本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑关于5分钟哲理英语故事 3分钟英语哲理小故事 由于心理年龄的缘由,学校生非常喜爱好玩的故事。老师可以在英语课堂上用故事教学法互动,让同学在互动中得到大量的英语学问。我细心收集了关于5分钟哲理英语故事,供大家观赏学习! 关于5分钟哲理英语故事:Oceanside Community The oceanside community of Lozano Beach is debating whether to allow homeowners to rent out their homes on a weekly basis during the summer. Such rentals produce high incomes for the owners and the city, which gets part of this income through a 15-percent surcharge to the owner. This can be a boon to our coffers,