变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分高一英语语法填空专题练习 (1) The Internet has become part of young peoples life. _ report shows that 38% of students often use the Internet . Most of them get _ (use) information on the Internet _ use the Internet to help in their studies. But many students dont use it _ a good way. Auseful andin变电站电气主接线是指变电站的变压器、输电线路怎样与电力系统相连接,从而完成输配电任务。变电站的主接线是电力系统接线组成中一个重要组成部分 Some play games too much, some visit websites _ shouldnt look at.So bad things