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1、五、选择填空(10 分)( )1. This my classroomA. am B. is ( )2. We have 6 new A. light B. lights ( )3. go and see.A. Lets B. Let ( )4. Amy: Where is your picture?Mike: A. Its near the door. B. Lets go and have a look! ( )5. Mike: Miss White: Thank you!A. Let me clean the blackboard. B. Let me help you. 八、根据所给中

2、文情景提示,选择正确的答案。(10 分)( ) 1. 你想让同学帮你开下门,你可以说:A. Open the door, please. B. Turn on the door, please( ) 2. 想让对方跟你一起去看看, 可以说:A. May I have a look? B. Lets go and see.( ) 3. 如何说自己丢了笔记本:A. I lost my notebook. B. Good job.( ) 4. 当你的同学把他的新书包拿给你看时,你可以说:A. Wow, its nice. B. All right.( ) 5.你想看一下别人的东西,应该说:A.May

3、 I see it ? B.I have a book.六、选择合适的句子,把对话补充完整,将字母编号填在横线上。 (10 分)A. My father is a teacher. B. Can I have some rice?C. How many rooms do you have? D. What would you like for dinner?E. Is this your bedroom?A: Welcome to my home.B:_A: We have six rooms. A living room, a study, two bedrooms, a kitchen a

4、nd a bathroom.B: _A: No, its my study. B: Whats your father?A:_B: Where is your mother?A: My mother is in the kitchen._B: Id like some fish and soup.A: Dinner Is ready. Help yourself.B: Thank you. _-A: Sure, here you are.四、找出下列句子的汉语意思,并把序号填在括号内。(10分)1. ( )How many storybooks do you have?2. ( ) I hav

5、e a new schoolbag.3. ( ) Put your notebook under your bag.4. ( ) How many English books can you see?5. ( ) What colour is your bag?A. 我有一个新书包。 B.你能看到多少本英语书? C.你有多少本故事书? D.你的书包是什么颜色的? E.把你的笔记本放在你的书包下面。六、选择与图片对应的句子,并把序号填在括号中。 (10 分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )(A). Turn on the light . (B). Clean the floor . (C)

6、. Open the door. (D). Clean the board. (E). Clean the window.三、单项选择。( ) 1. Is it your pen? _A. Yes, is it. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, he is.( ) 2. Where is Mike? _A. Its in the study. B. Shes in the study. C. Hes in the study.( ) 3. Look _ that room.A. in B. to C. at( ) 4. Is your mother in the kitchen?

7、 No, _.A. she is B. she isnt C. he isnt( ) 5. Where is Amy? _A. Shes in the bedroom. B. Hes in the bedroom. C. Its in the bedroom.( ) 6. Lets go _ school.A. at B. to C. on( ) 7. My glasses _ on the desk.A. is B. am C. are( ) 8. _ you like my toy? Yes, I do.A. Can B. Are C. Do二、读单词,辨音,相同的“” ,不同的“” 。(

8、 ) 1. cute excuse ( ) 2. use duck ( )3. computer use ( ) 4. chair school ( ) 5. look book ( ) 6. apple face五、读一读,排序。( ) Mom, where is my maths book?( ) What colour is it?( ) Look, it is on the fridge(冰箱).( ) No, it isnt.( ) I dont know. Is it on the desk?( ) Its yellow and blue.( ) Oh, thank you,Mom

9、.六、读一读,连一连。1. Is Sarah in the study? A. Its on the table.2. Where is my new bag? B. Yes, they are.3. Are they on the desk ? C. No, she isnt.4. Where are you? D. I can see a bed.5. What can you see in my room? E. We are in the living room. 四、根据问句选答句 。( )1、Whats your aunt ? A、Shes a there. B 、Shes a n

10、urse .( ) 2、Whos that man ? A、Hes a doctor . B、Hes my father .( ) 3、 Who are they ? A、There are four . B、They are my parents .( ) 4、How many people are there in your family?A、There are five . B、They are fine .( ) 5、Is he a farmer ? A、Yes,he is . B、Hes a teacher .( ) 6、Are they teachers ? A、No ,they

11、arent . B、Theyre farmers .五、根据情景选择答案。( ) 1、你想问对方母亲从事什么工作,你应说: A、What does your mother do ? B 、Whats your mother ?( )2、你想表达家里有六口人,你应说: A 、My family has six members . B、 My family has six people.( )3、你想问对方家里有多少人,你应说: A 、How many people in your family ?B 、How many people are there in your family?六、读一读,

12、给下列句子选择一个合适的中文。把编号填在括号里。( )1. Whats your mother?. A. 他们是谁?( )2. My family has three members. B. 他喜欢运动!( )3. Whats he? C. 我的姑姑是一位老师。( )4. And this is my sister. D. 他们是农民吗?( )5. Are they farmers?. E. 我家里有三人。( )6. My uncle is a driver. F. 你的妈妈时做什么的?( )7. He likes sports! G. 这个男人是谁?( )8. Whos this man?.

13、 H. 我叔叔是一名司机。( )9. My aunt is a teacher. I. 他是做什么的?( )10 Who are they? J. 这是我的妹妹。七、读一读,给下列问句选择正确的答句,并把编号填在括号里。( )1. Whats your mother?. A. He is a doctor.( )2. Who is your aunt?. B. Miss White is my aunt.( )3. Whats he? C. He is my uncle( )4. Is this you brother?. D. She is a nurse.( )5. Are they fa

14、rmers?. E. No, I dont.( )6. Do you like music? F. There are 7( )7. What would you like? G. They are my parents and me( )8. Whos this man?. H. Yes, they are.( )9. How many people are there in your family? I. Yes, he is. ( )10 Who are they? J. Id like some tea.一、看图,找出相应的单词,把单词的编号填在图下的括号里。A. computer B

15、. spoon C. driver D. soup E. friageF. kitchen G. key H. lion I. storybook J. floor( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二 .看图,打“” 或打“”( ) ( )1) I have two Chinese books. 2) This is a board.( ) ( ) ( )3) I like sports. 4) He is thin. 5) He is a farmer.三.读问句选答句,把序号填在横线上1) Is she in the bedroom? _A No

16、, they arent. B Yes, she is.2) Whats your father? _ A Hes a doctor. B Yes, he is.3) How many people are there in your family? _A. Three B Theyre my parents and me.4) Whats his name? _ A .His name is Zhang Peng. B. He is tall and strong. 5) What colour is it? _ A .Its an orange. B. Its orange.四、读一读,写

17、一写1) I have a blue . 2) He likes to eat .3) My mother is a good . 4) The book is on the . 5) Welcome to my . 五、根据 A 栏所给的问题,在 B 栏中找出相应的答句,把它编号填在左边的括号里。( )1. Whats in your schoolbag? A. His name is Jack.( )2. Can I have some rice , please? B. I have twenty.( ) 3. How many hats do you have? C. Three bo

18、oks and two erasers. ( )4. Whats his name? D. Its under the chair.( )5. Where is the ball? E. Sure. Here you are.一、 把英语单词的汉语意思的序号写( 15 分)( ) 1.floor ( )2.classroom ( )3.teachers desk ( )4.science ( ) 5.door ( )6.light ( )7.board ( )8.window ( )9.quiet ( ) 10.strong A、文静的 B、科学 C、窗户 D、教室 E、门 F、写字板 G、灯 H、地板 I、讲桌


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