1、中文版博士论文建议选题清单:经与网络内各合作伙伴协商,ECER 项目确立了五个重点(研究)领域,中德双方均认为这对城市与区域可持续发展意义重大,并建议将设立和发展“可持续城市与区域发展”专业中德合作培养博士学位课程与此相结合。在此基础上,经智库及相关会议(2011 年 10 月 22 日至 29 日)讨论,在实施中德合作培养博士学位课程的框架下,双方同意提出下述课题备选,总课题之下为可供考虑的博士论文课题,现总结如下。如前所述,博士生亦可在说明原因后针对各总课题确立新的论文课题,但选题最终须经中德专家委员会及各大学/教席论文指导教授审核认定。总课题一:可持续城市与区域发展的理论立足点与战略方案
2、- 城市与区域可持续发展的理论和方法理论向实践的转化- 缩小城乡差异的综合发展规划- 实现城市可持续发展的物质代谢目标- 城市与区域可持续发展的实践模式- 以德国“ 同质生活条件 ”原则为参照确立规划原则- 城市与区域可持续发展评估系统- 全球可持续发展城市的建设实例- 区域可持续发展经济学- 德国可持续城市与区域发展模式及范例- 德国与中国可持续城市与区域发展模式及范例:共性与差异- 欧洲可持续城市与区域发展模式及范例- 欧洲与中国可持续城市与区域发展模式及范例:共性与差异- 欧洲城市与区域跨境综合发展方案以小范围跨境区域的人口及移民预测方法为例- 人口发展变化下农村生存保障体系的发展前景-
3、 满足城乡一体化需求的环境规划比较研究中德案例研究- 海洋和沿海地区的可持续发展- 沿海地区及海洋管理- 海洋政策与法律- 中国沿海地区的城乡一体化以长三角地区为例- 城市化进程中移民的社会融入问题- 区域平衡发展的法律基础:中德对比评价- 教育与培训作为城市和区域可持续发展的基础(以四川和广西省为例)- 知识与技术的区域转移战略:以中国的四川和广西省以及德国的不来梅和特里尔地区为例- 科技园:中德范例分析与评价- 综合区域发展作为提升区域合作能力的基石(辽宁、黑龙江、内蒙古)- 保障居民生活领域中德地区合作模式的比较研究- 城市与地区战略联盟的出发点与机会:中德案例比较研究- 中德富裕与贫困
4、地区的财政平衡体系- 中德财政平衡体系的法律基础- 对中德区域公共资助计划在消除发达与欠发达地区差异上所发挥作用的评价- 莱茵地区经验在跨地区合作开发长江流域中的应用问题总课题二:多元化的绿色交通:人员、商业和货运交通理论、实践要求及新技术- 交通运输系统的综合管理理论与方法- 交通可持续发展与机动性专业管理:中德案例比较研究- 城市交通规划与管理- 城市形态与交通需求- 运输经济理论与政策研究- 交通运输规划与管理,城市交通工程,智能交通系统与控制,交通运输安全工程,运输经济学- 城市公共交通工程,智能交通运作调度的理论与技术 - 关注农村地区和人口稠密区效应链模式下的亚欧交通走廊建设与拓展
5、- 人口稠密区和农村地区机动性及可通达性的保障:中德比较研究- 机动中心、电子机动性与交通工具共享:人口密集的城区模式在农村地区的应用- 为分析铁路基础设施运力构建多维评价模式- 铁路经营管理,铁路运输中的信息技术- 铁路客运与货运的技术及管理- 高速铁路列车控制- 轨道交通运行安全控制工程- 道路工程,铁路与城市轨道交通工程- 道路收费- 线路勘测设计理论与技术- 轨道结构设计理论与技术- 列车线路的动态响应分析- 城市轨道交通项目的规划、设计与施工- 城市轨道交通震动及噪音的环境影响- 城乡地区综合交通规划与空气污染控制规划:对中国和德国出发点的评价性比较研究- 低碳城市交通,能源消耗,二
6、氧化碳排放- 运输与物流,多式联运,运输走廊的规划与管理- 运输物流系统规划、物流及供应链管理的理论与方法- 物流运作管理- 集装箱运输与多式联运- 运输走廊的规划与管理- 示范项目:建立亚欧运输走廊以推进区域发展(物流集群)- 促进亚欧交通走廊沿线地区的合作- 区域与城市经济交通方案- 区域物流(中等距离物流)与物流园区- 物流园区与货运中心:中德案例分析及评价 - 通过扶持农村地区的货运中心构建腹地交通网- 中国的经济特区与德国和欧洲的自由(贸易)区:中德区域结构政策工具的比较研究- 合作型物流及运输规划- 以建立多式联运交通链为目标的物流经济营运模式- 城市物流,货运与电子机动性总课题三
7、:可持续环境维护(特别针对空气及水质量)- 环境发展规划- 区域发展中的生态风险评估与生态系统保护- 作为资源开发利用中可持续发展方案基础的生态系统服务与功能分析和经济评价城市生态系统、可持续发展规划和建模- 城市环境与生态健康的风险和治理- 城市热岛效应与城市植被- 城市生态规划- 城市植被的生态保护效益- 高人口密度城市群的空气质量保障框架城乡应对气候变化影响的适应性战略:脆弱性分析方法 - 适应战略工具 - 在建筑密集的城区保持新鲜空气流通方案的制定适应措施的经济评估 - 脆弱性,恢复能力与危象基础设施全球变化条件下的脆弱生态系统- 土地利用对流域生态系统的影响- 河岸生态系统中栖息地多
8、样性与生物多样性之间的关系- 河流健康评估- 森林生长对全球变化的影响 - 将回收污水处理厂污泥中的磷作为农村地区的发展因素 - 建立和维护区域信息系统的先进调查统计方法- 为分析和监测地区发展项目中的环境动态而使用的卫星观测手段- 为有效建立和应用城市与区域环境信息系统的地理信息学- 区域与环境统计学,环境遥感和地理信息学的概念与方法- 区域发展理念下的环境经济与信息学- 环境法中德范例与方法比较 总课题四:地区未来管理:以既定目标为导向的调控,战略与方法- 中国与德国可持续发展的城市及城市管理:评价与建议- 城市与区域发展中可量化目标的确立- 未来发展预测和机遇风险评估模型与方法- 一个城
9、市的政策管理:中德案例比较研究- 有目标地引导:以中德示范地区的目标与行动战略计划及其实施为例- 德国和欧洲实施目标与行动战略计划的成功模式及其在中国的适用性- 中国实施目标与行动战略计划的成功模式及其在德国/欧洲的适用性- 作为富有成效的城市与区域可持续发展基础的项目开发与实施:中国和德国的项目管理- 城市可持续发展与评估- 具有未来能力的区域发展战略及其调控手段培育- 区域管理和区域市场推广理念- 中心地区和周边地区的土地利用规划及可持续土地管理战略的实施- 土地利用与可持续管理- 土地利用与分散型综合水管理- 示范项目:可持续土地利用与水管理以广东省为例(东江三角洲)- 城市化快速发展流
10、域的土地利用规划与河流生态系统保护- 城市土地利用/覆被变化与环境(灾害)影响的管理- 城市可持续发展与教育- 城市与区域规划员的教育与培训- 城市与区域规划员:新的职业面貌总课题五:信息网络,移动通信,电气工程- 科技发展的空间适应与转移机制- 高等教育机构在科技在农村地区向公司企业转移过程中的重要性:中德比较研究- 通信网络作为基础设施促进中国和德国农村地区的发展- 孵化器与科技园在中国和德国:共性与差异- 信息网络中的系统工程理论与科学- 移动互联网理论与技术- 通信网络技术理论与应用- 网络内容安全理论与关键技术- 传感器网络理论与关键技术- 传感与控制技术- 智能与微型电子网络技术-
11、 电源转换电路的系统集成- (农业)自然灾害的风险管理/预防和损失评估- 前瞻性的的灾害控制与灾害预防- 示范项目:灾害控制与预防以云南省丽江市为例的前瞻性灾害管理 - 高速铁路上的无线移动通信与宽带移动通信- 铁路供电与电力牵引英文版博士论文建议选题清单:Central Theme 1: Theories and Strategies of Sustainable Urban and Regional Development- Theory and Methods of Sustainable Urban and Regional Development Transfer from Theo
12、ry into Practice - Integrative Development Planning to Reduce Urban-Rural Disparities- Goals of Material Metabolism for Sustainable Urban Development- Practice Mode of Sustainable Urban and Regional Development- Development of Planning Principles in Analogy of the German Principle of “Equal Living C
13、onditions”- Assessment Systems for Sustainable Urban and Regional Development- Construction Examples of Global Sustainable Cities- Economics of Regional Sustainable Development- Models and Best Practice Examples of Sustainable Urban and Regional Development in Germany- Models and Best Practice Examp
14、les of Sustainable Urban and Regional Development in Germany and China: Similarities and Differences- Models and Best Practice Examples of Sustainable Urban and Regional Development in Europe- Models and Best Practice Examples of Sustainable Urban and Regional Development in Europe and China: Simila
15、rities and Differences- Cross-Border Integrative Concepts of Urban and Regional Development in Europe- by Example of Population and Migration Forecast in Selected Small Border Regions- Development Perspectives of Welfare in Rural Areas with Special Attention to Demographic Trends- Comparative Study
16、on Environmental Planning for the Need of Urban-Rural Integration - German and Chinese Case Studies- Sustainable Development of the Ocean and Coastal Area- Coastal and Ocean Management- Oceans Policy and Law- Urban-Rural Integration of Costal Area of China Case Study in Yangtze River Delta- Social I
17、ntegration of Migrant in Urbanization- Legal Framework for a Balanced Regional Development: an Comparative Evaluation on Germany and China- Education and Training as a Basis for a Sustainable Urban and Regional Development (Case Studies in Province Sichuan and Province Guangxi)- Strategies of Region
18、al Knowledge- and Technology Transfer on the Example of Sichuan- and Guangxi Province in China and the Regions of Bremen and Trier in Germany- Science Parks: Analysis and Evaluation of German and Chinese Best Practice Examples- Integrated Regional Development as a Starting Point to enhance Regional
19、Cooperation Capacity (Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia)- Comparison of Modes of Cooperation between Municipalities / Regions to Secure the Welfare in Germany and China- Approaches and Opportunities of Strategic Alliances at the Municipal and Regional Level: Comparison of Selected German and Ch
20、inese Examples- Financial Adjustment Systems between Rich and Poor Regions in Germany and China- Legal Basis of Financial Adjustment Systems in Germany and China- Review of Regional Public Funding Programs in Germany and China in Terms of their Effects on the Reduction of Disparities between Develop
21、ed and Less Developed Areas- Transfer of Experience from the Rhine Area Based upon Cross-Border and Interregional Cooperation in the Development of the Yangtze River AreaCentral Theme 2: Green Intermodel Mobility: Theory, Practical Standards and New Technologies in Personal, Business and Freight Tra
22、nsport- Integrated Management Theory and Method of Traffic and Transportation System- Sustainable Traffic Development Planning and Professional Mobility Management: A Comparison of Selected Examples in Germany and China - Urban Transportation Planning and Management- Urban Form and Travel Demand- Ec
23、onomic Theory and Policy Research of Transportation- Traffic and Transportation Planning and Management, Urban Traffic Engineering, Intelligent Traffic System and Control, Traffic and Transportation Safety Engineering, Transportation Economics- Urban Public Traffic Engineering, Theory and Technology
24、 of Intelligent Traffic Operation and Dispatch - Establishing and Expanding Transeurasian Transportation Corridors with Special Attention to the Regional Effect Chains between Rural- and Urban Areas- Ensuring Mobility and Accessibility in Urban- and Rural Areas: A Sino- German Comparison- Mobility C
25、enters, E-Mobility, and Car sharing : Application of Models of Urban Areas in Rural Areas- Railway Operation and Management, Information Technology in Railway Transportation- Technology and Management for Railway Passenger and Freight Transportation- Train Control of High-speed Railway- Rail Traffic
26、 Operation Safety Control Engineering- Road Engineering, Railway and Urban Rail Engineering- Road Pricing- Theory and Technology of Route Survey Design- Theory and Technology of Rail Structure Design- Dynamic Response Analysis of Train Line- Planning, Design and Construction of Urban Rail Transporta
27、tion Project- Environment Impact of Urban Rail Traffic Vibration and Noise- Integrated Traffic and Air Pollution Control Planning in Urban- and Rural Areas: Approaches in Germany and Chinaan Evaluative Comparison- Low-Carbon Urban Transportation; Energy Consumption; CO2 Emissions- Transportation and
28、 Logistics, Multi-modal Transportation, Planning and Management of Transportation Corridor- Theory and Method of Transportation Logistics System Planning Logistics and Supply Chain Management- Logistics Operation Management- Container Transportation and Multi-modal Transportation- Planning and Manag
29、ement of Transportation Corridor- Model Project: Establishment of Transeurasian Traffic Corridors for Regional Development (Logistic Cluster)- Promoting Cooperation between the Regions along the Eurasian Transport Corridor- Regional and Urban Economic Transport Concepts- Regional Logistics (Mesologi
30、stics) and Logistics Parks- Logistics Parks and Freight Transport Centers: Analysis and Evaluation of German and Chinese Best Practice Examples- Setting up Hinterland Traffic Network by Promoting Freight Transport Center in Rural Areas- Special Economic Zones in China and Free Zones in Germany and E
31、urope: Instruments of Regional Structural PolicyA German-Chinese Comparison- Cooperative Logistics- and Transport Planning- Business Models in the Logistics Industry for the Construction of Multimodal Transport Chains- City Logistics, Freight Transport and E-MobilityCentral Theme 3: Sustainable Prot
32、ection of the Environment (particularly Air and Water Quality)- Environment Development Planning- Ecological Risk Assessment and Ecosystem Protection in Regional Development- Analysis and Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Functions as Basis for Developing Sustainable Concepts for Using Re
33、sources - Urban Ecosystem and Sustainable Planning and Modeling- Urban Environment and Risk and Governance of Ecological Health- Urban Heat Island Effects and Urban Vegetation- Urban Ecological Planning- Ecological Conservation Benefits of Urban Vegetation- Framework for Securing Air Quality in Dens
34、e Urban Agglomerations: Adaptation Strategies for Coping with Climate Change Impact in Urban and Rural Areas- Methods for Vulnerability Analysis - Toolbox of Adaptation Strategies - Concept Development for Maintaining Fresh Air Channels in Densely Built Urban Areas- Economic Valuation of Adaptation
35、Measures - Vulnerability, Resilience and Critical Infrastructures- Responses of Vulnerable Ecosystems to Global Change- Impacts of Land Use to Watershed Ecosystem- Relations between Habitat Diversity and Biological Diversity in Riparian Ecosystems - Assessment of River Health- Responses of Forest Gr
36、owth to Global Change Impacts - Phoshorous Recycling from Sewage Sludge as a Developing Factor for Rural Regions- Advanced Methods in Survey Statistics for Establishing and Maintaining Regional Information Systems - Satellite Observations for Analysing and Monitoring Environmental Dynamics in Region
37、al Development Projects- Geoinformatics for Establishing and Using of Efficient Municipal and Regional Environmental Information Systems- Concepts and Methods of Regional and Environmental Statistics, Environmental Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics- Environmental Economics and Informatics in Regiona
38、l Development Concepts - Environmental Law a Comparison of German and Chinese Paradigms and Approaches Central Theme 4: Future Regional Management: Goal-Oriented Management, Strategies and Methods- Sustainable City and Urban Management in Germany and in China: Evaluation and Recommendations- Definin
39、g Measurable Objectives for Urban and Regional Development- Models and Methods for Forecasting Future Trends and the Assessment of Opportunities and Risks- Urban Political Management: A Comparison of Selected Examples in Germany and China- Management by Objectives: Strategic Objectives and Action Pl
40、ans and Their Actual Implementation by the Example of Selected German and Chinese Regions- Successful Models of Implementation of Strategic Objective- and Action Plans in Germany and Europe and Their Applicability to China- Successful Models of Implementation of Strategic Objective- and Action Plans
41、 in China and Their Applicability to Germany / Europe- Project Development and Implementation as the Foundation of a Successful Sustainable Urban- and Regional Development: Project Management in Germany and China- Sustainable Urban Development and Assessment- Development of Sustainable Regional Deve
42、lopment Strategies with Appropriate Management Tools- Concepts for Regional Management and Regional Marketing- Land Use Planning and Implementation of Strategies for Sustainable Land Management in Central and Peripheral Regions- Land Use and Sustainable Management- Land Use and Decentralized Integra
43、tive Water Management- Model project: Sustainable Land Use and Water Management by Example of Guangdong Province (for the Dongjiang Delta)- Land Use Planning and Fluvial Ecosystem Protection in Rapid Urbanization Watershed- Management of Urban LUCC and its Environment (Disaster) Effects- Sustainable
44、 Urban Development and Education- Training and Education of Urban and Regional Managers- Urban and Regional Manager: A New ProfessionCentral Theme 5: Information Networks, Mobile Communication, Electrical Engineering- Spatial Adaptation and Transfer Mechanisms of Technological Developments- The Impo
45、rtance of Higher Education Institutions to Transfer Technology to Businesses and Enterprises in Rural Areas: A German-Chinese Comparison- Communication Networks as Basic Infrastructure for the Promotion of Rural Regions Development in Germany and China- Incubators and Technology Parks in Germany and
46、 China: Similarities and Differences - Engineering Theory and Science in Information Networks- Theory and Technology of Mobile Internet- Theory and Application of Communication Networks Technology- Theory and Key Technology of Network Contents Safety- Theory and Key Technology of Sensor Networks- Se
47、nsing and Control Technology- Technology of Intelligent and Micro Electronic Networks- System Integration of Power Conversion Circuit- Risk Management/Prevention and Loss Assessment of (Agricultural) Natural Disaster- Foresighted Disaster Control and Disaster Prevention- Model project: Disaster Control and Prevention Foresighted Risk Management by the Example of the City of Lijiang in Yunnan Province- Wireless Mobile Communication and Wideband Mobile Communication of High-speed Railway- Railway Power and Electrical Traction