本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑高三英语作文学生范文高三英语作文范文 英语作文力量是呈现一个同学综合英语水平的重要方式,同学词汇量的多少、语法学问的把握程度和运用水平、英语思维力量和文化积淀都能在写作中得以体现。同时,作文教学也是高中英语教学的重要方面。下面是我为您整理的关于高三英语作文的同学.,盼望对您有所关心! 高三英语作文同学.三 The DA VINCI CODE is really a good book! Its very interesting. Although I dont have the knowledge of religion, I am crazy about it! However, my foreignteacher told me that some people who believe in Jesus dont like this book. They hold the opinion that the book tells them something wrong. Because I know not