Fair,Game公平游戏(2021)完整中英文对照剧本 Jessica McDowell, Gnosos Chemicals. 在下杰西卡麦克道尔 诺索斯化学公amp;hearts;司amp;hearts; When do you leave Kuala Lumpur, Miss McDowell? 你何时离开吉隆坡 麦克道尔小姐 I fly to Taiwan Tuesday, then back to Dusseldorf. 我周二飞台amp;hearts;湾amp;hearts; 再回杜塞尔多夫 Mr. Tabir is very busy this morning. 塔比尔先生今早很忙 I can imagine. 可以想像 Seeing as we are waiting 既然我们都在等 why dont you practice your little pitch on me? 何不对着我练习一下你的陈诉 Actually, if its all the same, Ill just be. 实际上 如果都一样