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1、 Unit 3 Green TransportationA FAMOUS QUOTEThe earth provides enough to satisfy every mans need, but not every mans greed. Mohandas Gandhi地球可以满足人类的需求,但无法填平人类的欲壑。莫汉达斯 甘地Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948), preeminent leader of the Indian nationalist movement against British rule, also a worldwide icon of nonv

2、iolent political resistance. 圣雄甘地(1869 1948 )是印度民族主义运动的杰出领导者,他带领国家反抗英国的殖民统治。他也是全世界范围的“非暴力”政治抵抗运动的偶像。Speaking ActivityMaking an ApologySample DialogueRead the following conversation. Pay attention to how the speakers apologize and accept an apology.Becky: Curt.Curt: Oh, hi.Becky: Can I talk to you fo

3、r a minute? Curt: Im really busy right now.Becky: Just a minute. I promise it wont take long.Curt: Okay. Lets talk over here.Becky: Curt, Im really sorry I told Joyce that you had a crush on her. We were talking last Friday and it just slipped out. Curt: But I told you about Joyce in confidence. Bec

4、ky: I know. Its totally my fault. I really regret saying anything. I wish I could take it back. I just want you to know Im really sorry and I hope youll accept my apology. Curt: Whats done is done. I was really annoyedwhen I found out this morning, but Ive got over it now.Guided PracticeDirections:

5、Work with your partner and make up a situation in which you apologize to him or her. You may use the following phrases to help you.I must apologize for Please forgive me for my Im terribly sorry for Its all my fault. Never mind. Forget it. Text ANew Words1、manifesto n. a written statement in which a

6、 group of people, especially a political party, explain their beliefs and say what they will do if they win an election 宣言2、privilege n. a special right or advantage that a particular person or group of people 特殊利益;优惠待遇3、haunt n. a place that somebody visits often or where they spend a lot of time 常

7、去的场所 4、symbolize v. to be a symbol of something 象征;是的象征;代表5、independence n. the freedom to organize your own life, make your own decisions, etc. without needing help from other people 自主;自立6、peer n. a person who is the same age or who has the same social status as you 身份(或地位不相同的人;同龄人;同辈7、assistance

8、n. help or support 帮助;援助;支持8、beckon n. to appear very attractive to somebody 吸引;诱惑9、transportation n. a system for carrying people or goods from one place to another using vehicles, road, etc. 交通运输系统10、available adj. (of things) that you can get, buy or find 可获得的;可购得的;可找到的11、propaganda n. ideas or s

9、tatements that may be false or exaggerated and that are used in order to gain support for a political leader, party, etc. 宣传;鼓吹 12、transition n. the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another 过渡;转变13、vehicle n. a thing that is used for transporting people or goods from on

10、e place to another, such as a car or lorry/truck 交通工具;车辆14、commute n. the journey to and from work every day 上下班路程15、aware adj. knowing or realizing something 知道;意识到;明白16、negative adj. bad or harmful 坏的;有害的17、impact n. the powerful effect that something has on somebody/something 巨大影响;强大作用18、sprawl n

11、. an act of spreading to cover a large area in an untidy way; something that spreads like this 随意扩展蔓延;蔓延物19、fatality n. a death that is caused in an accident or a war, or by violence or disease (事故、战争、疾病等中的)死亡20、subject v. to make somebody/something experience, suffer or be affected by something, us

12、ually something unpleasant 使经受;使遭受21、rarely adv. not very often 罕有;很少;不常22、coupe n. a car with two doors and usually a sloping back (通常斜背的)双门小汽车23、primary adj. main; most important; basic 主要的;最重要的;基本的24、slippery adj. difficult to hold or to stand or move on, because it is smooth, wet or polished 滑的;

13、滑得抓不住(或站不稳、难以行走)的25、practical adj. (of things) useful or suitable 有用的;适用的26、sensible adj. (of clothes, etc.) useful rather than fashionable (服装等)朴素而实用的27、occasional adj. happening or done sometimes but not often 偶尔的;偶然的28、inconvenience n. a person or thing that causes problems or difficulties 带来不便者;

14、麻烦的人(或事物)29、eavesdrop v. to listen secretly to what other people are saying 偷听,窃听(其他人说话)30、gossip n. a person who enjoys talking about other peoples private lives 喜欢传播流言蜚语的人;爱说长道短的人31、giggle v. to laugh in a silly way because you are amused, embarrassed or nervous 咯咯地笑;傻笑32、toddler n. a child who ha

15、s only recently learnt to walk 学步的儿童;刚学会走路的孩子33、nap n. a short sleep, especially during the day (日间的)小睡,打盹34、camaraderie n. a feeling of friendship and trust among people who work or spend a lot of time together 同事情谊;友情35、vibrant adj. full of life and energy 充满生气的;生机勃勃的 36、majesty n. the impressive

16、and attractive quality that something has 雄伟壮观;庄严;威严37、sacred adj. very important and treated with great respect 受尊重的;受崇敬的38、resource n. a supply of something that a country, an organization or a person has and can use, especially to increase their wealth 资源Phrases and Expressions1、on demand done or

17、 happening whenever somebody asks 一经要求 2、except for used before you mention the only thing or person about which a statement is not true (用于所言不包括的人或事物前)除之外3、leavebehind to leave a person, place or state permanently 永久离开(某人、某地或某国)4、subjectto to make somebody/something experience, suffer or be affecte

18、d by, something, usually something unpleasant 使经受;使遭受5、believe in to think that something is good, right or acceptable 认为某事好(或对、可接受)Proper NamesPike Place Market 派克市场(位于美国西雅图)Seattle Center 西雅图中心Puget Sound 普吉特海湾(位于美国华盛顿州)Mount Rainier 雷尼尔山(美国华盛顿州西部喀斯喀特山脉的一座火山)Text APre-reading Questions1.Which mean

19、s of transport do you prefer in daily life? 2.What are the greenest ways to travel? Bus Chicks ManifestoWhen I was in the third grade, I started riding the Metro bus alone. At first, I was only allowed to ride to school, but eventually my parents extended the privilege to include my favorite childho

20、od haunts: Grandmas apartment, Pike Place Market and, in the summer, Seattle Center. Back then, the bus symbolized independence. It gave me a power rare among my eight-year-old peers: the ability to get around the city without the assistance of an adult.By the time I turned 16, a new power beckoned:

21、 a form of transportation that was available on demand and did not require an umbrella or an extra pair of gloves. Like most young Americans, I believed the auto industrys propaganda that a car was necessary for my transition to adulthood. For the next ten years except for a short time in college, w

22、hen I found myself unable to afford a vehicle of my own I left the bus behind. But then I accepted a job at a software company based 15 miles outside the city. During my commutes, I became more aware of the negative impact of car culture: pollution, sprawl, isolation and fatalities. I began to quest

23、ion my right to subject my beloved city to the impact of my choices. So I returned to my roots and began riding the bus to work. Eventually, I was using my car so rarely that I decided to try living without one. I sold my lovely silver coupe in March 2003 and have used the bus as my primary means of

24、 transport ever since.Riding the bus isnt always fun. I dont like riding it on rainy days, when the floor is slippery and the windows are so fogged- up that you cant see your stop. I dont like standing when the bus crowded. I dont like drivers who ride the brakes. I dont like practical hairstyles or

25、 sensible shoes. Despite these occasional inconveniences, I will never go back to driving, because what I believe is this:I believe in sitting next to my neighbors, in saying “Howre you doing today?“ and “Nice weather, isnt it?“ I believe in feeling the sun on my skin, in breathing fresh air and mov

26、ing my body. I believe in eavesdropping. I believe in novels you cant put down. I believe in business people and teenage lovers, middle-aged gossips and giggling toddlers. I believe in watching and listening. I believe in naps. I believe in the camaraderie that develops among riders late at night, w

27、hen the smooth-voiced driver plays jazz loud enough for everyone to enjoy.I believe in clean air, in keeping cities populous and vibrant, and in protecting our remaining farmland and forests. I believe in the beauty of Puget Sound and the majesty of Mount Rainier. I believe that human life is sacred

28、, that the worlds resources should be shared and that every choice matters.I believe that change is possible if all of us ride.Key Sentences1. At first, I was only allowed to ride to school, but eventually my parents extended the privilege to include my favorite childhood haunts: 起初,我只是被准许乘车去学校,但最终父

29、母给我更多的权利,我可以去我最喜欢的儿童场所: 2. It gave me a power rare among my eight-year-old peers: the ability to get around the city without the assistance of an adult.它给予我在其他八岁的同龄人中一项少有的权力:在没有成人的协助下,去往城市的任何一个角落。3. By the time I turned 16, a new power beckoned: a form of transportation that was available on demand

30、and did not require an umbrella or an extra pair of gloves. 我 16岁的时候,一项新的力量吸引着我:一种新型的交通方式应运而生,而且不需要雨伞或是额外的一副手套。4. I believed the auto industrys propaganda that a car was necessary for my transition to adulthood.我认为汽车行业的宣传是对的:汽车是我向成人过渡时期必需品。5. But then I accepted a job at a software company based 15

31、miles outside the city. 那时候我接受了一份距离城市 15英里的一个软件公司的工作。6. I began to question my right to subject my beloved city to the impact of my choices.我开始反思:我有什么权利让我钟爱的城市因我的选择而遭受破坏?7. I sold my lovely silver coupe in March 2003 and have used the bus as my primary means of transport ever since. 2003 年 3 月,我卖掉了我

32、心爱的那辆银色的斜背双门小汽车,从那以后,公交车成为我出行的主要交通工具。8. I dont like riding it on rainy days, when the floor is slippery and the windows are so fogged- up that you cant see your stop.我不喜欢在雨天乘车,车地板非常的滑,而且车窗蒙了一层雾以至于你根本看不清楚车站。9. I dont like drivers who ride the brakes.我不喜欢开车时一直脚踩刹车的司机。10. I believe that human life is s

33、acred, that the worlds resources should be shared and that every choice matters. 我相信,人的生命是神圣的,世界上的资源应该被共享,我们所做出的每一个选择都是至关重要的。Notes1.Bus Chick: Freelance writer Carla Saulter, aka Bus Chick, blogs about transit riding on her website, . She serves on Sealtles Transit Master Plan Advisory Board. Ms. Sa

34、ulter and her husband and two children enjoy life without owning their own car.2. Metro: the bus system in Seattle 西雅图的公交系统Exercises. Checking Your ComprehensionDirections: Choose the best answer to each question from the information given in the passage.1 .When the author was young, riding a bus al

35、one was a symbol of_.A) wealth B) courageC) independence D) power答疑编号 506494030301:针对该题提问【正确答案】C【答案解析】第一段第三句,the bus symbolized independence.由此可知,答案 C符合题意。答案为 C。2. According to the author, what did most American young people believe?A) It was fashionable to work in the car industry.B) A car was nece

36、ssary on their path to adulthood.C) It was dangerous to drive a car alone.D) They should buy a car without the assistance of an adult.答疑编号 506494030302:针对该题提问【正确答案】B【答案解析】根据第二段第二句 like most young Americans, I believeda car was necessary formy transition to adulthood.由此看出,作者和其他大多数的美国青年一样,认为拥有一辆汽车在向成人

37、过渡的过程中非常必要。答案为 B。3. What did the author realize when working with a software company?A) It was troublesome to take the bus.B) Everyday life without a car would be impossible.C) The use of cars did harm to the environment.D) Traffic jams caused a lot of inconvenience.答疑编号 506494030303:针对该题提问【正确答案】C【答

38、案解析】第二段第五句,作者在上下班过程中意识到了开车有许多消极的影响:pollution,sprawl, isolation and fatalities。首先可以排除 A和 B。根据上述四个单词,可以排除 D。C 项与 pollution对应。答案为 C。4. What was the authors attitude towards taking the bus after she sold the car?A) She didnt enjoy riding the bus when the weather was terrible.B) She found that using publ

39、ic transport was very time-consuming.C) She enjoyed it in spite of occasional inconveniences.D) She found that the public transport of the city was well-developed.答疑编号 506494030304:针对该题提问【正确答案】C【答案解析】文章的第三至五自然段是写卖车后自己的感受:虽然乘公交车有时不太方便,但相对于开车来说,还是有更多的乐趣。可以首先排除在文中没有涉及的选项 B和 D。A 项片面,只讲了乘车的不便这一个方面。答案为 C。

40、5. What is the authors purpose in writing this article?A) To ask people to sell their cars.B) To encourage people to ride bicycles to work if possible.C) To call on people to take action to protect the environment.D) To remind people to be friendly to others when taking the bus.答疑编号 506494030305:针对该

41、题提问【正确答案】C【答案解析】本文作者以自身经历卖掉汽车改乘公交上下班为例,并历数了乘车的好处,以此来号召大家绿色出行,达到保护环境的目的。B 项中出现了 ride bicycles (骑自行车),本文并未提倡骑自行车,只是倡导绿色出行,关键还是希望人们保护环境。答案为 C。 Building Your VocabularySection ADirections: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.1.The lion is t

42、he _ of courage. ( symbol, symbolize) 答疑编号 506494030306:针对该题提问【正确答案】symbol狮子是勇敢的象征。【答案解析】定冠词 the后需要填入一个名词。symbol,的象征;symbolize,v.象征、是的象征。答案为 symbol。2. I tried to contact him but was _ to. (able, unable) 答疑编号 506494030307:针对该题提问【正确答案】unable我试图联系他,但是没有能联系上。【答案解析】本句中的 but是转折连词。句子想表达的意思是,我试图联系他,但是没有联系上。

43、答案为 unable。3. Parking in this street is the _ of the residents. ( privilege, privileged) 答疑编号 506494030308:针对该题提问【正确答案】privilege在这条街上停车是此地居民的优惠待遇。【答案解析】定冠词 the后需要填入一个名词,此处名词 + of 作定语。privilege,n.优惠待遇;privileged,adj.享有特权的、特许的。答案为 privilege。4. Despite his cries, no one came to his _ . (assist, assista

44、nce) 答疑编号 506494030309:针对该题提问【正确答案】assistance尽管他大声喊叫,但没有人来帮助他。【答案解析】此处宾语不全,需要一个名词。assist,n.帮助、援助;assistance,n.帮助、支持。答案为 assistance。5. With _ exceptions, he does not appear in public now. ( rare, rarely) 答疑编号 506494030310:针对该题提问【正确答案】rare 除了极少数例外情况,他现在不在公开场合出现。【答案解析】这里需要形容词做定语。rare,adj.很少、极少;rarely 是

45、其副词形式。with rare exceptions 可理解为,(除了)少数例外。答案为 rare。6. It was a great _ to have the doctor living near us. (convenience, inconvenience) 答疑编号 506494030311:针对该题提问【正确答案】convenience我们住得离医生不远,这很方便。【答案解析】convenience,n.方便;inconvenience,n.不方便。根据句意,住得离医生近有很大方便。答案为 convenience。Section BDirections: Fill in the b

46、lanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.available resources independence subjectedprimary occasional giggling slippery1 .Many of the villagers rely on fishing as their _ source of income. 答疑编号 506494030312:针对该题提问【正确答案】primary 许多村民依靠捕鱼作为他们的主要收入来源。【答案解析】需要形容词作定语,修饰宾语。primary,

47、adj.主要的。primary source of income 主要的收入来源。答案为 primary。 2. There are not many jobs _ due to the economic crisis. 答疑编号 506494030313:针对该题提问【正确答案】available 由于经济危机没有许多工作机会可提供。【答案解析】available,adj.可获得的、可得到的。available 一般放于所修饰的名词后。答案为 available。3. Having a job gives you financial _. 答疑编号 506494030314:针对该题提问【正

48、确答案】independence 有一份工作赋予你经济独立。【答案解析】缺少宾语,应填入名词。financial independence 经济独立。答案为independence。4. If you cant stop _, youll have to leave the room. 答疑编号 506494030315:针对该题提问【正确答案】giggling 如果你不停止傻笑,你必须离开这个房间。【答案解析】 stop doing sth.停止做某事。giggle,v.傻笑。答案为 giggling。5. The country almost entirely depends on imp

49、orts for lack of natural _. 答疑编号 506494030316:针对该题提问【正确答案】resources 由于缺乏自然资源,这个国家几乎完全依赖进口。【答案解析】缺少作宾语的名词。natural resource 自然资源、天然资源。答案为resources。6. Police _ the suspect to hours of questioning. 答疑编号 506494030317:针对该题提问【正确答案】subjected 警察对这个嫌疑犯询问几个小时。【答案解析】本句没有谓语。subject,v.使经受、使遭受。注意动词时态,此处可以用一般过去时。答案为 subjected。Section CDirections:


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