微观经济学(Microeconomics) 浙江大学经济学院第三章 市场价格与均衡价格(Market Price and Equilibrium Price)史晋川 教授MICROECONOMICS | 微观经济学浙江大学经济学院1 市场(Market) 不同类型的市场 交易场所的市场:Market is a place where people exchange (OR buy and sell) their goods 交换关系的市场:Market is a relationship between people who exchange their goods OR: Market is a group of people who exchange their goods 区分不同类型市场的意义 市场的功能(信息、激励等)MICROECONOMICS | 微观经济学浙江大学经济学院2 均衡价格的形成静态分析 Demand Price (Pd)/Supply Price(PS)/market price(P) / and Equilibrium price(Pe) Pd:需求者购买