本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑关于经典英语笑话故事精选 英语笑话100篇 笑话由于其滑稽可笑的特点而为人们长期以来所宠爱。而人们对笑话的热衷与宠爱也促使人们在开怀捧腹的同时对笑话为何能够使人发笑这一问题进行思索。我细心收集了关于经典英语笑话故事,供大家观赏学习! 关于经典英语笑话故事:These chickens want books A pair of chickens walk up to the circulation desk at a public library and say, Buk Buk BUK. The librarian decides that the chickens desire three books, and gives it to them.and the chickens leave shortly thereafter. Around midday, the two chickens return to the circulation desk quite vexed and