勇敢传说(2021)电影完整中英文对照剧本 勇敢传说 快点 笨蛋 我可是很忙的 Come on, birdbrain. I havent got all day. 快递 在这签字 在这签字 Delivery. Sign here, sign here. 命运就在我们心中 Our fate lives within us. 但我有更好的理解 But I know better. 结局并不由我们自己决定 that destiny is not our own. 有人说命运并非我们所能掌控 There are those who say fate is something beyond our command, 他们是怎么. But how did this. 再见 祝一切都好 一路顺风 Goodbye! All the best! Fair wind to your sails! 我们要跟他们送别 快来 Weve got to wave them off! Come along! -妈妈