皇室风流史(2021)完整中英文对照剧本 18 世纪末的欧洲 Europe at the close of the 18th century. 贵族倚靠宗教力量 The nobility rules by oppression, 进行压amp;hearts;迫amp;hearts;统治 supported by strong religious forces. 但变amp;hearts;革amp;hearts;之amp;hearts;风amp;hearts;也在兴起 But the winds of change are blowing. 学者和自amp;hearts;由amp;hearts;思想者 Across the continent intellectuals and freethinkers 在全欧倡导改革和人amp;hearts;民amp;hearts;自amp;hearts;由amp;hearts; demand reforms and freedom for the people. 这便是启蒙运动时期 It is the age of the Enlight