本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑【经典英文儿童小故事精选】经典英文儿童歌曲 童年离不开童话的滋育,童心离不开童话的孵化,童话永久是儿童最宝贵的礼物。正如苏霍姆林斯基所说的那样: 没有了童话,没有活跃的想象,孩子就无法生活;没有了童话,四周世界对于他就会变成虽说是美的但却是画在画布上的画了,童话却能给予这幅画以生命。以下是我细心整理的经典英文儿童小故事精选,欢迎阅读与借鉴! 经典英文儿童小故事篇三:The travelers and the bear旅人与熊 Once upon a time, two friends were traveling together in a forest. Suddenly, a bear jumped out onto the path. One friend saw the bear first. He quickly climbed up a tree and hid. He did not stop to help his friend. The other friend