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2、orescu,2009,p. 12) 。大部分的商业策略缺乏对市场条件的充分考虑,它们不联系上下文,它们被凭空创造出来而不是充分考虑市场情况下提出来的。而且大多数企业的策略是不愿意接受挑战,去探索新事物,去赞美创新。相反,他们都集中在常规任务。该策略不能适应与公司的资源的状况和有效对市场的变化做出预测。因此,在许多情况下,策略未能达到他们的目标。策略只是作为一个可能的行动过程的指示,但这当然是与策略本意相悖的,因为那些应该实施的战略不是为了实现这个目标。策略需要一个长期的较为难以达成的目标(Fisk 20 08, p. 123) 。愿景是指制定未来项目和方案。如果要将这种情况变成现实,愿景的实

3、现需要许多追随者。愿景是创建并形成对市场的领导地位。但是,在很多情况下,企业了解创建所谓的“策略”只注重短期的。制定积极的目标,而不是创造市场,战略制定是反应性的目标。战略必须符合组织的价值观、资源、能力和组织文化。一个好的策略必须有创意、目标、逻辑连贯,必须考虑资源的风险,必须要有灵活性(Lynch 2006,第 19 页) 。它应该说明该公司如何与竞争对手不同,以及如何将这些差异传达给相关的公众。企业战略中的营销策略的地方可以被定义为在图 1:图 1 企业战略中的营销策略Source: adaptated from Huff et al, Strategic Management, Log

4、ic and Action 2009, p. 15公司战略经营战略运营战略市场战略营销战略规划是思维和行动的重要途径,通过它的管理者不断寻找新的机遇和挑战,显示灵活,采用和实施策略(巴尔布 2010,p. 79) 。营销策划是一个连续的过程,包括许多步骤(图 2) 。图 2。制定营销战略的规划Source: Adapted from Sasu 2005, p. 294营销策略具有更大的功能性和操作性,对品牌、产品、通讯和分销策略的定义,以获得期望的成功。一个重要的问题是预测和满足市场的趋势和机会,或创造新的机会。但在大多数情况下,该策略的制定只专注于改善现有的结果,这是更专注于“如何” ,然后

5、“如何做” 。需要问的问题是:哪里是最好的市场?最赚钱的产品是什么?如何为我们的产品创造意义?如何提升品牌价值?市场是变化的来源,即企业需要把握机会的来源。最好的结果可以,如果得到公司能够跟踪环境的变化,并能适应它们。公司必须定位从旧范式基于“核心能力” “以市场为导向的能力”的新配方。有两个观点之间的平衡。位置的想法是你从框架定义的行为遵循(Fisk 2008,p . 2008)。制定和实施一个成功的策略的关键是了解该公司所处的市场。市场是信息的完整的来源也是可能要面临的挑战。市场战略有三个主要方面:在哪里竞争?如何竞争?如何取胜?第一个问题的答案是,在一个完整的分析市场潜力的基础上,使公司

6、能够在最有利可图的市场上行动。如何竞争指的是营销策略的可操作性:如何最好地服务于客户,增强竞争优势。如何取胜是指找到最佳的解决方案,以赢得竞争(图 3) 。图 3 市场战略Source: Adapted from Fisk 2008, p. 126营销应是企业战略的主导力量,市场和客户的市场营销,营销是关于市场的机会和资源,是用来赢得这场战役。在一个连贯的策略中,营销理念需要精心策划。营销策略是关于设定方向,需要进行的选择,市场的分化。设定方向意味着明确的愿景和目标,以确保组织使命的明晰,设定市场适应的步伐。需要在战略框架内做出的选择,涉及到客户将是第一个被服务,公司需要关注品牌和产品。初步分

7、析与客观设定 适应市场营销组合定义营销计划 实施和控制营销计划市场战略去哪儿竞争? 怎样竞争? 怎样赢?战略也即将分化:找出竞争优势的可靠来源,并使这一选择一个可持续的利润(菲斯克 2008 年,第 122 页) 。2.品牌营销策略营销活动是不同的,每个人都有在增加公司的销售,都有其独特的作用,无论是长期的和短期的。以有限的方式,我们可以将营销定义为有准备的产品销售的所有活动和维持产品销售的作用的总和。从这一点来看,营销是营销组合的总和,从传统的角度来看:产品策略、定价策略、布局策略、促销策略。根据美国市场营销协会,营销是一系列的活动,通过为公司和客户长期创造价值。从这个角度看,营销工作应被视

8、为长期投资,这将使公司和客户在一起,双方的利益(AMA,2012) 。营销价值是当前和未来利润的总和(图 4) 。净价值(溢出价值)功能属性财务成本附加服务 时间成本心里成本品牌物理成本产品价值 获得该产品的成本图 5 营销价值Sorce: Adaptated after Ph. Kotler 1997, p. 73获得产品的成本分为四类:财务成本、时间成本、心理成本和物理成本。财务成本是最重要的,并具有最大的份额,公司希望最大限度地发挥这些费用,这意味着,以获得尽可能高的价格。时间成本指顾客在产品质量、选择不同的选择、访问不同的产品时所花费的时间。心理成本占客户对购买的,不可能重复的很有价值


10、必须在时间,心理和身体成本。如果可能的话,财务成本必须保持不变甚至增加。图 5 显示了该品牌的应为客户创造价值的作用。品牌增加了客户的价值观念,同时,让公司可以要求更多的钱为其产品和服务。3、公司内部的品牌从 60 年代,由沃尔夫奥林斯和利平科特的顾问讨论品牌作为企业的战略,使其有能力创造差异化的竞争优势(波格丹,2010,p. 32) 。品牌的含义不仅仅是建立一个公司的名称,或者是为了一个产品线。品牌是一个长期的心态,这需要管理公司的战略,其目标和资源的协调。该品牌正在寻求为客户提供有形和无形的利益,使他们坚持品牌的理想。品牌与策略的切线方向是指:产品属性必须是什么?正在创造什么优势?消费者

11、的利益是什么?品牌的概念的价值是什么?对于许多公司来说,品牌仅仅是一个外部的营销,一个丰富多彩的名字和一个精心设计的包装。但品牌优势的时候,没有品牌的产品比品牌的便宜多了。一个成功的品牌必须取得它所属的产品类别的领导权。品牌必须始终把创新和有所作为看作是有意义的。一个品牌不只是一个简单的参与者市场上,,而是创建并管理所属产品类别(卡普费雷尔,2008,p 32-33)。大的品牌在产品类别中占有优势。从这些优势地位位置上,这些品牌能得到激励和愿意自我改造,以使公司的产品和企业品牌理念之间相联系。这个概念证明了品牌的存在,并提供了一个关于品牌在市场上存在的线索。一个公司的品牌,旨在形成一个正面和真

12、实的形象(波佩斯库 2011,145 页) 。我们不能混淆了公司战略与品牌的战略,品牌的战略是公司战略的一部分,品牌战略的能力强化自己的理想和愿景,品牌有助于公司的资源与能力。是消费者与产品更紧密的品牌产品是不是标签或包装上的标志,而是相同的愿景和理想保持他们在一起。例如,大众汽车品牌包括不同的类型:马球、高尔夫、帕萨特、甲壳虫、途锐、途观等,看外表他们是非常不同的,但他们在价值观念方面却相同:质量和耐久性的大众。大多数客户判断品牌通过其外部外观,我们知道什么扎拉或耐克或达契亚实际上是什么意思?我们几个有能力理解品牌的含义,因为它们是由最高管理层设定。经营品牌包括定义一个品牌的核心价值,然后把


14、该品牌给人一种强烈的印象,这使得长期观念的结构。因此,品牌创建一个认知过滤器:不太愉快,不和谐的方面被遗忘。因此,一些品牌延伸的失败不会影响到品牌的认知度非常多。该 BIC 的例子是相关的:一家专业从事文具将在推出香水的困难。该品牌比产品更灵活。之后非典型元素被淘汰,品牌认知度产生持久性和连贯性的错觉。由此产生,是建立品牌的定义价值的重要性。一个品牌代表的记忆,也是其描述产品的未来。 (卡普费雷尔 2008 年,第 37 页) 。公司决不能离开自己的身份,这有助于他们吸引顾客。消费者忠诚是按照品牌的元素,一个最初试探消费者的创建。如果产品没有上升到了客户的期望,最好是尽量保持最初的诺言,而不是

15、试图改变这些期望。为了获得客户忠诚,品牌必须是真诚的目前,生产过程并不代表挑战了。生产外包给低工资的国家。在当前的时间,因为奉承的消费和激烈的竞争,真正重要的是创造需求。从这个角度看,品牌是一个企业的基本。顾客不与产品和服务进行互动,他们本质上是由品牌所产生的情感所吸引。品牌是生产者和消费者之间的界面(图 6) 。图 6。品牌,作为生产和消费之间的接口Source: Adapted from Kornberger 2010品牌成为吸引消费者的意愿生产所需的磁铁(科恩伯格 2010,P 21) 。公司寻求最大限度的接触品牌,以产生与客户的联系。4、结论品牌是引导力,可以把公司的总体战略、人力资源

16、、生产运作、营销策略结合在一起。该战略旨在实现战略目标,这一类可以包括增加品牌的名声。通过所谓的品牌参与,人力资源是品牌的理念。品牌对公司及其产品的声誉至关重要。品牌、创新和持续的消费者服务是关键的营销投资,这有助于营销价值的创造。消费者产品品牌THE ROLE OF BRANDING IN MARKETING STRATEGYPhD candidate Roxana DUMITRIUUniversity of CraiovaEmail: Abstract:In this paper I made a discussion concerning the importance of brandi

17、ng in the strategy of the company. Branding theory and practice evolved in the latest years, being considered a valuable marketing investment. Branding is essential in creating value for the products of a company. Branding is important because it gives meaning to the consumption process. Companies u

18、nderstood that selling without the presence of a strong brand is much more difficult. As a methodology I realized an intersection of the branding and marketing strategy theories. The result is that branding can be regarded as a tool that can enforce all resources of a company towards implementing th

19、e strategy.Keywords: marketing strategy, branding, value in marketing1. Considerations regarding the marketing strategyThe   business   strategy   can   bedefined  as  a  set  of  decisions  and actions regarding the choice of means and necessary res

20、ources to attain the long run objectives of the company, so that  the  company  will  get  the competitive advantage according to its mission (Nistorescu, 2009, p. 12).Most of the business strategies are inadequate to the market conditions. They do not relate to the context,

21、 theyare created inside out and not the otherway around. Most business strategies are not willingly to embrace the challenges, to explore new things, to praise creativity. Instead they are focused on the routine tasks. The strategies are not properly fitted with the resources of the company and the

22、changing premises of the markets they are envisioning.As a consequence, in many cases, the strategies fail to reach their objectives. Strategies serve only as an indication of a possible course of action, but  this  course  is  deviated  from, because those who are supposed

23、to implement the strategy do not adhere tothis  goals.  Strategies  require  a  long- term vision which is not easy to obtain (Fisk 2008, p. 123).A vision means to formulate and to project a scenario into the future. This scenario must turn into a reality, so that the  

24、vision  finds  many  adherents.  A vision is to create and to impose a leadership of the market. But in many cases, companies understand to create so called “strategies” only to focus on short-term. Instead of creating the market, of setting proactive objectives, the strategy est

25、ablishes objectives that are reactive.The strategy must be fitted to the values, resources, competences and organizational       culture       of       theorganization.   A   good   strategy   musthave  originality,  goals, &

26、nbsp;logical coherence,  must  take  into considerations the risks and resources, must have flexibility (Lynch 2006, p.19). It should state how the company differs from its competitors and how theses differences are relevant for the public.The place of marketing strategy in the corpor

27、ate strategy can be defined as in the figure 1:Corporate strategyBusiness strategyOperational strategyMarketing strategyFigure 1. The place of marketing strategy in corporate strategySource: adaptated from Huff et al, Strategic Management, Logic and Action 2009, p. 15The marketing strategic planning

28、 is an essential way of thinking and action, through which the managers are constantly looking for new challenges and opportunities and show flexibility inadopting and implementing the strategy(Barbu 2010, p. 79).Marketing planning is a sequential process comprising many steps (figure2).Preliminary

29、analysis and objective settingAdapting the marketing mixDefining the marketing planImplementing and control of the marketing planFigure 2. The sequence of planning in establishing the marketing strategySource: Adapted from Sasu 2005, p. 294The marketing strategy has a more functional and operative c

30、haracter, defining the brands, the products, the communications and distribution strategy, in order to obtain the desired success. One important issue is to anticipate and to meet the trends and opportunities  of   the   markets,   or   to create new opportunities. But in mo

31、st cases, the formulation of the strategy is focusing only on improving the existing results, which is focusing more on “how to” then “what to do”.Questions that need to be asked are: where are the best markets? What are the most profitable products? Howto create significance for our products? How t

32、o enhance the value of the brand?The markets are the source of change,  the  sources  of  opportunitiesthat companies need to capitalize. The best  results  can  be  obtained  if  thecompanies   are   able   to   track   thec

33、hanges  in  the  environment  and  to adapt to them.The  companies  must  orientate from the old paradigm based on “core- competencies”  to  the  new  formula  of“market-driven competencies”. There isa  balance  between  

34、;the  two perspectives. The idea is that the position  you  are  starting  from  definesthe framework of the actions to follow(Fisk 2008, p. 125).The  key  to  formulate  and implement a successful strategy is to understand  the  markets &n

35、bsp;the  companyoperates   in.   The   markets   are   thecomplete sources of information regarding possible challenges.A market strategy has three main dimensions: where to compete? How to compete? and how to win? The answerto the first question is based on a complete

36、analysis of the market potential,  so  that  the  companies  are able to act only on the most profitable markets. How to compete refers to the operationalization of the marketing strategy: how to best serve the customers, thou enhancing the competitive  advantage.  

37、;How  to  win refers to finding the best solutions for overcoming the competition (figure 3).Marketing strategyWhere tocompete? How to compete? How to win?Figure 3. Marketing strategySource: Adapted from Fisk 2008, p. 126Marketing should be the leading force  of  the  busine

38、ss  strategy. Marketing deals with the markets and customers. Marketing is about the opportunities of the markets and the resources that are to be used to win the battle.Marketing ideas need to be orchestrated in a coherent strategy. The marketing strategy is about setting direction, the choice

39、 that need to be made, the differentiation on the market. Setting direction means to clarify the vision and the objectives, to ensure the clarity of the organizational mission, to set the pace of market adaptation. The choices that need to be made within a strategic framework relate to the clients t

40、hat will be the first to be served, the brands and the products that the company needs to focus on.Strategy is also about differentiation: to identify a viable source of competitive advantage and to make a sustainable profit from this choice (Fisk2008, p. 122).2.  Branding  in  market

41、ing strategyThe  marketing  activities  are various and each one has its distinctive role in increasing the companys sales,both long-term and short-term.In a limited manner, we can define marketing  as  the  sum  of  all  activities that have the role of

42、preparing a product for sale and the role of sustaining a products sales, as well. From this point of view, marketing is the sum of the marketing mix, from the traditional perspective: product policy, pricing policy, placement policy, promotion policy.According to the American Marketing  Associ

43、ation,  marketing  is  a set of activities through which long-term value is created, for both the company and  the  client.  From  this  perspective, the marketing effort should be considered a long-term investment, that will bring together the company and the

44、 client,  for  the  benefit  of  both  parts (AMA,  2012).  The  marketing  value  is the sum of present and future profits (Figure 4).Sale promotion Product and servicesPrice and distribution Branding Inovation relationship managementCosts of s

45、alesMarketing investmentCurrent profits Future profitsFigure 4. Value creation in marketingSource: Adapted after Peter Fisk, Geniu n marketing, Meteor Press, Bucureti, 2008, p. 65.The investment for brand consolidation is a long-term activity, and so are innovation and customer relationship manageme

46、nt. The brand consolidation stands at the base of the companys future profits.The modern company, regardless if  its  activity,   targets   the   domestic market or foreign market, must have as an objective the orientation towards values in the marketing process. This preocc

47、upation implies: offering value to the  clients,  communicating  and delivering the value, identifying the values desired by society, establishing the values that will be offered and the marketplaces.The tendency of satisfying the customer reflects in the attempt to establish the pres

48、ent and future value demanded  by  him,  the  required quantity, the manner and moment of the value delivery.Searching the value from the customers point of view means establishing a long-term mutual- profitable  relationship,  not  the temptation to maximize the p

49、rofit on every transaction.  The importance of relationships, not of transaction, brings to  the  center  of  attention  not  the product, but the client, as a factor of obtaining the profit (Jugnaru 2007, p.40).The value represents the entirety of satisfactions fe

50、lt by the client, as a consequence of purchase of product. A products value is the sum of three components: the functional attributes of the product (the intrinsic qualities), the additional services and the image attributes (Figure 5).The  functional  attributes  are related to meeti

51、ng the basic functions of the product, for as long as possible. Therefore, the product must be capable of providing the utility for which it was designed, projected and produced.The additional services represent the  additional  functions  that  the producer is offering, in order

52、 to make the  product  more  desirable:  the warranty, free delivery, information and consultancy services, installment payments.The brand is represented by those product features (of fame, pride, affiliation) that are passed on to the client, at the moment of purchase or of consumption.The execution of the marketing activities is taken place only at the level of additional services and of the brand. The functional attributes are well-known by the consumers and they can not help the product differentiation, except for new or high-tech products.The net va


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