ to “wild“ and “crazy“.Huacha advocated the style of elegant and simplicity.He had made an example on the spirituality for Tangxianzu,Xuwei,Yuanhongdao,etc. The fifth chapter basically on the basis of the Poetry Anthology of Huanghua( 皇华集 )
21、appreciated the diplomatic through the 摘要 上海师范大学硕士学位论文IVpoetry.Firstly the author investigated the culture in Korea through the image of Huacha as a free and unfettered poet.The religion reflects the moral principles and pursuit of this state.Secondly the author summarized his cultural mission. Huac
22、ha experienced a lot of beautiful spots and customs accompanied by the chancellors of Korea,the poems of their responsory has been collected into the Poetry Anthology of Huanghua.These poems described Korea as a peaceful,religious and civilized state.The first appendix was a chronicle of Huacha whic
23、h mainly described the deeds of his life.The second appendix the author punctuated checked up on Yan Ju Gao. Keywords: Huacha;Yan Ju Gao;family culture;Wuxi culture目录 上海师范大学硕士学位论文目 录摘要 .I绪 论 华察研究综述 .1一、华察研究回顾 .3二、华察研究现状的不足 .5三、本文拟解决的问题和研究方法 .6第一章 华察生平考述 .8第一节 丈夫志四方 一为苍生起 .8第一阶段(1497 1529):读书问学,交游广泛
24、.8第二阶段(1529 1538):经济治国,崭露头角 .10第三阶段(1538 1543):出使朝鲜,扬名海外 .11第四阶段(1543 1545):执掌南院,广收名士 .13第二节 闾阎多疾苦 独抱忧民心 .14第一阶段(1545 1553):侍奉亲老,岩居流芳 .14第二阶段(1553 1568):救济乡民,重建吟社 .15第三阶段(1568 1574):追怀先贤,纂修宗谱 .19第二章 华察主要文学交往及其影响 .21第一节 华氏家族文人 .21一、华叔阳(附华仲亨、华师周、华师召) .21二、华麟祥、华云父子 .23三、华夏(附华钥、华泮) .30四、无锡华氏家族文化特点 .33第二
25、节 锡山四友:华察与施渐、姚咨、王懋明 .38一、施渐 .38二、姚咨 .40三、王懋明 .42第三节 华察与碧山吟社 .45一、明代碧山吟社概述 .45二、禅与碧山吟社 .53三、华察与顾可久、王问 .58第四节 华察与“唐宋派” 、 “后七子” .61一、华察与“唐宋派” .61二、华察与“后七子” .61三、华察“学欧” .63第三章 缅怀至人理 万物皆自然华察诗歌思想内容 .66第一节 求真任性的自适 .66上海师范大学硕士学位论文 目录I一、自适是为求真 .66二、自适是为独立 .68三、自适是为自然 .69第二节 以空为有的自在 .71一、静中独观的苦修 .71二、空山佛寺的闲游
26、.74三、捐资济民的践行 .75第三节 以退为进的自得 .76一、身“退”心“不退” .76二、 “忧民”意识 .77第四章 意象欣自得 艺圃任无藩华察诗文艺术特色 .80第一节 意象的典型性与象征性 .80一、典型性:以“服食” 、 “鸣琴”等为例 .80二、象征性:以“白云” 、 “水竹”等为例 .81第二节 华察清逸诗风成因 .84一、自我意识与情景关系 .84二、冲淡清逸与心学关联 .87第三节 华察与明代“逸”风 .89一、逸之“双重真实” .90二、倪瓒“淡逸”影响 .91三、明代逸风演变 .92第四节 华察散文艺术特色 .95一、至情至性的细节描写 .95二、婉曲层叠的表现手法
27、.97三、精纯典雅的语言风格 .99第五章 宁辞塞上风烟苦,须信天涯礼乐同华察出使朝鲜及其“诗赋外交” .101第一节 华察诗仙形象与朝鲜尚仙文化 .101一、华察出使朝鲜及其诗仙形象 .101二、朝鲜尚仙文化 .104第二节 华察“诗赋外交” .108一、邦交私谊:“东君好客情无极,应比溪流百丈深” .108二、观风问俗:“殊方习俗劳相问,夹道居人属具瞻” .112三、访古探奇:“到处江山俱入品,故园风物几关心” .115结 语 .120附录一:华察年谱 .121附录二:岩居稿 .167致 谢 .197参考文献 .199攻读学位期间发表的学术论文 .200 绪论 上海师范大学硕士学位论文0绪
28、 论 华察研究综述2010 年江苏省靖江市举办的诗咏“新靖江八景”朗诵演唱会广受社会各界好评,而五百年前江南名士华察即与友人唱和“靖江八景” 1。他的岩居稿使他扬名天下,而目前有关华察的研究,不论是生平交游、家世影响,还是诗文作品、理论研究,都显得较为散乱,且内容单一。我们有必要对华察进行系统研究,以赋予其在华氏家族、嘉靖文坛乃至江南文化等方面应有的历史地位。华察,字子潜,号鸿山。弘治十年(1497)生于无锡一望族世家。无锡华氏宗族始祖华宝、华察七世祖华幼武皆以孝行著称于世;六世祖华贞固,洪武时屡征孝廉通经,均坚辞不就,在家续修华氏宗谱 ,并摘录古代贤人嘉言美德为虑得集 ,以此教育子孙;五世祖
30、、茅瓒、沈炼、翁大立、俞宪等,时称得人。次年,皇太子立,赐一品服,与工科左给事薛廷宠宣谕朝鲜。历经一月,游朝鲜三千里,与朝鲜大臣苏世让、成世昌、尹世豪、郑士龙等一路唱和。后朝鲜国王汇编皇华集进献,世宗诏有司刻印,传阅于大臣。适逢朝廷重置宫僚,华察改任司经局洗马。因受谗言,华察再次引疾驰归。嘉靖二十二年(1543) ,为亲强起,华察出任翰林侍讲学士,与右春坊右中允闵如霖同主应天乡试,收录王世贞、徐学谟、王叔杲等。次年,为侍读学士署院,与茅瓒同考会试,录李攀龙、皇甫濂、吴情、冯有年等。嘉靖二十四年(1545) ,再疏乞归,致仕事父,绝志当世。嘉靖二十八年(1549) ,父华谨卒,亡何,母邹氏卒。嘉靖三十一年(1552) ,服除,人劝出1 参见华察岩居稿卷三尚侍御见寄靖江八景诗次韵答赠 ,王士祯批点明嘉靖四十三年王其勤刻本,藏于上海图书馆。