1FACULTY OF SOFTWAREVLAN间路由Inter-VLAN Routing 计算机学院2VLAN间路由 Inter-VLAN Routing没有路由的辅助,VLAN1和VLAN200不能通信。VLAN1 and 200 cannot communicate without assistance of a router.3VLAN间路由(Inter-VLAN Routing)1 当在一个广播域中的主机想要访问在另一个广播域中的主机,必须通过路由器才可以。When a host in one broadcast domain wishes to communicate with a host in another broadcast domain, a router must be involved .2 如果一个VLAN 跨越多个设备,在设备之间要用Trunk连接。If a VLAN spans across multiple devices a trunk is used to interconnect the devices. 4介绍VLAN间路由(Introduci