本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑关于初中英语短文带翻译 初中英语短文填空 英语写作不仅涉及词汇、语法等基础学问的综合应用,而且还包括思维、想象、谋篇、行文等语言力量的训练和发挥。我共享关于学校英语短文带翻译,盼望可以关心大家! 关于学校英语短文带翻译:特殊的课程 The Special Class Since I go to school, the teachers gave us the class in the classroom, it seemed that sitting in the chair and looking at the blackboard are the only way to receive the knowledge. But my new Chinese teacher has showed me another way to learn knowledge. Last week, my Chinese teacher had asked us to write an article about protec