外研版必修五ModuleAnimalsindanger PPT课件.ppt

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1、下一页MODULE 6永安中学 龚顺芳Step 1: Brainstorm How many wild animals do you know ? What are they ?giant panda大熊猫 horse 马 donkey 驴 goat 山羊 seal 海豹 zebra 斑马 antelope 羚羊 reindeer 驯鹿 giraffe 长颈鹿 camel 骆驼 elephant 象 lion 狮 tiger 虎 fox 狐狸 wolf 狼 squirrel 松鼠 bear 熊 monkey 猴子 duckbill鸭嘴兽 kangaroo 袋鼠 koala 考拉 , 树袋熊 w

2、hale 鲸 dolphin海豚 ibis朱鹮 dog狗 eagle鹰 hawk鹰 swan天鹅 duck鸭子 parrow麻雀 swallow燕子 gull海鸥 butterfly蝴蝶 fly苍蝇 wasp黄蜂 bee蜜蜂 moth飞蛾 beetle甲壳虫 mouse老鼠 snake蛇 lizard蜥蜴 gecko壁虎 crocodile鳄鱼Which are in great danger?giant Panda, Antelope, IbisWhat are the top 10 endangered animals in China ?the ancient andfashionabl

3、e panda Gold Monkey Chinese River DolphinIbis Brown Eared PheasantSouth China TigerWhat are the top 10 endangered animals in China ?Chinese AlligatorPere Daviss DeerTibetan AntelopeBlack Necked CraneHow much do you know about the Siberian tiger and the giant panda ?Work in pairs. Say what you know a

4、bout this animal.The Siberian tiger is one of the most beautiful animals in the world. It is also one of the rarest. Today onlyabout 1,000 are left. Some of them are in the Hunchun Nature Reserve on the border between China and Russia. The Chinese and Russian governments have created the reserve to

5、help save the tigers natural habitat.But the Siberian tiger is not the only endangered species, Another famous animal in danger is the giant panda, whose habitat is in China. The panda is the symbol of the World Wide Fund for Nature.Thanks to scientists hard work, the number of the pandas living in

6、the wild has increasedto about 1,590.Every year thousands of wild animals and plants become extinct. According to the RedList of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, more than 12,000 animalspecies are now in danger. The question is : What can we do to help them in their strugglefo

7、r survival ?Note : 1. The Hunchun Nature Reserve : 珲春自然保护区2. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) : 世界自然保护基金组织 3. The Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature自然保护国际联盟红头文件Step 2 : Vocabulary and speaking Step 3 : Match the words in the box with their meanings. conservation e

8、ndangered extinct habitat reservespecies struggle survival wild wildlife1. a type of animal or plant 2. the place where an animal lives naturally 3. Protection , especially of natural things 4. in danger5. a fight which lasts a long time6. an area of land where animals are protected7. dead ( for a s

9、pecies, not a single animal )8. continuing to live9. living in a natural state, away from people10. Wild animalsspecies habitatconservationendangerstruggle reserveextinctsurvivalwildwildlife How many Siberian tigers are left now ? How many animal species are now in danger? What have The Chinese and

10、Russian governments done to help save the tigers natural habit ? Which animal is the symbol of the World Wide Fund for Nature?only about 1,000They have created the Hunchun Nature Reserve .The giant panda12,000 animal speciesStep 4: Language Points One of + 最高级 + 可数名词的复数形式 表示: “ 中最 之一 ”。谓语用单数eg : The

11、 Great Wall is one of the longest walls over the world. 2) We think monkey is one of the cleverest animals . the number of 表示: “ 的数量 ”这个结构倘若作句子的主语,谓语动词用单数。 eg: The number of students in our class is 50.2) The number of the pandas living in the wild has increased to about 1590.When the buying stops, the killing can too.没有买卖就没有杀害Step 5 Look at the pictures , what can you see ?


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