X战警:黑凤凰(2021)完整中英文对照剧本 我们是谁 Who are we? 难道我们只能活成别人期待的模样 Are we simply what others want us to be? 无法逃脱既定的宿命 Are we destined to a fate beyond our control? 还是说 我们能够进化 Or can we evolve? 超越自己 Become. something more? 年 你能换个频道吗 Can you change the station? 等这首歌amp;hearts;放完 亲爱的 When the songs over, honey. 两首歌amp;hearts;之前 你就这么说了 You said that two songs ago. 这首可是经典老歌amp;hearts; You know this is a classic, right? 这样吧 我答应你 Okay, how about I make you a promise? 等你长大 能自己开车了